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Illusory Array and Killing Array are destroyed, but Trapping Array is still there!

Firecloud Founder deliberately did not crack the Trapping Array, so this valley is completely dead.

Ye Xing has the Top Grade Flight Spirit Tool, which is faster than Firecloud Founder. Firecloud Founder guarantees 10000. Of course, the Trapping Array is retained to make Ye Xing impossible to escape.

In this way, even if Ye Xing had any means to escape his smashing hit, there would be no escape, only dead end.

However, what Firecloud Founder didn’t think about was that he cut off Ye Xing’s retreat, as well as his own retreat.

Firecloud Founder is better than Ye Xing. Ye Xing has nowhere to go.

What if Ye Xing’s is better than Firecloud Founder? It turns out that Firecloud Founder has nowhere to run.

Of course, Firecloud Founder never thinks that Ye Xing can threaten him.

If Ye Xing really has such ability, why should at first escape?

Firecloud Founder simply adjusted his breath outside the stone house for a while, and the state has not recovered to the best, so he entered the stone house full of self-confidence.

Indoors, Ye Xing stopped comprehend and stood up while Firecloud Founder entered the stone chamber.

As soon as Firecloud Founder entered the stone house, the extremely cold rich Yin Qi in the room made him startled.

The formation outside the valley is hot, and the Yin Qi in the stone house is extremely glomy and cold. In contrast, the two are simply Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven.

At this moment, this is the best time for Ye Xing sneak attack Firecloud Founder. If Ye Xing does not get the chance in the stone chamber, it will definitely attack Firecloud Founder at this time.

However, the current Ye Xing, who is steadfast in winning the game, is disdainful of using a sneak attack to deal with Firecloud Founder, but lightly saying: “Firecloud Founder, I I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

Firecloud Founder As a master, although the rich Yin Qi in the room surprised him, it didn’t make him panic. Star Astral was running at once, forming a mask that separated Yin Qi.

At the same time, two array flags appearing beside Firecloud Founder, dissipating the four Yin Qis, and gazing towards Ye Xing.

The room is dim, but the range is not large. Although the Firecloud Founder looks a bit fuzzy, it also has a panoramic view of the entire stone chamber space.

Firecloud Founder’s eyes locked on Ye Xing, but Yu Guang was looking at other emotions in the room, and was surprised at the coffin in the room.

“It turned out to be a burial place. Someone wants to be a Corpse Dao Martial Artist after death. No wonder Illusory Array is laid out outside.

Firecloud Founder secretly said in one’s heart.

Normal Martial Artist, rebuild Inner Strength, Corpse Dao Martial Artist, rebuild fleshly body.

When I was higher in cultivation base and then deeper in Star Astral, I will not stay after becoming Corpse Dao Martial Artist, so I have to start over.

So, although Firecloud Founder was shocked, he didn’t look at the dead in the coffin.

Firecloud Founder looked at Ye Xing coldly, icily said: “Wait for a long time? Are you trying to die in a hurry!”

Ye Xing shook his head and said, “No! I’m waiting for you to die! This is a great place for Wind and Water. You die here, maybe you can become a Corpse Dao Martial Artist and continue to live in the future!”

“Hahahaha …!”

Firecloud Founder laughed. Although he expressed contempt, his eyes were sharp. He carefully looked at Ye Xing, and wanted to see the details of Ye Xing’s, saying, “Zhuo Two Stars Spiritual Master, dare to put it before my Firecloud Founder … …! “

Firecloud Founder didn’t finish talking, the voice stopped, and his face was surprised.

At this point, Ye Xing’s cultivation base broke out and the breath leaked. Which is the Two Stars Spiritual Master and clearly the Three Stars Spiritual Master.

Firecloud Founder expression is amazing, the first transformation of the discourse: “In such a short time, your cultivation base broke through a realm, did you get corpse jade here?”

Some Martial Artists who want to become Corpse Dao Martial Artists, in order to become a Corpse Dao Martial Artist, they can quickly improve their cultivation base. Collect corpse jade before birth, then put them in the burial ground, and absorb them after becoming a Corpse Dao Martial Artist. This is normal. thing.

Ye Xing broke through the cultivation base so quickly, and Firecloud Founder immediately guessed that Ye Xing got a high-quality qualitative corpse jade here. With the help of corpse jade, he broke through a realm in a short time.

Ye Xing nodded, said: “Yes! There are indeed a lot of corpse jade here, and there are some better treasures, which are invaluable. I have to thank you. If you did n’t chase me, I would not come here, You won’t get this chance, great good fortune. “

Priceless treasure!

Great chance, great good fortune!

When Firecloud Founder heard these words, eyes suddenly turned red, and her heart was extremely depressed.

Firecloud Founder is up to Seven Stars Yellow Fate, but the achievements of his life, that is, the limit of destiny, and his superiors with realm, many are Six Stars Yellow Fate, and Martial Artist with his destiny, many have become Eight Stars Spiritual Master, and some even became Nine Stars Spiritual Master.

The reason why Firecloud Founder did not break the limit of destiny is because there is no good opportunity in his life. Although he often goes to some dangerous places to experience and has experienced a lot of vicious dangers, it seems that he has never been involved with any great opportunities or great good fortune.

Now, he chases Ye Xing all the way, but the result is that Ye Xing has gained great opportunities and great good fortune. Why is Firecloud Founder not jealous and really taken a hit? He feels like a person abandoned by God, luck never comes in his body.

