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[Supplement to Chapter 5! 】

Scarlet Flame Suit was hidden within the body, and Ye Xing was breathing a little shortly.

Although Scarlet Flame Suit was destroyed by Middle Grade star crystal, there is the formidable power of the Equivalent to Nine Stars, but to use this formidable power to fight, you still have to rely on Ye Xing’s strength.

This is like an ordinary person who has acquired a very powerful weapon. With this weapon, he can kill people who are much stronger than himself.

However, this does not mean that you do not need to expend your energy. At least, if you use this weapon to attack others, you will have to expend your energy.

If this weapon is heavy, since it is killing the other party, you will also feel tired.

Scarlet Flame Suit is like a heavy and powerful weapon. Ye Xing uses it to fight, even the Nine Stars can kill, but a battle, it will also consume a lot of energy.

Ye Xing took a deep breath while using Black Hole Astrology to devour the fire of Firecloud Founder’s destiny.

Firecloud Founder is Seven Stars Yellow Fate, which is one star higher than the destiny of his son Yun Tianhao.

The higher the destiny, the smoother the cultivation, and the easier the barrier of the cultivation base realm will be. Ye Xing certainly does not want to abandon his destiny.

In a short while, the fire of Destiny in Firecloud Founder’s mind disappeared, and the fire of Destiny in Ye Xing’s mind changed from 6 clusters of flames to 7 clusters of flames.

Ye Xing’s destiny, reach Seven Stars Yellow Fate!

Seven Stars Yellow Fate, born to be destined to cultivate to Star Astral Boundary Seventh Layer. Such a destiny is hard to find in the entire True Profound Domain. In the same generation of Martial Artist, there are usually only one or two.

Ye Xing took off the Firecloud Founder’s Storage Ring, flared a star fire, burned the Firecloud Founder’s corpse, and quickly turned to ashes.

Ye Xing observed all around, there was a wolf in the valley, the stone house had been turned into ruins, the coffin had been broken into pieces, and the body of Tian Fen had been buried by the collapsed rubble.

There are several cracks on the ground. They all came out before Ye Xing collided with two fire snakes. One of the large cracks divided the stone house ruins into two halves.

Ye Xing clearly felt that Yin Qi here had dissipated and became normal. It seems that the fighting just now has destroyed the spring here, and from now on it is no longer a Wind and Water treasure land suitable for the dead.

Tian Tian, ​​buried under the gravel, did not know how long it would take before he could become a Corpse Dao Martial Artist. Ye Xing just thought about it and ignored it.

Ye Xing sat down on a gravel and studied FireCloud Founder’s Storage Ring.

High Grade Storage Ring, usually only owned by His Holiness, Firecloud Founder, as the Sect Lord of One Star Higher Class Sect, also uses Middle Grade Storage Ring.

However, when Ye Xing erased the Star Astral brand of Firecloud Founder and found the inside of the ring, it was an expression of surprise.

I saw in this Middle Grade Storage Ring that there are also ten Middle Grade Storage Rings and a large number of Low Grade Storage Rings.

“So many Middle Grade Storage Rings should not have been given to him by others, I am afraid they were all obtained after he killed others.”

Ye Xing said, for example, he killed Firecloud Founder and got Firecloud Founder’s Storage Ring.

Ye Xing took out all the Storage Rings and checked them by one by one. It was found that the Firecloud Founder is rich and almost not inferior to itself.

On star crystal, naturally Ye Xing is more. Ye Xing only found the hundred thousand Middle Grade star crystal and the 1000000 Low Grade star crystal in the Storage Ring.

However, there are many other treasures in the Firecloud Founder’s ring. A large amount of Medical Pill, a variety of mineral materials, and Formation materials have piled up a lot of space.

The most important thing is that there are several Martial Arts secret books, all of which are High Grade Spirit Martial Art.

High Grade Spirit Martial Art is very valuable and not very useful to Ye Xing, but Falling Star Sect will find out in the future that Martial Arts is indispensable.

The items in the ring are the most useful for Ye Xing. They are all formation materials. The level of Ye Xing Formation has increased rapidly, but there is a lack of materials for arraying.

“Well, there is a mask!”

Ye Xing found a human skin mask in a Low Grade Storage Ring.

“The mask given to me by Reverend Wu Yu, because it offended Long Xiao, ca n’t be used again, but this one is okay. If you show people in true face, and you have to see if there is anyone nearby, then you dare to use cards in one’s hand. Wearing a mask, no one knows who I am, then I can use Scarlet Flame Suit at any time, even using Black Hole Astrology, Sagittarius Astrology! “

Ye Xing put the human skin mask on himself, and when he was about to leave, he wore this secondary mask and continued to look for corpse jade in the Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range.

Wearing Scarlet Flame Suit to find corpse jade, even the Corpse Dao Martial Artist of Star Astral Boundary Venerable Level can be killed. In the area produced by High Grade spirit jade, there is no corpse, Ye Xing is basically invincible, as long as spirit jade is found, Can be taken from the Corpse Dao Martial Artist.

Ye Xing sorts and collects the items in the ring, and all the Storage Rings are included in their Middle Grade Storage Ring.

Ye Xing then continued to comprehend the Formation knowledge in his mind.

Trapping Array does not mean that you can go out of the battlefield. Only by becoming a Third Level Formation Martial Scholar can you leave the Third Level Trapping Array of grand accomplishment.

I have enough Formation materials on my body. At the same time as Ye Xing comprehend Formation, I also use Formation materials to arrange a small range of Formation for experiments.

