
You can search for “Super Slaughter System Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

During this period of time, I was mixed in the remains of the Heavenly Palace, and Fang Yu was in contact with the Great Saint realm of Supreme Heavenly Palace inheritance of the cultivation 100,000 years ago!

There are Martial God Realm Soul, and Heavenly Venerate Martial God powerhouse!

Having been with this horror-level powerhouse for a long time, Fang Yu is a little disgusted with the cultivator born in Loose Cultivator like the Absolute Sword Saint.

Even though this Sage Swordsman, no matter how big his name is, even if he ranks first on the Dragon List of the previous generation, Fang Yu never took it seriously!


“It is extremely weak!”

Faced with the Absolute Sword Saint, this was enough to change Heaven and Earth, and the sky trembled with terror, but Fang Yu shook his head for a while, with expressions of contempt and disdain on his face.

It’s a pity.

No one feels that Fang Yu can really stop this blade!

Because the person who slashed out this blade is so famous, he can become the best saint of Number One Powerhouse in the Holy Land Number One Powerhouse in this proud dragon Martial City!

Below the ring, many Great Saints, as well as the Great Venerable Peak, felt this heart-palpiting horror, and they all looked at Fang Yu with pity.

“It’s so pathetic!”

“His little baby, I am afraid that he will die here today!”

“Attracting the Absolute Sword Sage, it also angered him! This kid is really invincible in the whole world! You know, ten years ago, this Absolute Sword Sage was a dragon list for three consecutive years. First, ten years have passed, it is enough to hit the imperial realm!”

Everyone is slowly telling, telling how terrifying the strength of this Absolute Sword Saint who was shot by Fang Yu, and how out of the ordinary!

Unfortunately, Fang Yu doesn’t like this one!

I don’t even think how powerful this Absolute Sword Saint is!


When I first set foot in Saint Realm.

Fang Yu has no clear understanding of his own cultivation base battle strength at all! Previously in the remains of the Heavenly Palace, the reference was also to the horrible Great Saint of the Black Saint and the Guixuan that have been in the Seven Stars Great Saint for thousands of years, and the ancient Heavenly Palace inheritance secret technique.

In front of them, Fang Yu always felt that he was rather weak if he didn’t use the means of the foundation!


Fang Yu ignored that Heisheng and Guixuan are both Heavenly Palace cultivators, and they are the Great Saints cultivated by the first overlord Martial God forces.

And also cultivated seven-star Great Saint terrifying guy for thousands of years!

The guys like them, even if they are a saint who beats ten great swords, they are more than enough in the ancient territory Human World!

“Sage of Absolute Swords!”

“Are you putting water on me?”

“This blade is really weak! If you want to release water, you don’t have to. My method is much stronger than you think.”

Fang Yu said with a cold face, slowly.

After that, under the gaze of everyone, Fang Yu slowly stretched out two fingers, and moved towards the extremely stunning thunderbolt of the Sage Swordsman!

Thunderbolt slashed!

That’s the horrible saint-level secret skill that it took ten years to realize! As a result, Fang Yu stretched out his hand to clip it, which was extremely stupid.

“Look at you!”

“What is this kid doing? He actually wants to take Master Sword Master’s Thunderbolt with one blow with two fingers!”

“Is he crazy! Or am I waiting crazy!”


“This kid is so laughing, he is a Shabi!”

Looking at this scene, up and down the ring, including the one and eight Peak Great Saints, all laughed mockingly.

Among them, there are a lot of them, and they are smiling forward and backward, eyes full of contempt, looking at Fang Yu as if looking at a foolish lunatic.

“hahahaha, it’s so ridiculous!”

“This Outsider cultivation base is weak! Faced with a top Peak Great Saint one-on-one, he dared to drag it so big. Didn’t Sect Elder warn him that he must work hard to face the powerhouse? “

“This kid is over! His two fingers are going to be cut off! It’s so pitiful, I think he is still a sword repairer? The fingers are cut off, and the sword technique is almost abolished.”

The eight Peak Great Saints also attacked Fang Yu.

In the ear.

It was all ridicule and laughter.


During the battle, one of the two protagonists, the one who was extremely powerful out of the ordinary among the population, suddenly changed his face, with a faint horror in his expression.

Just because he perceives Fang Yu’s breath at this moment has changed!


in a flash.

Thunderbolt slashed, shattered!

The stunning blow in the eyes of the Heavenly Sage was like a piece of paper under Fang Yu’s hand, and it was easily crushed into two pieces by two fingers!

The scene that was still boiling! A scene of endless mockery!

At this moment.

There was a sudden silence!

Everyone looked at this scene incredibly, watching this extremely horrifying scene, they still haven’t reacted to it until now!

“How is it possible?”

“Even the Peak Great Saint will be severely injured in this blow! This kid is just the realm of the one-star Great Saint, how could he be able to stop it.”

“The water is released! The water is definitely released. How could the Absolute Sword Saint not be this kid’s opponent!”

The scene exploded.

Countless people discuss spiritedly.


Sage of Absolute Sword, he is very clear in his heart.

He didn’t release the water at all! Just before that thunderbolt slashed, he poured an absolute cultivation base power.

At least two or three tenths of his Peak battle strength!

Even Peak Great Saint would be easily cut to both ends with a single knife, but it was blocked by Fang Yu with no difficulty.

Don’t say that other people can’t accept it, his righteous master is the most unacceptable! At this time, his head was still buzzing.

“It shouldn’t be!”

“Is he really a one-star Saint Realm?”

“Good fellow! He is not a one-star Saint Realm at all, at least he is at the level of Peak nine-star Great Saint. He hides his strength! It must be so, otherwise this scene cannot be explained at all…”

Looking at Fang Yu, who is extremely insidious, the expression of annoyance on the face of the Sage Absolute Blade, and the increasingly deep killing intent.

“unfathomable mystery!”

“Obviously you are too weak, but in order to save your face, you framed me for hiding your strength! Who!”

“It’s just unreasonable!”

“In that case, give me the golden dragon of luck, and then get out of the ring!”

Fang Yu coldly shouted.

At this moment, he also caught a glimpse of the crazy killing intent in the eyes of this one Sage Sage. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Fang Yu absolutely took action.


The wind is raging!

Fang Yu suddenly stretched out his hand, and immediately above the sky, the 30,000 feet Throne of Sin, which had previously been shocked, emerged again, fiercely moved towards the Sage of Absolute Sword and suppressed it.

The Throne of Sin is extremely special, even on this dragon platform, it can leave a mark! Not to mention, slay a little sage with the sword!

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