Uh … no!

Firecloud Founder suddenly moved, and a new idea was born in my brain!

“This kid is already a dead end. If he kills him, wouldn’t he get the great chance and great good fortune?”

“It seems my Yun Xuyan’s luck came late, belonging to the late blooming age, being nearly 100 years old, and ushered in the first great opportunity of my life, great good fortune!”

“However, those who are latecomers can’t escape the time limit of gold cultivation time, and can open up a period of gold cultivation time in their later years, and the cultivation base is again advanced by leaps and bounds!”

“Hey …! So, in the future of my Yun Xuyan, I have great hopes to get this great opportunity and great good fortune. In the future, I may become a master of Eight Stars, a master of Nine Stars, or even half-step respect. , Lead Firecloud Cult and become the strongest force in True Profound Domain! “

Firecloud Founder, thinking of being able to obtain this great opportunity and great good fortune, couldn’t help but dream about the future, and his mood changed immediately and he was extremely happy.

“Hehehe …!”

Firecloud Founder laughed coldly and said, “What if you have the chance and the good fortune, you are dead, but not all of the Order masters.”

With laughter, the killing intent erupted, and Firecloud Founder erupted the frightening might, pressing against Ye Xing.

“Is it?”

Ye Xing expression As usual, the frightening might of the Firecloud Founder on the opposite side is not in my eyes. Scarlet Flame Suit suddenly appeared and wrapped him tightly.

Black skull helmet, black skull gloves, black skull Battle Armor, black skull boots, in this dim stone chamber, look like a fangs evil spirit.

Even though Firecloud Founder is a master of Seven Stars, he couldn’t help expressing his surprise, shouted with 2 eyes, “Top Grade Spirit Tool Set?”

How precious is the Top Grade Spirit Tool, Firecloud Founder is a master, a lord of the cult, and just has a Best Grade Spirit Armament.

Of the Spirit Tool, Spirit Armament is the most common, and the remaining Spirit Tools are very few. It is very difficult to form a set, especially the Top Grade Spirit Tool set, which is much less than Profound Armament.

A set of Top Grade Spirit Tool is worth more than a Low Grade Profound Armament, and Low Grade Profound Armament is probably only owned by His Holiness. For the Spirit Master of Star Astral Boundary, it may come by with Luck, but not by searching for it’s priceless treasure.

The invaluable treasure that Ye Xing said, the great opportunity gained, great good fortune, is obviously this Top Grade Spirit Tool set.

Firecloud Founder admired again and again: “Nice, very good, the Top Grade Spirit Tool set, rare in the world, is indeed a priceless treasure. If the Order owner has this set, even if he does not use the Formula, it will be enough to compete with Nine Stars. This set, defend invincible, and then attack with grand accomplishment Third Level Formation, the Lord of the Order can sweep the Lord Nine Stars, under the Lord, rare rivals. “

According to Firecloud Founder, this Top Grade Spirit Tool set is already his item.

Although the Top Grade Spirit Tool set is powerful, Ye Xing is only the Three Stars Spiritual Master. From the perspective of Firecloud Founder, Ye Xing can not exert the formidable power of the Top Grade Spirit Tool set at all.

And he is not only a master of Seven Stars, but also a Third Level Formation Martial Scholar, who is facing the battle. Even a master of Eight Stars can be killed by Formula and can compete with a master of Nine Stars.

True Profound Domain Heaven Profound Ranking, Firecloud Founder Yun Xuyan ranked fifth, is higher than Reverend Wu Yu of Star Astral Boundary Eighth Layer, because he is a Third Level Formation Martial Scholar.

Firecloud Founder said, then stretched out his palm, Star Astral condensed, turned into a large flame hand, grabbed Ye Xing.

Ye Xing has placed 108 Middle Grade star crystals in the Scarlet Flame Suit. Compared with Nine Stars, his strength is lightly waved for the Firecloud Founder strike.


It was like slapping a mosquito, and that big flame hand was broken by Ye Xing’s palm.

Under the skull helmet, Ye Xing’s voice came: “Is this the attack of Seven Stars? Unable to withstand a single blow!”

Firecloud Founder was shocked, and said, “You are the Three Stars Spiritual Master. How can you make use of the formidable power of the Top Grade set, this is impossible!”

Firecloud Founder experienced and knowledgeable. Naturally, whether it is a High Grade Spirit Tool set or a Top Grade Spirit Tool set, it is no different from a separate Spirit Armament, but the set’s defense is amazing, and the increase in battle strength is higher. Set, sweep the same level with no difficulty, higher level challenge easily.

However, no matter how the higher level challenge is, there must be a limit. The Top Grade Spirit Tool set of formidable power frightening can only be fully realized by the superiors of Star Astral Boundary Venerable Level.

“Are you surprised?”

Ye Xing coldly said, punched out and attacked Firecloud Founder.

This fist might, the space in the stone chamber is not large, the air is squeezed by the fist, and it makes a loud sound, which is appalling.

Firecloud Founder immediately smashed 2 array flags into flame shields, blocking the front, Ye Xing’s fist blasted on the flame shield, and another explosion,

There were several cracks in the flame shield.

Firecloud Founder expression was terrified, and suddenly remembered something, shouted: “Is this Scarlet Flame Suit?”

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