Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 114 [Substitute Potions Teacher?]

Kerry has been taking time out these days to practice the [Anti-Potion Spell]. This spell can make Hermione"come back to life" and move freely before her magic power is exhausted.

The anti-poison spell itself is very simple, but it is a problem to make the anti-poison spell last longer...

After a period of practice, Kerry was about 50% sure, and he came to Hermione's bedside. Ginny was concentrating on reading a book at this moment. Ginny has grown very fast during this period. She has always been like an ignorant little girl, but now she is like a powerful young woman of the times.

"Your magic power has increased very fast in the past few days. According to my estimation, your magic power should have surpassed your brother Ron, but of course there is still a gap to Percy."Kerry said

"Thank you, I have just been practicing normally these days and haven't done much else." Ginny's face turned a little red, and she had basically recovered from the fear of hurting Hermione.

"You don't need to stay here with Hermione. Hermione should be completely unaware of anything now. The attack she suffered was an extremely disgusting spell, almost freezing time."Kerry explained.

"I dare not go to the study room, I am afraid to face more classmates... Do you know what they say about me... They say I am an evil witch... I am a female Voldemort!" Ginny whispered with sobs.

Kerry gave Ginny a hug, then patted Ginny's head and comforted her:"That is obviously a lie spread by the Slytherins, don't take it to heart." Ginny nodded, lowered her head and continued to read. Kerry raised the wand in his hand, Hercules, above his head and began to chant the spell:"【Antidotes Spell】!"

Kerry has 106,000 calories of magic power, which is equivalent to the magic power of 30 adult wizards. The most difficult part of making this spell work smoothly is that it must form a stable source of magic power to continuously nourish the body.

Kerry had a genius idea. He divided this magic power into two parts, one part is input by external force, and the other part will be output by Hermione's internal body, and finally reach a stable balance. The difficulty of this spell is that Hermione must learn the antidote spell within the first ten minutes, and then [renew] the spell cast by Kerry externally. In this way, after the two sides reach a resonance, according to estimates, Hermione can continue to exercise for at least 8 hours.

The light of the orchid shot out from Hercules-hit Hermione's eyebrows, and an invisible magic power spread throughout her body.

Hermione's stiff state was instantly relieved-her hair, which was originally as hard as stone, immediately drooped down-just a few seconds later, Hermione's eyes blinked

"Are you awake?" Kerry asked gently.

"I seemed to have seen a monster just now!"Hermione was still immersed in fear. In her memory, she was still in the bathroom a second ago, and Ginny had just opened the secret room in the bathroom with a strange language.

"Listen to me, now you must learn this spell within ten minutes - the antidote spell, and make it work in your body."Kerry said:"When you learn the antidote spell, I will explain this to you in detail."

"The spell for the antidote is:!@#¥%……&, there are thirty-five syllables in total, you must remember them clearly!"

Hermione didn't understand what was happening, but she trusted Kerry very much, and immediately concentrated on learning the spell. It took only five minutes instead of ten minutes for Hermione to successfully cast it on her body.

Instantly Kerry felt a lot more relaxed:"Now let Ginny tell you what happened.……"

Ginny stood up excitedly when she saw Hermione sitting up. When she saw Hermione turned her head to look at her, she immediately rushed over, hugged Hermione tightly, and then began to cry.

Ginny cried and told Hermione what happened. Hermione was shocked to hear that she had been in a coma for a whole week. In her opinion, only a few minutes had passed. Of course, Hermione easily forgave Ginny. After all, Ginny was just a victim. She had been very uncomfortable in the past week.

Kerry brought Ginny and Hermione to the long-missed Great Hall. It was just dinner time. When Hermione pushed the door and entered the room, the Great Hall became quiet almost instantly.

Everyone unconsciously raised their heads to look at Hermione and Ginny. The two walked into the Great Hall hand in hand, and Kerry followed behind them.

Ron, Harry and the other five children immediately rushed up to check on Hermione. Ron patted Ginny's shoulder heavily and comforted Ginny.

The next day, Hermione got the long-lost [Time Converter] and began to study frantically - but the only drawback was that Hermione had to ask Kerry to cast a spell to break the curse every six to eight hours, otherwise she would turn into a stone again. For this reason, Hermione couldn't even go back to the dormitory - she had to stay in the ward of the school hospital, otherwise Kerry couldn't enter the girls' dormitory.

In the afternoon, after Kerry finished the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall suddenly called Kerry:"Come to my office!"

When they arrived at the office, Professor McGonagall asked:"You must have been the one who broke the curse for Hermione's condition? Right?"

"Of course!" Kerry didn't understand why. This was obvious, so Kerry told Professor McGonagall about the antidote in detail.

"Genius!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed,"I never thought that the antidote spell could be used in combination with two spells. This way it can really greatly extend its duration!" Professor

McGonagall changed the subject:"How effective is your study with the time converter this week? Can the senior courses meet your needs? Or at least help you?"

"Of course! I had a lot of questions that were solved instantly!"Kerry explained:"Many books are wrong, some places are even made up, and some key points are not recorded in the books at all, so I gained a lot!"

"Very good! If that's the case, I have a favor to ask.……"Professor McGonagall said:"Snape has been on leave for a month, and it will probably be extended for another half a month... I can't watch the little wizards neglect their studies because of this!"

"so……"Professor McGonagall said:"I request that you take over Snape's job of teaching potions to first and second grade students!"

"Me?" Kerry was stunned:"I am a student... Professor McGonagall, even if I go to give lectures, do you think the students will trust me?"

"Your achievements in the first-year Potions class are obvious to all the young wizards! Believe me, maybe you still lack prestige in the senior courses, but you can definitely do well in the first and second year courses!"

"Don't you need to tell the principal about this?" Kerry asked.

"The headmaster has agreed!" Professor McGonagall took out a roll of parchment from the drawer, which contained a letter of authorization.

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