Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 116 [Successor: Malfoy]

Everything is difficult at the beginning. After the sensational effect of the first class, the little wizards of Badger House and Eagle House showed a very positive attitude towards Kerry, especially the little wizards of Eagle House and Ravenclaw actively answered questions and answered them fluently in class, which made Kerry feel very happy. In the second-year potions class, Slytherin and Gryffindor took classes together.

Kerry thought this would be the most difficult class because he would face his classmates instead of other strangers, but the situation was much better than he expected.

He didn't realize that his usual excellent performance had already conquered all the classmates. Although some people might not like Kerry, such as Malfoy or Goyle, even Malfoy and Goyle could not deny Kerry's excellence in learning. He was the one who once confused Professor McGonagall, and the little wizards loved and hated him.

Kerry's second-year substitute teacher was also very good and professional. Most students liked Kerry's lectures very much - in fact, no matter what kind of teacher, it is always better than the old bat with a greasy head.

The days when Kerry was a substitute teacher passed quickly and slowly - they passed quickly because almost everyone was satisfied with Kerry's teaching, even the little snakes who had always been very dissatisfied with Gryffindor had to nod their heads. They also had to admit that in terms of teaching quality, Kerry was completely better than the old bat.

Hermione was also shocked. When she first heard that Professor McGonagall asked him to substitute, she was almost shocked. However, from the in-depth and easy-to-understand explanations in class, Hermione had never clearly realized that the gap between herself and Kerry was so huge.

After Kerry substituted for a period of time, the learning atmosphere of the whole school became better - because the students never thought that the potion class would be so interesting.

Kerry's teaching work in potions was completely a method that only he could take - one-on-one explanation.

Kerry could remember everyone's characteristics and everyone's knowledge level, and then use super vision to observe their every move at all times.

Kerry was like the most advanced AI learning robot, updating actions that were more suitable for everyone in real time.

This was of course a miracle teaching that only a superhuman student who possessed [super memory], [super thinking ability], [super vision], [perspective eyes], [super perception], etc.

could do.

After Professor McGonagall personally attended a few classes, she was amazed. She turned around and gave the third-grade Potions class to Kerry.

So during the one and a half months that Snape was on leave, the first, second and third-grade wizards all attended classes on time, and everyone admired and liked Kerry. The only problem was that Kerry received more love letters and more gifts.

Hermione was very annoyed, and Ginny was also quite speechless.


That evening, Malfoy had just finished his headache-inducing Potions homework.

Goyle said,"Strange, why do I feel like Potions isn't that difficult? I didn't want to do homework before, but now it doesn't seem so annoying."

Crabbe added,"I have the same feeling. Did that mudblood Kerry cast some spell on us?"

Malfoy looked at the two stupid followers with disdain and said,"That's because Kerry is a very capable person. His knowledge is greater than all of you combined! I told you a year ago! Don't underestimate Kerry!"

"Why doesn't the damn Slytherin heir kill these mudbloods?" Goyle complained:"This Kerry should be the first to be eliminated!"

" You say it's strange, why is it that Hermione is obviously going to die, but she seems to be fine but still attending classes normally?" Crabbe asked.

Malfoy added:"Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets must have been opened. My father once said that it was opened fifty years ago, but was later closed again."

Malfoy was talking when he suddenly felt as if there was a noise. He let out a sigh and motioned for Goyle and the others to follow.

After a careful search, the three of them found a bunch of spiders in an empty corridor.

The huge spiders were densely connected in a line - they were crawling from the window into the sewer.

Malfoy and the other two lowered their heads to study the spiders, and at this time, a hand suddenly emerged from a dark corner - a diary with a brown and black cover was quietly placed in Malfoy's pile of books.

After doing all this, Kerry disappeared.

Slytherin's basilisk script has to continue If the story goes on, how can there be no protagonist?

Ginny is no longer suitable to be the protagonist, so the silly boy Harry Potter can only play the second half... Hehe... I'm really sorry, Malfoy, if you are unlucky enough to be killed by the basilisk, you can only blame your fate.

After doing all this, Kerry was in a very happy mood. Malfoy's stinky face has always been disgusting, not to mention that he speaks without restraint and calls people mudblood all the time. It's good this way, let the script continue to play out and see who will be fooled.

Slytherin's heir: Draco Malfoy - sounds good!


In a remote hut in Hogsmeade Village, Snape sat quietly in the room. There was a large crib in the room, and two children were lying quietly.

These were the two little ones who were born a month ago - a boy and a girl. However, the two little ones at this moment did not look like full-month babies at all. They were nearly 80 centimeters tall, and their fontanelles had begun to close. With each breath, they looked more like one-year-old children.

"The potion is working better than I expected!" Snape muttered to himself,"The only problem is���, the child's basic information is seriously missing, and false memories still need to be instilled into him."

Next to Snape at this moment, a special meditation basin was shining with a special luster - Snape spent a lot of effort to extract the parts he needed from the memories of various babies and edit them out.

Memories can be changed, especially for a great wizard like Snape, it's as easy as cooking and eating.

On the wall behind Snape, there was a tree-shaped flow chart, which planned various key points and time points for the next ten years, such as what to eat and drink in January, what rituals to perform in February to make up for the weakness caused by excessive growth, and what to cast in March.

The most amazing thing in Snape's plan is the potion that went into the mother's womb - every month of growth can achieve the effect of one year of growth!

It only takes ten months for these two children to go from infants to school-age children.

"One year older in one month, not a bad result!" Snape grinned, looked at the two babies in the cradle and laughed.

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