Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 115 [First Class]

Kerry took the authorization letter with a confused look on his face. The general meaning of the letter was that due to Kerry's excellent performance in Potions, the headmaster authorized Kerry to teach during Snape's absence, limited to students in Kerry's grade or below.

When Kerry left Professor McGonagall's room, he was still confused. I was obviously a student...

Kerry got a booklet from Professor McGonagall, which was Snape's teaching memorandum. From the memorandum, Snape's course for this month was not too difficult, and Kerry felt that he could handle it easily.

So the next day, the first and second grade wizards all received a notice from the prefect - their Potions class will continue, but the instructor will change.

Harry and Ron were discussing:"Damn it! I thought the old bat's leave would give us a break, but it turned out to be like this!"

Harry impatiently said,"Let's finish the Potions homework quickly, otherwise this new teacher will definitely make us...���It looks great! Damn it, I still have to train Quidditch! Our team hasn’t practiced for a week!"

The five poor students of Team 91 all expressed their headaches. It was not just them. The little wizards in the first and second grades felt as if they were poured a basin of ice water in the middle of winter. Their hearts ached and their bodies were fragile.

A few days later, on Friday, the first-year Potions class was about to resume. Everyone was talking about who the new teacher was.

All the students sat upright, waiting in the large classroom for Potions...

This time, the little wizards from Gryffindor and Slytherin were in class.

There was a whisper in the classroom, and Kerry was using his super hearing to listen to the discussions of everyone in the classroom.

To the little wizards in Slytherin, Gryffindor had absolutely no respect for the new teacher - they had suffered enough from Snape, so it was completely understandable - the little snakes were not necessarily more respectful to the new teacher, they were actually subconsciously afraid of their dean - it would be tragic if Snape took revenge later.

Kerry listened to the discussion inside, smiled, and pushed the door into the classroom.

The little wizards thought it was the teacher who came in, but after seeing Kerry, a few people who knew Kerry were confused - such as Ginny and Colin. Kerry smiled and looked at Ginny, then walked straight to the podium.

There was a lot of noise!

"Aren't you a second-grade student?"A little snake asked

"Hello, students!" Kerry opened his authorization letter, spread it out in front of his chest, showed it all around, and said,"My name is Christian Feynman, and I'm a sophomore student at Gryffindor College. Thank you for the school's trust in me. From now on until Professor Snape returns to school, I will be your Potions professor!" The noise was even louder, all the little lions were a little excited, while the little snakes looked confused!

What the hell! How could the headmaster let a second-year student give a lecture?! And it's such an important course as Potions?

"【Hold your breath】!"Kerry took out his wand and cast a spell on all the little wizards in the classroom.

All the sounds disappeared instantly. Everyone faced Kerry straightly, and there was no sound at all.

Kerry looked at the little wizards quietly and waited for a few minutes. When the little wizards who tried to struggle gave up, he said directly:"Did you see that? You can't even break my little spell. Do you still want to make any suggestions?"

"Does anyone else have any comments?" Kerry asked - of course, at this moment everyone had closed their mouths with a spell and could not make any sound.

"Very good! Let's start the class!"Kerry smiled, or rather showed a mocking expression - you don't want to listen to the class, but I don't want to give the class either! Wouldn't it be great if I could make you behave yourself with just one spell!

Kerry took out the textbook and continued from where Snape left off in the last class.

Kerry's class is very exciting!

It must be said that although the amount of knowledge may be slightly lacking compared to Snape, in terms of language skills and teaching ability, ten Snapes added together are no match for Kerry.

In just a few minutes, the little wizards were immersed in the atmosphere of the Potions class. In silence, Kerry's spell failed, but no one talked about it anymore. The little wizards were immersed in Kerry's in-depth and easy-to-understand explanations.

The theme of this class is a potion for treating ulcers.

Kerry started directly from the founder.

After a few paragraphs, all the little wizards had a preliminary understanding of the historical heritage of this potion, and then , Kerry explained in detail the characteristics and functions of each raw material in combination with the historical inheritance and development, and interspersed a few simple questions in the middle.

Someone from Slytherin and someone from Gryffindor actively answered.

In the end, Kerry personally showed the little wizards the configuration method and blending result of this potion.

It only took a few minutes for this seemingly troublesome potion to take shape in Kerry's crucible. Then Kerry took out a beautiful glass bottle and put the purple potion into it. The purity was close to 100%!

The little wizards were amazed and came forward to watch. Kerry signaled everyone to take the crucible and start to act.

Kerry stood on the podium and matched everyone's name and position according to his memory of the night of the sorting. He used his perspective eyes - suddenly any mistakes made by each little wizard when they took action immediately appeared in his eyes.

""Huan Brunei, you put too much water, you need to reduce the amount by at least three ounces!" or"Koala Scott, your wrist floats too high, you need to move it down by at least two and a half inches!"

Kerry didn't get close to anyone, but he accurately pointed out the mistakes made by everyone. For a moment, all the little wizards were stunned.

It is worth mentioning that Ginny has been practicing potions desperately during this period. Her potion learning has improved very fast. Now she can stand out from the crowd. In the practical part of this potion, she did not make any mistakes. In the end, she was the first in the class to complete the potion!

"Very good! The purity is over 80%, an excellent work! For Miss Ginny Weasley, I will give Gryffindor five extra points!"

Although the little snakes were a little indignant, no one protested because Kerry was very fair.

Thanks to Kerry's constant attention and careful correction, this class became a small miracle - when the class was over, all the little wizards had completed the finished product! The worst student also achieved a purity of more than 50% of the medicine, passing!

This kind of result is completely impossible in Snape's course. For a while, this group of first-year little wizards were slightly amazed.

Just like that, the first class was over. Not to say that everyone was satisfied, but at least everyone felt that this [student teacher] was not a fake teacher. The fact that the professor of potions was a second-year little wizard spread throughout Hogwarts school at an explosive speed. When Kerry had dinner, he had become a star.

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