
You can search for “Super Slaughter System Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Where is the rat, chaos my Aolong Martial City Fighting Dragon Platform, roll down quickly to lead death!”

Doulongtai, East, South, West, North, four directions.

A total of seven or eight Peak Great Saints spoke furiously together, their voices were like waves, and they seemed to explode like thunder, roaring constantly.

Beside this one respected Peak Great Saint, there is also the familiar face of Fang Yu on the previous fighting dragon platform!

Previously, they were terrified under Fang Yu’s hands and crawled out of here in fear, and then they moved to Fang Fang’s rescue soldiers as soon as they turned around!

They are all rescuers of the Peak Great Saint level!

However, this is exactly what Fang Yu meant!

As long as the rescuer who moved in is still in the big Saint Realm! If the rescuer moved out is the powerhouse of the Emperor Realm, Fang Yu should be the one to flee.

“At this time, I am still the master of the dragon fighting platform. If I go down, wouldn’t it be a failure?”

“It’s still your eight Peak Great Saints. Let’s fight with me on this fighting dragon platform together. I promise you three tricks!”

Perceiving the arrival of the Peak Great Saint, Fang Yu became excited, and his face was full of be eager to have a try.

He is not afraid of someone killing him.

I’m afraid that someone will not come, so that he will not be able to get the blessing of Doulongtai Qi Luck, and he will not be able to repair his damaged fortune!

It can be said.

At this moment, Fang Yu, as long as it wasn’t the imperial powerhouse who came to slay him in person, in the land of the dragon platform, among the great Saint Realm, he was an absolute sweeping battle strength.


“You rat, don’t roll down, I’ll go up and fight with you later! It’s so rampant, or Outsider, really courting death.”

“You are deceiving me, Aolong Martial City, no one!”

“Today, I will behead the head of your rat generation and hang it in the Aolong Martial City, let the world know that the Aolong Martial City cultivator cannot be bullied!”

There are constant roars.

all directions, a total of eight Peak Great Saints came together.

For so many years, among the Aolong Martial City, Fang Yu is probably the most arrogant, domineering, and the biggest Outsider.

At this moment.

The cultivators who are still near this dragon platform, without exception, are all united, unanimously treating Fang Yu in front of them as a thief.

Fang Yu’s arrogant Outsider is still the first!

It must be hit!


You must be killed!

Otherwise, Aolong Martial City, the largest city in the southern border of the mysterious wind region, still talk about majesty and face?

“You and withdraw.”

“This kid is a little bit troublesome, you may not be opponents!”

“It’s better for Bensheng to do it himself.”

Just when these eight Peak Great Saints are about to board the Dragon Fighting Platform, take action together, and work together to encircle Fang Yu.

On the sky, there was a loud voice like thunder.

The comer, who has a powerful vision, drives the wind, wears a scarlet Battle Armor, has extremely deep eyes, and carries a giant knife on his back.

This huge knife is the size of his two bodies!

“Sage of Absolute Swords!”

“Ten years ago, Doulongtai was an invincible player, ranked first in the dragon list, and even ranked 17 Peak Great Saints!”

“Didn’t expect, this shocking change in Doulongtai has attracted him!”

“Ten years ago, this Absolute Sword Sage was number one on the Dragon List, an absolute Peak level among the Peak Saint Realm! Now, ten years have passed, and I don’t know how much he has grown. ……”

Countless people cheered, as if adoring their hero, looking at the Sage Sword, their eyes were full of awe.

In this regard, the Absolute Swordsman who appeared on the stage seemed extremely useful to all this.

At the same time, he came here because of the power of the opponent’s cultivation base, and the sin throne that came out of him seemed extremely interested.

To be precise.

It is the special Rule Power in the Throne of Sin, attracting this one, the Sage Sage!

He deeply understands the value of the Throne of Sin!

As soon as the Sage of the Absolute Blade is out!

Also, he spoke in person, and all directions suddenly, the eight Peak Great Saints that came to Doulongtai, all stopped.

If others, they can to disdain as beneath contempt! Don’t pay attention to it at all.

But they still have to give this one the face of the Heavenly Sage! If you don’t give it, it will be them.

If even this Absolute Sword Saint can’t deal with this Fang Yu, even if they come together with eight people, when the time comes, they will end up with no scum.

“Then there is a sage of the sword!”

There is Peak Great Saint Archway.

In this regard, the Absolute Swordsman nodded nodded, extremely conceited, and took a calm leap to board the arena of the dragon fighting platform.

At this moment, in Fang Yu’s perception.

When this one, the sage of the sword, stepped on the dragon platform, in the body of the sage of the sword, there appeared a solid shadow of the golden dragon of luck.

By comparison.

Fang Yu within the body is just a pitiful illusory dragon shadow that’s all.

At the same time.

An extremely mysterious and abstruse feeling emerged in Fang Yu’s heart.

As long as Fang Yu can slay this Absolute Sword Saint on this fighting dragon platform, then he can plunder the Absolute Sword Saint’s Golden Dragon within the body.

“This is pretty good!”

“The loss of my luck is not light. With the golden dragon blessing on both ends of my luck, I can recover a lot if I want to.”

At this time, Fang Yu looked at this Absolute Sword Saint again, his eyes were already glowing, as if he was observing Wei Bao.

“damned bastard, so crazy!”

“In front of this sage, you dare to be so impudent, today let you learn and teach me, the former leader of the dragon list, the great sword saint!”

“With your strength, you could have steadily set foot on the dragon list and gained the blessing of Qi Luck! It is a pity that you are too arrogant and domineering! At this moment, many cultivators in Martial City want you to die. ! The saint will send you to death!”

Fang Yu’s eyes inexplicably made the Absolute Sword Saint very uncomfortable.

He didn’t even know.

At this moment, Fang Yu is already hitting the attention of the Golden Dragon within the body.

But even if he didn’t know it, he knew that it was definitely not a good point for Fang Yu to look at him with this look!

Wearing scarlet armor and surrounded by dazzling aura, the body of the Absolute Swordsman trembled, and he drew out the giant sword on his back with one hand, and a terrifying prestige brewed on his body.

Obviously, the giant sword is the Peak Saint Soldier!

And he is this one, the Peak Great Saint!

“die for me!”

“Look at the holy secret skills that I have comprehend for ten years before comprehending! Thunderbolt slashed!”


this one Sage of Absolute Blade shouted loudly.

In an instant.

An unparalleled horror power enveloped this ring, and even under the ring, the eight Peak Great Saint-level powerhouses all showed expressions of fear.

“Thunderbolt slashed!”

“The name is quite bluff! It just feels that the formidable power is a lot worse! It didn’t give me the suffocating pressure of death!”


Fang Yu didn’t feel at all about this.

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