Too cold saint.

Ice Palace background.

The cultivation base of the Sisters of the Cold, the Ice Palace and even the thousands of miles, are under the cover of their gods.

What Qin Yi did before, the cold sage is naturally clear!

Rao is the temperament of the sage of the cold, and can not help but be angry.

Qin Yi’s previous behavior is simply the fame of the Ice and Snow Palace for countless years, stepping on his feet and not putting the Ice Palace in his eyes!

“Oh? I thought you wouldn’t shoot.”

Qin Yi is like a smile yet not a smile.

As early as Qin Yi boarded the Ice Palace, I already felt the depths of the Ice Palace, and there were two dark sturdy aura.

One of them belongs to this too cold saint!

Qin Yi’s gaze swept through the ice palace, but there was still no other aura, pupil light glittering.

By this time, another saint of the Ice Palace, still standing still, is beyond the expectations of Qin Yi.

The temperament of the two saints in the Ice Palace seems to be too calm.

Even the cold saint waited until Qin Yi was about to leave, and he was not allowed to take the shot.

The feeling for Qin Yi is like the two saints, who are competing in the dark.

“Hey, the old man is a sage of the Ice Palace, you can sit and watch you, impudent in the Ice Palace!”

The cold sage is cold and cold into the bone marrow.


Qin Yi hearing this, suddenly burst into laughter, people are somewhat inexplicable.


The cold sage is a big brow, and the heart is so angry that it rises.

This Bulo emperor is too arrogant!

She has already appeared, the Bulo emperor dare to be so impudent, really when she is muddy?

Your snuggle is nothing more than this white general, but he is also a semi-sacred that’s all!

Do not enter the holy, the end is forever!

Half-Saint and the saint are only half a step away, and even Zhao Yun is a semi-9th layer peak, but Zhao Yun has no breakthrough sage.

There is no breakthrough sage, in the eyes of the cold sage, that is the ants!

As for Qin Yi’s news of killing the sage’s power, the cold sage is also aware, but does not care.

Anyone who has reached her level has paid more or less attention to the Battle of Hollow Mountain. It is natural to understand that Qin Yi can kill the Eight Treasures of Luohan, not relying on its own strength.

However, relying on the great formation of Bulo Dynasty and two pieces of Sacred Item, it was only fortunate that the eight treasures were killed.

Perhaps these means, in the eyes of the general Martial Artist, are extremely amazing, but in the eyes of the too cold saints, it is a little worse.

After all, the formation law is immovable, Qin Yi has set foot on the site of the Ice Palace, and the great formation of Bulo Dynasty naturally cannot be enforced on it.

Without the formation law enforcement, Qin Yi is in his eyes, that is, an ant!

“Qin Yi, this is not your Bulo Dynasty, but the Ice Palace!

You are going to impudent here! ”

The cold sage is angry from the heart, big shouted.


I saw an ice blue ray of light, rising from the cold man, and squatting over the sky.

a path of frosty aura, in Hollow’s empty space, wherever it passes, Hollow empty freezes, Space solidifies!

Looking from afar, it’s like Heaven and Earth.

A roar of the sea!

The sage is angry and the ten parties are moving!

In front of this terrifying Strength, some idyllic ice-cold maids were directly frozen into ice sculpture!

Many Ice Palace Disciples are afraid to stay for a long time and quickly leave this place.

This was not affected by the tension of the cold sage, turned into ice sculpture.

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