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Firecloud Founder remembers more than 100 years ago, an expert with a vertical and horizontal range of dozens of fields-Venerable Chi Yan!

Venerable Chi Yan is not the Supreme Star Realm’s lord, but a half-step lord’s cultivation base, but his reputation is stronger than some One Star lords.

This Venerable Chi Yan has a set of Top Grade Spirit Tool, named ‘Scarlet Flame Suit’, Scarlet Flame Suit, to stand out from the masses. It does not look at the user’s cultivation base, but is destroyed by the Middle Grade Star Astral. move.

As long as there is enough Middle Grade Star Astral, Scarlet Flame Suit can burst out of the strength of the superior, and can reach the level of sweeping the superior of Nine Stars.

With absolute defense, Nine Stars can’t break the defense, coupled with the attack power of Nine Stars, few people at the same level can resist, of course, it can sweep Nine Stars.

More than 100 years ago, Venerable Chi Yan was so famous that the Great Power of dozens of domains knew that there was such a character. Even the Two Stars Empire had to be polite and dare not belittle him.

However, abouthundred or so years ago, Venerable Chi Yan and Blue Dragon Empire’s Emperor’s Clan fell into a life-and-death feud, killing 2 Emperor’s Clan lords, and then by Venerable Hangyu Wrecked, whereabouts unknown ever since.

With Venerable Chi Yan whereabouts unknown, and his Scarlet Flame Suit.

Time flies, 100 years have passed!

Today, few Martial Artists know Venerable Chi Yan and Scarlet Flame Suit except some Old Antiques.

Firecloud Founder was less than 100 years old. When Venerable Chi Yan disappeared, Firecloud Founder was not yet born, but Firecloud Founder has a special status, which is a lord of the cult, naturally experienced and knowledgeable.

Some powerful forces near True Profound Domain. Once an important character, as a lord of the cult, you must be familiar with it. Of course, Firecloud Founder knows the character of Venerable Chi Yan and also knows that Venerable Chi Yan has a set of Top Grade Spirit Tool Scarlet Flame Suit. !!

The Top Grade Spirit Tool set obtained by Ye Xing turned out to be the Scarlet Flame Suit used by Venerable Chi Yan, which really shocked Firecloud Founder.

The expression of Firecloud Founder is a lot tougher, and I dare not take lightly of Ye Xing anymore.

The flame suit, formidable power to the limit, can sweep Nine Stars, which is even more terrifying than Firecloud Founder’s use of flags.

“Haha …! That’s right, this is the Scarlet Flame Suit from Venerable Chi Yan. It’s on the table at the end of the stone chamber. Unfortunately, I came in a step earlier than you and got it!”

Ye Xing’s brisk laugh comes from the flame suit.

Talking in his mouth, but attacking in his hand, Ye Xing cast Flame Astral Fist, his fists fell like raindrops and attacked Firecloud Founder.

Although Flame Astral Fist is only High Grade Spirit Martial Art, and Ye Xing only cultivated to Grand Accomplishment Realm, compared to the master, both Martial Arts level and Martial Arts accomplishments are very inferior.

However, Scarlet Flame Suit itself accumulating of power is too frightening. Ye Xing is now punching out. Formidable power is not about subtle moves, but every move, contains a world-shaking attack.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ ……

The fire shield was extremely defensive, but after Ye Xing’s punch-by-fist attack, there were cracks after cracks.

Firecloud Founder couldn’t stop Ye Xing’s offensive through the grand accomplishment Third Level Defense Formation arranged by the banner.


If the defense is simple, Ye Xing can completely destroy the flame shield without a few punches. Firecloud Founder slams it and throws out several flags again!

Another Third Level Formation of grand accomplishment, this time is Killing Array-Yin-Yang Fire Serpent Array!

Bang! bang!

Two huge fire snakes rushed out at once. These two fire snakes had lifelike scales that looked extremely real.

The actual attack power with blurring, the more real, the more frightening.

The formidable power of these 2 fire snakes is also extremely powerful compared to the Master. Master Eight Stars has to retreat in front of him, and Master Nine Stars may not be able to resist it.

As soon as the Attack Formation came out, the situation changed immediately. Two fire snakes suddenly rushed out, killing Ye Xing a completely unprepared.

Although Scarlet Flame Suit’s formidable power is powerful, Ye Xing is only Three Stars Spiritual Master after all. His combat consciousness and Martial Arts accomplishment are still a little different from the master.

Ye Xing blocked the attack of a fire snake and was hit fiercely on the chest by another fire snake’s head. His body suddenly shot backwards.


The coffin in the center of the stone chamber was hit and directly hit!

How frightening this strenuous strength was, the coffin all split up and in pieces, and the corpses inside rolled out.

At this point, Ye Xing couldn’t control so much. He just stood still, and the two fire snakes killed one another.

Ye Xing turned on Superbrain scanning. The attack trajectories of the 2 fire snakes were captured by Ye Xing and made clear in the heart.

The basic boxing style of Flame Astral Fist was performed, and Ye Xing 2 punched out, hitting the heads of 2 fire snakes.

The speed of the two fire snakes stopped for a while, and the naked eye could see that two groups of impact waves rippled along the body of the two fire snakes, rushing past them from front to back.

