
You can search for “Super Slaughter System Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


“You little baby is just Outside that’s all, and you rushed to provoke me while waiting for the Aolong Martial City. Is it deceiving me to wait for Martial City without anyone?”

“It’s just the Emperor Artifact in your hand that’s sharp, that’s all. If you don’t use the Emperor Artifact, can you dare to fight? I can kill you on the spot if I wait for anyone!”

Under the dragon platform, among the cultivators, there is a great Saint Realm powerhouse, all with passion and indignation, constantly moved towards Fang Yu scolded.


At this time, on the Doulong Platform, Fang Yu stood leaning on the Divine Sword.

Under the ring.

All the Great Saint powerhouses looked at the Emperor Artifact in Fang Yu’s hand with fear and awe. No one dared to go on stage to provoke Fang Yu!

Although they kept screaming, they were still shocked by Fang Yu’s sword edge mang, who easily smashed the holy long sword and killed the Seven-Star Great Sword Master.

“A long sword that’s all.”

“Say no, no need!”

“So and so, do you dare to fight with me in the ring?!”

Fang Yu was slightly hesitated, thinking slightly, and then he put the red fire long sword in his hand on the ground, and looked at the many Great Saints under the ring with his bare hands.

The rules on Doulongtai, in fact, are that there are no rules at all!

After choosing the ringmaster, the ringmaster defends the ring! Then stand here, ten days and ten nights, never fail, you can become the first in the dragon list.

During this period, there is no limit to the number of challengers on stage, let alone the means! Of course, the challenger does not limit the means!

As long as you can stand till the end in ten days and ten nights of melee, you can let Doulongtai admit!

Of course.

For these ten days and ten nights, challengers must keep coming up to challenge them, otherwise Doulongtai will not take care of the challenger.

Not to mention, bestowed the number one in the dragon list, and the corresponding blessing of luck!


“Emperor Grade long sword, it’s so rare, you little baby has to give up! In that case, the old man will go to the ring to take your life and take this sword away by the way!”

The sound of jié jié weird laughter resounded through Heaven and Earth.

in a flash.

Under the fighting dragon platform, hundreds of Peak Great Venerables, and even Great Saints, were all lifted into the air.

After that, everyone saw it.

A cloud of nigger mist, wrapped in an old man with a wicked intent, descended on this side of the dragon fighting platform!

This one is obviously the old man of the evil cultivator Great Saint. It is the eight-star cultivation base, which is stronger than the previous batch of seven-star Great Saints.

“Me too!”

“The immensity of heaven and earth, the little doll, even the Emperor Artifact that was in hand has been abandoned! That can’t be said, I have to take a look at the excitement!”

“Alright! The old man is also ready, an Outsider, who dares to provoke facelessly. I wait for the Aolong Martial City cultivator, it’s almost ignorant!”

a path of words sounded, either calm, or old, or young, and they kept appearing in Fang Yu’s ears.

bang bang bang!

a path of silhouette roaring non-stop.

In an instant.

On this huge dragon platform, there is a path of Great Saint silhouette. They are all powerful guys in the Great Saint.

The weakest is the six-star Great Saint level!

Seven Star Great Saint, plentiful and easily available!


Among them, the eight-star Great Saint has as many as three!

With this lineup, as long as the imperial powerhouse does not appear in the Aolong Martial City, they will be enough to sweep the small half of the Aolong Martial City.

Now, I am completely irritated by Fang Yu, or provoked, or simply to seek the Divine Sword!

“Seventeen Great Saints!”

“You guys are not afraid of death!”


“Just so, I will use you as a grinding blade stone today to try my current cultivation base power, how special it is.”

Fang Yu has indeed fulfilled his promise. The red fire long sword was inserted not far away, and he didn’t even move it.

At this moment, in the face of such a terrifying powerhouse lineup, Fang Yu was in a black robe like ink, without any hesitation, waving his fist, wrapped in the power of the cultivation base, and rushed up.


There was a burst of wild laughter.

Above the Dragon Fighting Platform, and even below the Dragon Fighting Platform, are all mocking Fang Yu, mocking Fang Yu’s arrogant and conceited, and mocking Fang Yu’s ignorant!

So many powerhouses dealt with his little baby, and dare to be so big. This is simply not a word for courting death!

“I bet on a holy secret treasure! At most ten breaths time, this arrogant boy, there will be no damn blink left.”


“The ghost is betting with you that this kid will undoubtedly end. Isn’t it right? If he can live, it would be surprising.”

Under Doulong Platform, there are many Peak Venerables, discussing spiritedly, no one is optimistic about Fang Yu.

They all think Fang Yu must die!


“Kill this kid, when the time comes, whoever can seize the emperor long sword in his hand depends on their respective abilities.”

“Do it!”

The eight-star evil saint who first appeared on the stage, after the ferocious words, his figure rose up and turned into a burly ghost with thousands of pieces!


Step forward, fiercely moved towards Fang Yu stepped on it.

Just the force of the terrifying pressure wrapped around it seems to be able to crush Fang Yu, a small one-star Great Saint, into powder!

The rest of the Great Saints also not to be outdone one after another, blasting out a path of Magical Powers that can shock Heaven and Earth!

Even with so many powerhouse offensives, this huge Doulongtai is still as solid as a mountain, and no cracks have surfaced.

If you change to Heaven and Earth, or somewhere in the mysterious wind domain, so many Great Saints will fight together.

I’m afraid it has spread to the land of several thousands li, Heaven and Earth trembled and the mountains and rivers collapsed!

“This is it?”

“You guys disappoint me a bit!”

Fang Yu is still provoking the many powerhouses in front of him, but he is provocative. In fact, Fang Yu is not the slightest carelessness.


Behind Fang Yu, the statue was scarlet as blood, and in the dim, a throne of sin appeared as if shrouded in a bloody holy light.

“The Throne of Sin, suppress them all for me!”

Fang Yu shouted angrily.


The Throne of Sin, it rises in the wind, and in an instant, it reaches three thousand zhang high! Without any hesitation, he moved towards the burly evil ghost body transformed into an eight-star great evil sanctuary on the spot.


The flesh is cracked!

The burly ghost body that was thousands of feet high was bombarded into countless fragments. Vaguely, all the saints on the scene could still hear the fearful cry of the old man.


“Is it so scary!”

On the ring, it seemed to have fallen into a short period of stagnation. A Great Saint looked at the eight-star Great Saint that was suppressed and killed in an instant, and suddenly took a breath of cold.

He is not the only one, but under the ring, the spectators are already sluggish.

I didn’t use the power of Emperor Artifact!

With no difficulty suppress and kill an eight-star Great Saint with no difficulty suppress and kill the power of the cultivation base alone, is this still a human?

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