
With the wrath of the cold sage, it seems that there is only such an artistic conception.

Cold and bones!

“Too terrifying, is this Strength of Great Elder?”

Countless ice palace Discipe, looking at the sky, secretly tongue.

In the past, they only heard about Great Elder’s formidable, but they never saw Great Elder.

Even for tens of thousands of years, they have only grown up in the name of the sage.

Until now, they really saw what is called a saint!

What is great!

One thought, freeze Vault of Heaven!

“weng! ”

A resounding resounding of Heaven and Earth, in the blink of an eye, throughout the Ice Palace, and even the entire Snowy Dynasty.

In the cold of the ice blue, a huge silhouette stood out from Hollow’s air.

Thousand zhang body, proud of Hollow empty!

Surging in the ice, revealing a pair of indifferent scorpions, as if under this gaze, everything will be frozen!

The sage’s law!

Too cold Immortal!

This is the sage method of the sacred cultivation of the cold, and it is why she is called too cold!

“Qin Yi, if you are in Bulo Dynasty, you are old, you can’t help you.”

But you dare to embark on the Ice Palace, and make a big noise in the Ice Palace. Your fate is destined, and it should be killed by the old man! ”

The cold sage is cold and delicious.

“weng! ”

Another tremor, like a cold moon, rising.

The cold moon is on the scene, and the surrounding temperature drops again. It is like the extremely cold hell of the bottom of the nine secluded!

Immediately, this cold moon lifted off, hanging over the cold law!

“Sacred Item, Cold Moon!”

A group of ice and snow palace Disciple, suddenly recognized the foot of the cold moon.

It’s awesome, the Sacred Item of the cold sage, the cold moon wheel made of extremely chilly and chilly!

Too cold law, head hanging cold moon, sprinkling moonlight!

At this moment, the cold sage is like a god in the snow coming from the nine secluded!

Step out of the nine secluded, overlooking the years!

“This time, this Qin Yi must be dead!”

A group of ice and snow palace Disciple, Zhang mouth is to set the assertion.

The Disciple is looked towards Qin Yi’s eyes, full of pity!

“Tell you to humiliate my ice palace, this is the end!”

There are some Disciples, whispering curses, and the face is extremely fast.

“Qin Yi, your life, I accepted it!”

The cold sage is indifferent, overlooking Qin Yi.

“kill me?”

Qin Yi is holding hands, coldly at the cold sage.

Even if the cold sages called out the cold law, and took out the cold moon, Qin Yi did not move.

Instead, the expression in the eyes is more ice-cold and deeper.

And this, none of the cold sages, and the happy Ice Palace Disciple found that only the peerless goddess, Lin Yunxue noticed.


Lin Yunxue cred out in surprise, but has not yet waited for its start to talk.

Qin Yi has already started to talk.

I saw him exhaling, and the word stopped said: “Then I will kill you first, never die!”

“Zi Long!”


The sly silhouette, suddenly stepped on the air and stood opposite the cold sage.


Then, Zhao Yun stepped on the foot, the boundless blood qi went straight into the sky!

A terrifying blood qi, instantly like a big day, sweeping away the chill between Heaven and Earth.

“Bulo Zhao Yun, the order of the emperor, take the first class!”

Zhao Yun stood proudly with a gun, screamed in the mouth, and angered.


The white armor, the glory of the release, in the end, he was enveloped in the silver flame, intertwined with his terrifying blood qi.

If the god of war is coming, fight for the emperor!

Long spear is in hand.

Unbreakable enemy!

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