The eyes of the cold sage are slightly stunned, gazing at Zhao Yun in front of them.

“Junior, are you going to provoke the old man?”

The cold sage is full of white hair flying, proudly Hollow empty, eyes like a million ice.

To be honest, Zhao Yun’s imposing manner and cultivation base are very strong, but they are not in her eyes.

Still, not a saint, after all, a mortal!

Zhao Yun did not answer, a look of indifference at the cold sage, straight to see the cold sage, the dissatisfaction of the heart became more and more intense.


I saw that Zhao Yun stepped on it and disappeared instantly.


The cold sage was shocked, and his heart suddenly exploded. He saw a long spear of bright silver and pointed at her.

Silver light is like a practice, haunting all around, terrifying blood qi pervasive!

This gun, like the same ancient god of war, pierced a shot from the unknown era, and broke the time.

After three thousand miles in the sky, the eyes will be in front of the cold sage.

Its speed is fast, and it is too cold for the saint to respond.


Only the law of the too cold Immortal, the instinct of the lord, only the hand emptiness, grabbed the bright silver gentian gun.

Long spear gun momentum unchanged, continue to go forward, through the cold law, straight stab the cold saint.


The tip of the gun went straight into the flesh and blood, and the cold sage suddenly burst into a blood mist.

Immediately, the whole person flew out and broke through countless ancient palaces and fell into the depths of the Ice Palace.

The scene is dead.

A face of the excited Ice Palace Disciple, the smile on his face suddenly solidified, the incredible looks at the scene.

“This…this is impossible!”

Disciples are all stupid, and this scene is completely beyond their imagination.

This is totally different from what they expected!

The Taihan ancestor is a sage, aloof and remote, overlooking the heavens and the sky.

This and the others, even a shot of Zhao Yun can not stand?

“Too cold saint, isn’t it the opponent of this white robe?”

Lunar sucking in a breath of cold air, my heart is even more shocked.

As the inner sect of the inner sect, she knows best about the strength of the cold sage.

The great sage of the cold is full of 100 years. It can be said that the Ice Palace is now the most ancient existence.

The sage’s realm, plus the accumulation of 100 years.

This is enough to give a person, to strengthen the strength of the world, the strength of the former too cold sage exhibition, no doubt also supports this.

However, because of this, Zhao Yun, who was able to pick a cold sage, was more terrifying!

In the air.

“French emperor, send you on the road!”

Zhao Yun slanted long spear, white robe, like a pillar of the heavens of the suppression of Heaven and Earth.

What are you too cold saints?

What is too cold?

To stop the emperor and the Queen Mother, step back to Bulo Dynasty?


Zilong is the master, can sweep everything for the emperor, and this is not dead!

“Junior, you are in courting death!”

Just then, a roar came from the place where the cold holy saint fell.

It was a very cold saint who re-flyed back to Zhao Yun from the wreckage of the palace.

However, the current cold sage has no longer had the temperament, and there is a shocking blood hole on the left shoulder, licking the blood.

On the face of the cold sage, it is full of anger after anger and anger.

She Xiaozhao Zhao Yun, did not expect Zhao Yun to be so strong, not weaker than the general saint Martial Artist.

Under the circumstance, she will be easily beaten by Zhao Yun.

However, when she is angry, the ending of this junior is already doomed!

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