The Crown experience of Crown Prince.

With this practice experience, Qin Yi’s control over his own strength will also rise!

“But it’s too early, and it’s not good for the practice of 朕.

This scripture was created by a great emperor, which also contains the understanding of the Dao of the Emperor-Sovereign. ”

Qin Yi is in the heart.

He majored in the Emperor Great Dao, most concerned about the emperor’s understanding.

From the beginning of the emperor, he can also comprehend the emperor’s understanding of the Emperor Great Dao.

After all, the great emperor was also the master of a dynasty, even if he was not the Emperor Great Dao, there would be insights.

Generally speaking, after the establishment of the imperial dynasty, each great emperor will be a minor to the Emperor Great Dao, and even before he stepped into the emperor, he will supplement the Emperor Great Dao.

“The deity, I should also leave.”

At this time, Ye Tian started to talk.


Hear this, Qin Yi said not to care.

Originally, he turned Crown Prince into his avatar in the beginning, in order to use the identity of Crown Prince in the early days to go to the Eastern Frontier to inquire about intelligence.

In the early days, Crown Prince, as a Crown Prince in the early days, knew a lot of things, but in fact, there were not many talks, and some secrets were not well known.

For example, the strength background of the Emperor of the Heavens, the Crown Prince is not very clear!

Perhaps, in the early Crown Prince’s view, if there is no over-the-air emperor overseeing, the mixed-day emperor is not worth mentioning in front of the imperial court.

For Bulo Dynasty, this is not the case!

Then again, it is also a dynasty, controlling a big world, a few thousand worlds, and the strength is still more than Bulo Dynasty.

And these things, you need Qin Yi to ask.

But Bulo Dynasty’s first palm is full of glory, and Qin Yi can’t leave Heavenly Shining Continent at this time.

At this time, the best candidate will fall on Ye Tian!

In addition, Qin Yi, in addition to borrowing the identity of the Crown Prince in the beginning, explores the Hollow reality of the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor, and intends to let Ye Tian’s identity as Crown Prince in the early days of the Emperor!

At the beginning of the Crown Prince’s practice experience, it was just a surprise harvest that’s all.

“weng! ”

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders and stepped on the air. He tore Hollow and sneak into the chaos.

Just leave a sentence floating: “The three summon opportunities, I will use it.”


Qin Yi smiled and did not refute.

If you want to control an emperor, it is not enough to rely on Ye Tian alone.

Previously, Qin Yi got three chances of summon, which was best used by Ye Angel.

If it is possible to recruit a strong savvy, Ye Tian will control the difficulty of the early imperial dynasty, and it will be much lower.

“weng! ”

Seeing that Ye Tian’s body shape disappeared, Qin Yi did not leave, closed his eyes and continued to organize the practice experience of Crown Prince at the beginning.

Remove the unsuitable part and leave the part that suits him.

Go to its dross and leave its essence!

“hōng lòng !”

For a moment, Hollow Empty Tremor, countless spiritual qi gathered.

The magnificent spiritual qi gathers into a long river and pours into the Baihui hole of Qin Yi.

Rolling chaos is flowing in the middle of the river. I don’t know how many Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi are gathered. Every drop contains infinite energy!

Qin Yi controls the mountains and rivers, and even the great formation left by Sun Wukong, Qin Yi is also the first controller.

During the meditation, he can transfer the spiritual qi of the square, for his practice!

True Dragon is running wildly, swallowing spiritual qi and turning it into its own mana.

Thousands of spiritual qi are added to the body, and the hundred feet are a step closer!

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