
You can search for “Super Slaughter System Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“This is absolutely impossible!”

“An eight-star Great Saint, if you say that you kill it, you will kill it. This is the ordinary Peak Great Saint, and it can’t be done at all!”

“This is just a one-star Great Saint that’s all, how can you do it! Do you still hide the cultivation base?”

Someone was horrified and talked.

Above the Dragon Fighting Platform, the great Saints looked at the throne of terrible sin that almost enveloped the entire sky above their heads. They only felt their scalp numb and their fear was extreme.

There is no hesitation.

They didn’t have any fighting intent, they turned around and fled, and they turned towards and fled under the dragon platform! As long as he escaped below the Dragon Fighting Platform, no matter how fierce the little baby in front of him was, he still had to heed the rules on the Dragon Fighting Platform.

Any cultivator who voluntarily concedes defeat and retreats under the dragon platform, as the master of the challenge, must not kill to the last one!

This is the iron law of Doulongtai!

Although this iron law is not clearly stated, what will happen after the violation! But I am afraid there is absolutely no good end.

After all, even the imperial powerhouse in the Aolong Martial City is extremely taboo when it comes to Doulongtai, and I don’t want to talk more, for fear that it might be contaminated with some cause and effect, which will damage my fortune!


“Aren’t you still extremely fierce and yelling at me? Now, I have obeyed your sword intent and abandoned the long sword. Why don’t you show your true skills?”


Fang Yu sneered.

Up and down the ring, there was a chaotic scene, and everyone was frightened and avoided the throne of horror that was thousands of feet high.

On the Doulong Platform.

The Great Saints who came to form a group to challenge Fang Yu, their faces were already frightened, but they turned blue with anger.

They all cursed Fang Yu in their hearts.

A good Tianjiao giant, presumably not from the overlord Martial God forces like the Sword Clan, or from other Martial God forces.

To this level of horror, it is not in the category of humans at all! Pretending to be a one-star Saint Realm, isn’t this obviously seduce them and then bully them weak Great Saints?

This kid is shameful!

Clearly strong like a monster, it can easily crush the eight-star Great Saint, comparable to Peak Great Saint battle strength! But he had to pretend to be a weak chicken.

play the pig to eat the tiger!

It’s really hateful!


The Throne of Sin, fiercely hit and fell.

In an instant.

The other eight-star Great Saint that was locked up was no accident, and was blasted into a mass of flesh and blood on the spot.

More than that.

What really made a lot of Great Saint’s scalp numb, and even saw sluggishness, was this one throne that crashed down, which apparently dented the ring.

This is for them.

It is simply incredible, almost a spectacle that the sun comes out from the west!

South of the city Doulong Terrace, standing in the Aolong Martial City, I don’t know how many years! The number one in the dragon list from generation to generation is even more numerous.

But even so.

No one has ever heard of the fact that there are battles and moves in the big Saint Realm, which can destroy this dragon platform half a point!

These impossible things are now witnessed by them!


“The Doulong Platform was sunk by the Throne of Terror!”

“This thing is absolutely impossible because of the power of his cultivation base. This thing is definitely an ancient treasure of sect inheritance!”

“Otherwise, this scene cannot be explained at all!”

Someone shouted in horror.

After that, the Great Saints on the Doulong Platform did not dare to provoke the opponent for half a point. They crawled and jumped off the Doulong Platform.

When I first came, I was arrogant and arrogant, but now I’m so scared to crawl, covered in dirt, just like a stray dog.

A moment of effort.

Above the sky, in the huge shadow of the Throne of Sin, and on this huge dragon fighting platform, there is only the silhouette of Fang Yu alone!

“This time, should you let me not use the power of my cultivation base to become the Throne of Sin, and fight with you!”

“If this is the case, I can also agree to it. Although it is a bit bullying, but after all, I have to test you to make my luck within the body completely solidify the Golden Dragon shadow.”

Fang Yu said slowly.

After finishing talking, I will disperse the terrifying 30,000 feet throne, and also specially beckoned, wanting to let the group of Great Saints come up and continue with him under the ring.


Faced with Fang Yu’s beckoning, all the Great Saint powerhouses retreated one after another, waved their hands again and again, and what’s more, they were so scared that they moved towards the distance and fled.

Even, dare not stay here for a long time!

After today.

Regardless of whether Fang Yu is successfully recognized by Doulongtai as No. 1 on the Dragon List, he will definitely be famous throughout the southern border of the mysterious wind domain, and even the entire mysterious wind domain!

In the past 100,000 years, or even nearly one million years, among the Great Saints who came to defend the challenge, I am afraid that no one can crush the audience like Fang Yu!

Hanging Great Saint is as easy as crushing ants.

“No one of you really continues to challenge me? No. 1 on the Dragon List, this is Supreme’s honor!”

“If you beat me, the Lord is yours! When the time comes, the number one in the dragon list is yours!”

Fang Yu is tempted by goodness.


Below the ring, many Great Saints were almost scared away by Fang Yu.

Those Peak Grand Masters are not even qualified to be on stage.


Fang Yu unexpectedly encountered an extremely embarrassing situation in just one cup of tea when he became the master of the challenge. No one dared to challenge him this one master.

Such words.

He talked about how He stayed for ten days and ten nights and became the Number One Person on the Dragon List recognized by Doulongtai. Then, within his body, he stared an imaginary dragon shadow completely into the Golden Dragon of Qi Luck, and obtained the blessing of Qi Luck.

“I am actually not strong at all!”

“The strongest method is to rely on the equipment such as the Divine Sword of the Red Fire, and the special Eucharist origin such as the Throne of Sin that’s all.”

Fang Yu shook his head for a while, standing quietly on the Doulong Platform, waiting for the unopened Peak Great Saint to catch up and teach him.

This Doulongtai incident is so big~!

I’m afraid it should have spread to the entire Aolong Martial City long ago!

when the time comes.

Those Peak Great Saints who are hiding, I’m afraid they shouldn’t hold their breath! Perhaps, among the few Great Saints that Fang Yu killed earlier, there are still their relatives and friends.

“Why don’t you come to seek revenge?”

“I’m almost waiting to die!”

Fang Yu felt a little anxious about the illusory dragon shadow of Qi Luck within the body, half-dead.


At this time.

mutation protrusion.

With Doulongtai as the center, East, South, West, North, four directions, each with a breath of Peak Great Saint, are moving towards here.

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