Practice and theory corroborate each other, which makes Ye Xing’s comprehend for Formation much faster.

Time passes by day by day.

Ye Xing didn’t know that Huiyin Shuangquan is a very balanced Wind and Water treasure. When he was down. Yinquan was destroyed, and Venerable Chi Yan was buried. Yinquan was also destroyed. Already.

Venerable Chi Yan originally arranged the Formation, using the powerful Yin Qi in the Shuangquan of Huiyin as the energy. Now the Yinquan is destroyed, and the Formation outside the Venerable Chi Yan’s burial ground naturally appears a little weak spot.

At least, the Illusory Array that shrouded outside the burial site looks not so real, even if it is not a Third Level Formation Martial Scholar, you can see the problem at a glance.

The Venerable Chi Yan’s burial site, although it is far away from the Hundred Thousand Li, is still outside the Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range.

The Martial Artists entering Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range are all quickly rushing to the depths of the mountain range. No one will search for corpse jade on the periphery. Therefore, only some Martial Artists who happen to pass by the Venerable Chi Yan burial site will pass here by accident.

This probability is very low, even if there is a problem with the Formula, but no Martial Artist sees it, no one knows it.

Almost a month later, a team of Martial Artists passed by by chance.

Like the burial ground of Tian Fen, the Illusory Array manifestation is also a Mountain of Flames outside of the Venerable Chi Yan’s burial ground.

In the past, the Mountain of Flames peak was very real, but now it looks a little bit empty. Passing by the team of Martial Artists here, we immediately found a problem.

This team of Martial Artists has a total of 3 people, a Five Stars Spiritual Master and 2 Three Stars Spiritual Masters.

One of the Three Stars Spiritual Masters was the first to spot the problem and point out that the Mountain of Flames peak was not true. All three came outside the Mountain of Flames peak.

The Five Stars Spiritual Master observed for a while and said, “This Mountain of Flames is fake. Here is an Illusory Array, the illusory Mountain of Flames, blocking everything inside.”

A Three Stars Spiritual Master said, “Illusory Array, who would put the Illusory Array in the Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range?”

Another Three Stars Spiritual Master said: “Usually there is only one possibility, that is, the Martial Artist who wants to become a Corpse Dao Martial Artist, will bury himself in the Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range, and will arrange an Illusory Array outside the burial ground before his death So that other Martial Artists cannot detect it. “

The Three Stars Spiritual Master expression I spoke before was surprised, saying, “You mean, this Illusory Array is the burial place of a Martial Artist.”

Three Stars Spiritual Master nodded and said: “Yes, in order to become a Corpse Dao Martial Artist, you can quickly raise the cultivation base. Martial Artist generally collects corpse jade during his lifetime and puts it in the burial place, so that it becomes Corpse. Dao Martial Artist will be able to directly absorb corpse jade cultivation. “

“It looks like there should be corpse jade in this burial ground!”

The Five Stars Spiritual Master at the forefront laughed and said, “We entered the Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range for the purpose of the common corpse jade. If there is, why not go elsewhere. I don’t know the Martial Artist in the burial site, the corpse collected during his lifetime. There aren’t many jade, I’ll take a look. “

After that, the Five Stars Spiritual Master looked towards the Mountain of Flames in front of it.

An Illusory Array, he not at all in his eyes.

The Five Stars Spiritual Master penetrated directly into the Mountain of Flames. This Mountain of Flames peak is really illusory.

However, after just a few breaths, there was a savage blood-curdling scream, and then there was no movement.

The two Three Stars Spiritual Master expressions outside have changed greatly. The sound is from the Five Stars Spiritual Master that I just entered. The sound of that sound is miserable.

A Five Stars Spiritual Master, instantly killed, is this … is it just an Illusory Array?

Two Three Stars Spiritual Masters stepped back and forth, and at this moment they looked at the Mountain of Flames, full of awe.

“Senior Brother Di!”

“Senior Brother Di!”

Two Three Stars Spiritual Masters shouted into the Illusory Array, but not at all sounds were heard.

The two of them looked at each other, and they realized the fear in the other’s eyes. They did not stay, and quickly left the place and returned to Crow City.

Soon, a message spread.

On the outskirts of Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range, less than 2 days away from Crow City, a Martial Artist’s burial ground appeared. It was shrouded in Illusory Array, which was a very high level Illusory Array.

As everyone knows, Martial Artist will collect corpse jade during his lifetime, put it in the burial ground, and absorb it after becoming Corpse Dao Martial Artist.

So, Martial Artist’s burial place, there will be corpse jade in the eight-nine of ten, and there are a lot of them.

In addition, Martial Artist can also put the harvest of a lifetime in a burial place and bury it with himself. An expert burial place is a treasure.

As a result, a large number of Martial Artists went to the place where the burial ground appeared in the news, and one after another fell into the Formation.

It wasn’t until a Third Level Formation Great Master heard the news that he came here, and he saw the clue from the broken Formation. Not only was the Illusory Array, but also the Killing Array and Trapping Array in the burial ground.

And all are Third Level Formation of grand accomplishment!

The Martial Artist who can arrange the grand accomplishment Third Level Formation to protect his burial place, at least also the Third Level Formation Martial Scholar during his lifetime, must be an expert and has a rich collection. The Martial Artist guessed that there must be a lot of treasures in the burial place.

As soon as the news came out, even Blue Dragon Empire and Blue Feather Empire’s expert were attracted to the burial ground.

[Begging for a monthly pass for support! 】

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