
You can search for “Super Slaughter System Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

On the Doulong Platform, there was a dead silence.


Above Fang Yu’s sword edge, drops of blood are constantly flowing down, full of scarlet blood!

A side with a hideous head, and a headless corpse, just fell to the ground, in front of everyone!

“A Seven-Star Great Swordmaster, his strength is not weaker than mine! He…he just killed it so easily?”

“How is it possible!”

“How can this kid be so strong! He should only have trifling the one-star Great Saint’s cultivation base that’s all, how can he kill the Seven-star Great Sword Saint?”

“This kid is who! Why the entire Southern Territory, and even the mysterious wind domain, have never heard of him as the number one! Who is he!”

On the Doulong Platform, the remaining seven-star Great Saints all breathed tightly and couldn’t help taking a step back.

Looking at the Seven-Star Great Sword Saint whose corpse was separated, they looked towards Fang Yu’s gaze again, and they were already full of panic and expressions of fear!

What’s even more frightening is that their cultivation base of Saint Realm, the seven-star great Saint Realm, didn’t see what secret technique Fang Yu had just used.

Simply, as if not using any secret technique, just relying on the strength of its own cultivation base and the long sword in his hand, he killed the Seven-Star Great Saint!


If these speculations are true, it would be even more terrifying! This means that, usually, this kid will kill the Seven Stars Great Saint with no difficulty.

If you use other secret techniques, let alone the Seven-Star Great Sword Saint, even the Eight-Star Great Saint, the Nine-Star Great Saint may not be able to kill!

“Who the hell are you!”

On the Doulong Platform, the strongest Seven-Star Peak Great Saint stared at Fang Yu deeply, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and couldn’t help but ask.

Among the few people present, this seven-star Peak Great Saint has the strongest battle strength and is the best choice to become the champion!

Just now, on the Dragon Fighting Platform, his within the body, a dragon shadow of illusory Qi Luck has slowly emerged.

If not, Fang Yu suddenly intervened in the battle!

I am afraid that on this ring, he should be the only one left, and he won the title of the ring master! In addition, he won a dragon shadow on the ring.

Unfortunately, Fang Yu’s arrival disrupted everything!

Under the influence of Heavenly Palace’s authority, Fang Yu’s eyes flashed brightly, and he saw the seven-star Peak Great Saint within the body, the dragon shadow of Qi Luck disappear without a trace.

On the contrary, in his Fang Yu’s body, golden lights with a path of are gathering, slowly turning into a dragon shadow of luck!

Furthermore, it is as if Fang Yu is a one-star Saint Realm, and that Seven-Star Great Sword Saint who was just beheaded with a sword is actually as weak as the Seven-Star Martial Saint of Small World.

“According to normal principles, my cultivation base is not that strong! It’s just a normal one-star Great Saint level!”

Fang Yu muttered in his heart.

After that, I was stunned!

Because he remembered something!

He is different from other great Saint Realm, because his holy origin is outside the body, and he is still the throne of sin!

The Throne of Sin is extremely special. It was Fang Yu who condensed from the fairy cave, and it seemed to have special rules and powers inside.

Whether it is Xiao Gusheng and other Peak Great Saint level body refinement personnel, or the master of the previous generation Heavenly Palace, the strength of oneself of Martial God realm true soul, they can’t smash it!

In other words.

The special Rule Power that constitutes the Throne of Sin is indestructible, extremely difficult to damage, and extremely special!

“The Throne of Sin, it took more than two thousand 7,000,000 profound crystals to become the origin of my Eucharist! It seems that the power of my cultivation base has also been affected, and an extraordinary transformation has taken place!”

Fang Yu looked at the powerhouses in the Seven-star Great Saint realm on the dragon platform at this moment, be eager to have a try for a while.

To be honest.

At this time, Fang Yu even hoped that they would not leave the Fighting Dragon Platform and continue to fight him! In this case, Fang Yu can also use his methods to try out what is so special about the power of his cultivation base!

Unfortunately, the sky does not follow Fang Yu’s wish!

“Give up!”

“I am waiting to admit defeat!”

“The position of the lord of the ring should belong to your hand! Even if you say that you are a giant who wanders around and grinds one’s own cultivation, I will believe it now!”

Without any hesitation, on the stage of fighting dragons, a great seven-star Great Saint jumped off the ring one after another, escaped into the crowd of cultivators, and disappeared!

Above the ring.

At this moment, only Fang Yu stands tall, his black robe is like ink, his eyes are deep, his temperament is lonely Leng Ruxue, and his body is as tall as loose, extremely outstanding!

“It’s a pity!”

“I wanted to give it a try. What is the difference between the power of my current cultivation base and the power of the ordinary Great Saint cultivation base!”

Fang Yu couldn’t help shaking his head for a while.

However, as an Outsider, he showed such a provocative appearance, which immediately angered the many Great Saints of Aolong Martial City in the audience!

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