Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 112 [Cultivating Cedric]

This weekend at Hogwarts seemed very chaotic, because of Hermione's petrification. By Monday, everyone seemed to have returned to normal. No one mentioned Hermione, and no one mentioned the basilisk.

But just like the calm before the storm... In fact, there was an undercurrent!

The special envoy of the Ministry of Magic handed two time converters to Kerry - Professor McGonagall found an excuse and gave Hermione's one to Kerry as well.

The moment Kerry got the time converter, he realized that the essence of this thing was actually the same as the time castle - they were not created by the earth, but by magic from other magical worlds! The internal structure was quite complicated, and it was simply beyond the level of magic on earth.

Kerry used the magic converter, input his magic power, and then moved the time pointer - he could only go back eight hours at most, and going forward would cause irreversible damage to the time converter. Kerry calculated the time. If he wanted to save Hermione, it would take at least 96 hours. This thing couldn't stand such a toss.

Moreover, this thing also obeys the [Law of Least Impact]. Now that Hermione's petrification is known to everyone, if one wants to go back in time and change this situation, the magic power required will be astronomical. If only this thing could be obtained a few days earlier.

Professor McGonagall called Kerry to her office and seriously formulated a plan for the use of the time converter for this school year. According to the plan, Kerry will attend classes with grades three, four, five and six. Courses such as History of Magic will not be considered. The main courses will be Transfiguration, Charms and Potions, as well as ancient runes and other major courses.

Professor McGonagall will explain to all the lecturers in advance, and Kerry can attend classes at any time. He also received a complete schedule. According to this schedule, Kerry will have at least six classes every day. It is simply a nightmare.……

"You must be good at using the Time Turner. Keep Hermione's Time Turner for her first and use it when she recovers! I believe it won't take long!"

""Okay!" Kerry replied.

In the following days, Kerry followed various colleges to study different courses. The courses for the five grades, two, three, four, five and six, were all in-depth to varying degrees - especially when Kerry first attended the sixth grade course, the return rate was off the charts!

But in the sixth grade spells class, Kerry's performance was outstanding, exemplary! All wizards were shocked beyond words.

That was because Professor Flitwick asked a question:"Does magic belong to the soul or the body?"

Everyone felt a headache about this question - think about it, before Harry's grade, there were no particularly outstanding children, and it took almost ten years for a Hermione to appear. The essence of magic is something that ordinary people can't think about. If you think too much, you will go bald - just like Professor Flitwick.

Seeing the silence in the classroom, Kerry finally raised his hand. Professor Flitwick was a little surprised, and he motioned for Kerry to speak.

Kerry stood up and said directly:"The essence of magic is that magic is magic, which belongs neither to the soul nor to the body!"

"If we ask a bunch of blind people to touch an elephant, some of them will only touch the elephant's ears, so they will say that the elephant is a soft fan; some of them will touch the elephant's legs, so they will say that the elephant is a pillar; and some of them will only grab the elephant's tail, so they will say that the elephant is a snake."

"Do you think what these people say is correct? Kerry asked the professor

"Of course not!" Professor Flitwick was surprised. He said,"Then what do you think magic is?"

"Magic is magic! It belongs neither to the soul nor to the body! The reason why some people raise the nature of magic is because they just don’t understand the nature of magic!"

"The essence of magic is that it has no essence! Magic is magic! It is wrong to use any words beyond magic to describe it! An elephant is certainly not a fan, nor a pillar, nor a snake. An elephant is an elephant!

It has the attributes of the soul, the attributes of the body, and other material and idealistic characteristics. If we want to understand the essence of magic, we must forget the rules of daily life and understand magic from the essence of magic!

Magic is like an AI system with its own intelligence. When you use your soul to contact magic, it shows the soul. When you use your body to contact it, it shows physical properties. But this is only different from the way, not from magic!

If I have to use a word to better describe magic, I would like to call it: [divine power]!

God is omnipotent, so divine power is also omnipotent, at least to a certain extent. The essence of magic is divine power. If in ancient times, we are not wizards, but sons of gods!

Hogwarts is actually an ancient Greek Mount Olympus! Dumbledore is the Lord, Professor Snape is Hera, the Queen of Gods, Professor McGonagall is Gaia, the Earth Goddess, and Professor Flitwick can be called Poseidon, the Sea God!

If you bring each of us into it, you will understand the essence of magic! The essence of magic lies in the ability to do whatever you want!

Finally, I need to say that I strongly recommend that you study the ancient runes, because runes are closer to magic. It is a kind of text dedicated to magic, which will allow everyone to understand the deep meaning of magic."

After Kerry finished speaking, he sat down. What he said was really a bit profound, so that the sixth-grade students looked at each other.

Professor Flitwick nodded and said,"Gryffindor plus ten points! Kerry's explanation is very good!"

Some students showed a thoughtful expression, they seemed to benefit a lot, and some people said to themselves,"It turns out that I am the son of God in the myth... So I can become a wizard! Yes! Compared to Muggles, we are gods!"

Just like that, everything went smoothly. Ginny was desperately studying Potions knowledge, and Hermione was lying on the bed - at night, Kerry would take an hour to chat with Hermione - of course, Hermione's soul and body were truly frozen, and she had no reaction.

Time soon came to Friday, and on that day, Kerry ran to Hufflepuff's fourth-year Potions class.

The person he wanted to see for a long time - Hufflepuff's first warrior - Cedric!

Kerry sneered in his heart: Voldemort, wait for me, aren't you going to open the Chamber of Secrets and kill the Mudblood? I will let your own grandson go to burn incense and see you off!

Kerry opened a parchment scroll, and the [Cedric Training Program] kicked off!

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