“weng! ”

Hollow empty Tremor in the temple, aura constantly fluttering.

In the main seat, Qin Yi’s imposing manner is more and more forformable, and the dazzling golden light is tumbling on it, like a fireworks.

Peak ancient holy.

Each one is standing at the top of the thousand world, cultivation base world-shaking, is the closest to the existence of the Great!

A thousand worlds, at most, will be able to give birth to a few live ancient saints.

This is the case with Heavenly Shining Continent’s too Hollow.

Such a person, even in the sacred world of Daqian World, Ancient Emperor, and martial arts, is also a number of characters!

If one of the thousand worlds can give birth to a peak ancient holy, then World will be able to become the second-rate strength of the eastern boundary.

It is even more possible to conquer other Worlds and turn them into the territory of the own body, such as the Tianmangjiejie outside Heavenly Shining Continent.

Qin Yi relies on the Strength of System to transform a peak of ancient sanctification into a body. If other people know it, I am afraid to jump.

Moreover, this is also the parent of a great emperor, the practice of the Martial Arts cultivation technique, far more than the average peak ancient St., to be stronger!


A white aura of milk, lingering in the temple.

Warm, warm, vital, bright… all kinds of charms, revealed from the milk white aura, evolved World.

“weng! ”

I saw that the surrounding Guanghua was destroyed and evolved to one side of World.

Mountains, oceans, suns, and bright moons are manifested in World, as if they were a real World without Hollow.

Qin eyes closed sitting in this world, feeling the mystery of the law!


Qin Yi within the body’s original law is shaking, blooming ray of light.

With a slight mouth, I saw countless spiritual qi merge into a storm, and I fell into the mouth of Qin Yi and was absorbed by her like Whale Absorbing Water!

The Guard in the palace was alarmed and countless people looked up.

A spiritual qi storm running through the sky, pouring into the temple, is amazing!

“weng! ”

After a scent, the storm gradually stopped.

“This is the beginning of the emperor’s emperor’s emperor, far-reaching, and is a formidable cultivation technique.

Evolving World in the beginning of the world, and then using the evolution of World, suppressing the enemy, cultivation to the late stage, it is possible to evolve nine thousand worlds, one force to drop ten meetings! ”

Qin Yi slowly opened his eyes and exclaimed in his mouth.

Just now, he was performing the primacy of the Crown Prince practice at the beginning of the age, and it was also the cultivation technique created by the great emperor.

Every Martial Artist who can prove the great emperor is a great person.

An emperor, the Martial Arts that was created after the emperor stepped out of his own path, could not be said to be forformable!

The Taishi Emperor was created by the great emperor of the early Tai dynasty. For Qin Yi, there are many trade-offs.

A little practice, there is a certain flaw in the cultivation base of Qin Yi’s deity, because the systematic reward of the soaring Strength is also solid.

Even, the speed of the immortality medicine pill force that stays in the purple house is also a lot faster!

It is a pity that this emperor is good, but not as good as True Dragon, and he wants to match his practice.

Needless to say, True Dragon has been promoted to the Middle-Level, which is far superior to the Grade Rank of the First Emperor!

For the first time, for Qin Yi, the actual effect is not great. On the contrary, Crown Prince’s own Culture Base Realm is more useful for Qin Yi.

Under the influence of System Slaughtering Point, Ye Tian took control of the Crown Prince’s body at the beginning, and with the Crown Prince’s practice experience, Martial Arts, and Culture Base Realm, all together!

Therefore, Qin Yi also mastered the practice experience of Crown Prince in the beginning, and it was the experience of stepping into martial arts and then making the peak ancient holy!

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