When the shock wave from the fire snake passed to the banner, Firecloud Cult’s body shook, and he stepped back suddenly, revealing an astonished expression in his eyes.

Ye Xing At this moment, strength is incredible.



Ye Xing and Firecloud Founder, shouted at the same time, the stone chamber is narrow, and the two of them meet as if on a narrow road, fighting for courage.

Both of them have an indomitable spirit, and their strength broke out to the extreme war!

Firecloud Founder Star Astral is fully operating, destroying the banner, making the 2 Fire Snakes more powerful and violent, and launched a fierce attack on Ye Xing.

Ye Xing is wearing a Scarlet Flame Suit, like an iron tower, motionless as mountain, and a pair of Iron Fist waves, no matter how fast the speed and angle of the two fire snakes are, Ye Xing clears their attack trajectory. With no difficulty, they hit the heads of 2 fire snakes and blasted them back.


A starlight soared into the sky and turned into a huge flame star. Ye Xing used Astrology, the surging flame Star Power dipped into the Scarlet Flame Suit, making the attack formidable power more prosperous.

Finally, it was Ye Xing who was even better, playing 2 fire snakes, retiring, and turning left and right.


When Ye Xing and the two fire snakes battled fiercely, the entire stone house exploded, and the ground was a wolf.

This stone house is reinforced by the formation. The attack by the first 2 people not at all can be destroyed, but it cannot withstand the continuous collision of frightening strength.

Ye Xing strode forward, fist strength was widened and closed, and every punch came out, there was a mighty mountain torn down, 2 fire snakes under his punches, fire scales splashed, and the imposing manner was getting weaker and weaker.

Firecloud Founder was trembling, expression was shocking and horrified, apparently did not expect, in the end, this was the result, he chased all the way down, but the other party got a great chance, great good fortune, the strength reached better than him To the point of frightening.

“Break for me-!”

Ye Xing shouting loudly, another punch, this fist contains the Xeon flame Star Power, 3 types of Great Power of the World that have gone far away in the realm of Minute Subtlety, also merged into this fist, may be appalling .


In the end, a fire snake was blown out by Ye Xing, and the fire burst into the 4th direction.

The banner cracked, Firecloud Founder spit blood, and stepped back several steps.

Formation was blasted by a strong force, and another fire snake collapsed directly. Firecloud Founder was shocked by a great earthquake and was already injured.

The flame wings appeared on Firecloud Founder. Ye Xing had Scarlet Flame Suit. He was not an opponent.

However, Firecloud Founder rose from the sky, only several dozen meters high, and was affected by the Trapping Array. A translucent light curtain suddenly appeared, blocking him.

Firecloud Founder hit the translucent light curtain and was blasted back directly.

Firecloud Founder intentionally left the Trapping Array unbroken, the purpose is to prevent Ye Xing from escaping and make Ye Xing impossible to escape.

As a result, it is now Firecloud Founder impossible to escape.

“Illusory Array and Killing Array are broken, Trapping Array is still there, haha ​​…… Firecloud Founder, you originally wanted to trap me with Trapping Array, hello, catching a turtle in a jar, unfortunately, you are only in the middle , You’ve killed yourself, you’re digging your own grave! “

Ye Xing laughed. At first glance, Illusory Array and Killing Array were gone, but Trapping Array was left alone. Ye Xing didn’t know the idea of ​​Firecloud Founder.

Despair was revealed in Firecloud Founder eyes. He unexpectedly did not expect it. He hunted down a Two Stars Spiritual Master, but it was only a few days before and after.

The last person facing death turned out to be himself. This is how Firecloud Founder can accept it!

He is a lord of the cult, a master of Seven Stars, a Third Level Formation Martial Scholar, and any name is a real existence in the True Profound Domain!

Especially on the True Profound Domain Heaven Profound Ranking, Firecloud Founder ranks fifth, and True Profound Domain doesn’t know how many Martial Artists look up to him.

However, today he is somewhere in the Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range, where other Martial Artists have little to know or even haven’t been, facing a desperate situation of death.

If it falls here, who knows who killed him? Does anyone know that he died here?

Even now, Firecloud Founder doesn’t even know Ye Xing’s name.


Under the black skull helmet, Ye Xing’s indifferent voice came.

Ye Xing stepped forward, Scarlet Flame Gauntlet made a fist, blasted a frightening flame fist, and killed the Firecloud Founder.

Firecloud Founder smashed the Defense Formation again, and the broken flame shield blocked Ye Xing.


The flame shield was completely blasted, and Ye Xing’s body jumped up, punched down, and pressed down against the Firecloud Founder.

Firecloud Founder expression Despair, the body burned with flame, directly burning Star Astral, resisting Ye Xing this fist.

However, losing the strength of the Formation and the strength of the Firecloud Founder, that is, being a peak among Seven Stars, it is not as good as Eight Stars, and it is not as good as Ye Xing’s Nine Stars that burst out wearing Scarlet Flame Suit at this moment. He has battle strength.


Firecloud Founder’s arm was directly blasted, his Star Astral had not completely burned yet, and Ye Xing’s fist had already banged on his head, directly blasting!

Firecloud Founder, die!

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