Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 113 [Saving the Dragon Norbert]

Of course, if you want to train such a person, you can't just tell him that you want to train him, otherwise he will be considered a fool.

Kerry found an opportunity to sit with Cedric inconspicuously. The two of them first had a preliminary acquaintance, and Kerry was ready to find an opportunity to brainwash him.

This was something Kerry had been planning for a long time - who made Voldemort so disgusting? Why did you have to provoke Superman me when you could provoke anyone else! ?

Kerry wanted to completely destroy Voldemort's Horcrux, but he kept it for the"script".

According to Dumbledore's explanation - if you arrange things according to the development of the plot, then at most you will suffer some specific losses, but once you go beyond the script, you will be"punished by Merlin".

It's almost the same as what is said in the prehistoric novels:"Small things can be changed, but big things cannot be moved.

" It's almost the same meaning.

If this thing is killed in advance, there may be a more unknown danger - such as a Voldemort who is resurrected in advance, or a stronger version of Voldemort.

So based on this reason, Voldemort can only die at a specific time and in a specific place - Klee thought of the most horrible revenge -

Cedric is Voldemort's grandson, what if they turn against each other?

Hehe... it's very exciting to think about it!

What if every time Voldemort is about to succeed, Cedric jumps out and shouts:"Go to hell! Voldemort!"

Klee also especially wants to hear the classic line:"【I am your grandfather/I'm your grandfather】"

Whether this is Star Wars or not, it's very exciting!


On this day, Harry found Kerry very frustrated.

"Damn, Hagrid's dragon has been discovered!"Harry said,"Malfoy found Norbert, what should we do?"

Norbert was raised by Hagrid for a few more months, but now it seems that the original route must be taken - sending him away is the only option.

"How old is Norbert now?" Kerry asked

"So big……"Harry compared it and it was roughly equivalent to a calf.

Kerry suddenly had an idea in his mind - Collins was building the [Arcane Association Headquarters], if there was a way to keep Norbert at the Arcane Association Headquarters, that would be cool!

"I remember Norbert was placed in the Forbidden Forest, right? Even if Malfoy found Norbert, at least in the short term, we can't determine its exact location.

That means we still have at least a few days to cover up this problem. I have two options now. First, Ron's brother Charlie should be studying dragons in Romania, so you can write to him for help. I think he should have some way to solve this problem.

The second option is that I am building an Arcane Society headquarters. I think it may be possible to turn Norbert into a captive dragon, but this may not work. Once the Ministry of Magic finds out, we will be in trouble."

Harry thought Kerry's idea was good, and they immediately split up. He went to Ron to write a letter, and Kerry contacted Collins.

Collins wrote back first, saying that the headquarters might not be able to accommodate such a dangerous guy now, and no one in the wild could tame the proud dragon, so he suggested giving up.

Ron's brother Charlie said that your dragon is too big now, and I can't think of any way to bring it out silently.

This result made Harry, Ron and Hagrid desperate!

If Malfoy reported it to anyone, it would lead to one result - Hagrid would be expelled! He would be permanently expelled from Hogwarts, his favorite place.

Harry, Ron and the other five were all frowning. If... It would be better if Norbert was a little smaller so that he could use the invisibility cloak. However, the current invisibility cloak cannot cover a calf anyway. After a few days of delay, Kerry finally decided to help the little wizards.

On a dark and windy night, Kerry came to the Forbidden Forest - he quietly found the lair of the Spinosaurus.

Wow! The child was sleeping, and when Norbert curled up completely, he was about the size of a calf...

As soon as Kerry walked into the lair, Norbert woke up, opened his mouth and roared at Kerry. Kerry smiled, raised his fist and punched! Norbert's head was hit directly, and his saliva flowed all over the floor!

When Norbert looked up again, his eyes were full of fear, not anger.

"It seems that you can feel how powerful my fist is!"Kerry chuckled.

Three hundred and twenty tons! The grip strength of one hand is three hundred and twenty tons, which means that the power of his punch must be at least several times higher, and the limit can exceed one thousand tons!

There has never been such a powerful person on this planet from ancient times to the present!

It's not that no one can tame a dragon - but no one can show enough strength to make the dragon obedient!

But - Kerry - is obviously that person!

After the second punch, Norbert could no longer raise his head. He looked up at Kerry with fear in his eyes.

Norbert raised his head and wanted to give Kerry a magic flame. As the flames sprayed out, Kerry's clothes were burned, but the naked Kerry was unharmed!

Norbert's fear at this moment can be seen from the movements of his body. He also wanted to try to raise his head and bite Kerry, but Kerry easily grabbed his chin and upper jaw.

"Really naughty!"Kerry pressed his upper and lower jaws together, and finally picked up a stone on the ground and smashed it hard on Norbert's forehead.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't use the stone to kill Norbert. On the contrary, the hardness of the stone was lower than Kerry's fist - I believe you will never try how hard Superman's fist is.

Norbert fainted, and Kerry made a simple apron with the leaves next to him... the kind of primitive people... carrying Norbert into the sky, flying towards the headquarters of the Arcane Association...

Now Kerry's flying speed has reached 40 kilometers per hour, which is roughly equivalent to the bicycle speed of professional racers.

It only took half a night and six hours for Kerry to arrive at the headquarters of the Arcane Association, and then spent half a day to settle Norbert - more of intimidation.

The next day was the weekend, Kerry took a day off, went home to see the housekeeper and sister, and then took off again in the night and returned to Hogwarts.

At this time, Hagrid looked confused, not knowing where Norbert had run off to, and was a little sad.

Harry, Ron and the other five children felt a little excited about surviving the disaster, and Malfoy no longer had this handle.

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