Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 111 [Adoptive Father]

The news of Hermione's attack spread quickly throughout the school. On the afternoon of the second day, the whole school was shrouded in a terrifying atmosphere. The first attack was originally scheduled for the Halloween dinner, which was October 31st. Now it was more than a month earlier than expected, and it wasn't even October yet!

At this time, Snape disappeared again. It was said that he had taken a full month off, which made the school even more panicked. The students of Slytherin were better because Snape had arranged everything in advance. It didn't seem to be an accident, but the children of the other three colleges were frightened. They secretly came to the school hospital and looked at Hermione, who looked like a wax figure. They were all scared.

Madam Pomfrey was furious, but she couldn't deal with the little wizard.

Ginny sat in front of the bed in a daze, and didn't even eat. After Ron found Ginny, he and the twin brothers brought her lunch, but she didn't eat a bite. She was so haggard that she almost went into shock.

Kerry wanted to leave Ginny alone for a while, but seeing her current state, he softened his heart a little. So in the evening, Kerry took Ginny to the Room of Requirement.

Kerry held the diary and said,"Strictly speaking, this is not your fault, but you have a great responsibility, and you certainly need to be responsible for this."

"I am irresponsible... I couldn't save Hermione... I made an unforgivable mistake... I……"Finally, Ginny spoke, crying as she spoke.

Kerry waited until Ginny gradually stopped crying before saying,"Do you know why you made such a mistake?"

Ginny didn't say anything, but looked up at Kerry.

"First, you don't trust Hermione and me! Hermione and I regard you as a friend who can stand by our side and even share our secrets, but you don't!

Second, you are arrogant and think you can handle everything, but in fact your ability is pitifully small! You should have come into contact with this thing called a magic meter. What is your magic value? Only more than 600 cards! Do you know what Hermione's magic value is? Hermione's magic value is 6,300 cards! More than ten times more than yours!"

Ginny said nothing, standing at one end of the table, silent.

Kerry continued:"Do you know who that Tom is?"

"He's a bad guy!" Ginny almost shouted.

"He is worse than you think! He is the mysterious man, Voldemort!" Kerry said this in a deafening voice.

Ginny was frightened, she never thought it was Voldemort, and now her expression can be described as pale!

Ginny's eyes kept turning, and it seemed that until this moment, many questions were instantly answered - such as why Tom knew so much knowledge, why Tom seemed to be able to guess every one of Ginny's thoughts, and even guess other people's thoughts and thinking.

"This is impossible!"Ginny couldn't believe it:"Are you kidding me?"

""Do you think I would joke about Hermione's life?" Kerry said seriously.

Ginny was silent again. She was really ashamed of what she had done, but after all, she was only eleven years old. Who could have thought of the dangers of the world?

Kerry said to Ginny:"What you have to do now is to save Hermione Granger! Save your good friend!"

He turned and picked several piles of thick books from the bookshelf. The piles were on the table, and the crackling sound was deafening:"These are books on Potions and Herbology, a total of 227 books! Now I ask you to read these books from today, and understand the operation of Potions. I want you to prepare the antidote for Hermione by yourself when the mandrake matures!"

After that, Kerry carefully made a study plan for Ginny-a plan of hundreds of books is of course impossible, and not everyone has the same reading ability as Kerry. In fact, most of them are to scare Ginny. There are only four or five books that Ginny really needs to read repeatedly.

After fooling Ginny, Kerry slipped out of the Room of Requirement and found Professor McGonagall.

"Please continue to pay attention to the time converter!

Professor McGonagall said she would urge the Ministry of Magic to send the things as soon as possible.


A hospital near the Institute of Biology - Snape is anxiously waiting outside the delivery room, and two Muggle scientists are accompanying Snape

"It's born!" A nurse rushed out of the delivery room:"A 6-pound, 6-ounce baby boy! Mother and child are safe!"

Snape was a little excited, but he did not lose control. He opened the swaddling clothes and looked at the little baby boy inside. The baby boy had fallen asleep, and there were some Snape's features between his eyebrows!

Snape used a [Blessing] magic, and then said softly:"From now on, your name will be: [Severin Snape], little guy!"

A little starlight floated from the end of the wand to the baby boy's body. The baby boy's skin instantly became smooth, no longer wrinkled, and did not look like a newborn baby at all.

Snape wanted to do something else, and the delivery room was opened again:"This one is born too! A girl! Seven pounds!"

Snape didn't care about the little baby boy, and walked quickly to the nurse. In the second stroller, there was a little baby girl who was extremely cute. She was just born, but it could be seen that the baby girl had a beautiful face. She would definitely grow up to be a great beauty.

Snape was stunned at this time. The baby girl's emerald eyes looked around hazily. She looked at the ceiling, the nurse, and finally at Snape...

Snape seemed to be struck by lightning!

What a soul-stirring eye!

The bright starlight burst out from the depths of the eyes, like countless green meteors streaking across the starry sky! Those little eyes seemed to carry the most beautiful existence in the world, and they looked so moving!

Snape couldn't help but be stunned! He recalled a lot... He had prepared a lot before... But it was not until this moment that he realized, or really confirmed - he did the right thing! He succeeded!

"Lily... you are really resurrected……"Snape cried, tears in his eyes soaking the swaddling clothes. He gently picked up the baby girl with both hands and held her tightly in his arms - as if he was holding not a baby girl, but the whole earth!

What a warm scene!

After a long time, Snape put the baby girl back in the car and said in the softest and most beautiful voice:"From today on, you are no longer called Lily, you are [Lisa Evans]!

From this day on, Snape's world will change dramatically. He becomes the adoptive father of two children - Severin Snape and Lisa Evans!

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