“weng! ”

The golden light of the dragonfly, wrapped around the Crown Prince in the beginning.

His expressions are constantly changing with the dawn of golden light, or pain, or fear, or fear, and so on.

Seeing the servants on the side, it is extremely shocking!

It wasn’t until a quarter of an hour later that the Crown Prince’s look was restored.

When you blink again, the soul of Crown Prince has been replaced at the beginning!

“The deity, you really don’t let me rest for a day.”

‘In the beginning, Crown Prince’ came up with a random battle. The invisible shackles on his body seemed to cease to exist, and he smiled at Qin Yi.

Qin Yi smiled and didn’t speak.

At the moment, the ‘Crown Prince’ is no longer the Crown Prince, but the Qin Yi’s avatar. In the beginning, the soul of the Crown Prince has been replaced by Qin Yi as his avatar, Ye Tian.

“Ding! Replaces the Crown Prince with a cost of five million Slaughtering Point.”

The prompt sound of the System also sounds.

It took a total of five million Slaughtering Points, which replaced the soul of the Crown Prince.

However, Qin Yi did not have a slight accident.

Anyway, this is too early Crown Prince is also a peak ancient holy!

Moreover, it is still a supreme talent in the list of the emperor’s alternate list. It costs five million Slaughtering Point and can be turned into a avatar. In fact, Qin Yi is a big earner.

If it is not the magical use of Slaughtering Point, Qin Yi wants to transform the Crown Prince into the beginning, it is impossible.

Even if he sits outside and incarnates this divine ability, it is impossible to do this.

Simply, with the role of Slaughtering Point, it is impossible to be natural, and the Crown Prince will be transformed into his avatar!

Peak ancient sacred, for 朕 !!

“As for you…”

Muir, Qin Yi’s eyes looked towards the servants brought by the Crown Prince.




“Let’s ask this adult, let us go, we must keep our mouth shut, nothing will be said!”

These servants were suddenly scared and slammed into Qin Yi.

I have been rushing to the head and breaking the blood, and there is no sense of stopping!

Including, the ancient holy giant, there are no exceptions.

They are really scared, even in the early days of Crown Prince, Qin Yi said killing and killing, turned into their avatars, not to mention them.

“Hey, it’s useless to leave you, and again, only the mouth of the dead is the strictest!”

Qin Yi shook head whisper.

With this at the same time, Ye Tian suddenly turned back and slowly extended a finger.


The fingers of the jade are like a jade, slowly pressing over Hollow.

Under this finger, the yin and yang are divided, and Hollow is cut into two halves!

A faint glow, flowing at the tip of your finger, and in the eyes of the servants, the will contained in it is like the reminder of Death God!

“no no!”

The servants, the expression of incomparable fear, screaming again and again.

a path of blood marks, they burst from their bodies, the red blood bursts out, and the life aura continues to pass.

“weng! ”

In the end, Ye Tian’s finger has not yet fallen, and the signs of life of these servants have disappeared!

One finger, the ancient servant died!

With just a few breaths, Ye Tian has already mastered all the Strengths of the Crown Prince’s body in the beginning.

Even, from the beginning of the Crown Prince within the body, Ye Tian realized that the secret technique mastered by Crown Prince in the beginning was passed to the Qin Yi deity in a moment, which made Qin Yi gain a lot.

Promote the practice of the deity by the ancestor of the peak ancient holy.

That is, Qin Yi can do this, and this exception is in All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

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