As soon as Fang Yu said this, Baipao Lao Ling stopped in his footsteps. He showed some interest and turned his head to look at Fang Yu.

“You bet with me that you can get out of this Sealing Heaven Locking Earth’s soul-suppre ing array? Boy, are you sure?!”

White robe old spirit, looking towards In Fang Yu’s eyes, the expre ion of sarcasm and abuse became more and more intense.

breaking the formation?

he he he!

Simply the biggest joke in the world!

The reason that this Sealing Heaven Locking Earth Soul Suppre ion Array can be included in the Heavenly Palace Saint-level Sanwei Treasure, it is also the first of the Sanwei Treasures!

It is because so many years have pa ed, any powerhouse below the realm of the four-star emperor, once trapped in this formation, will undoubtedly die!

Fang Yu was not the first cultivator who was crushed by the Great Array and threatened to break the array and go out!

But it is only one big Venerable Realm!

“You must know that the powerhouse of the Samsung Emperor Peak Realm, trying to break the array and go out, eventually turned into a dead bone!”

“At this moment, you take the initiative to beg for mercy, Given the authority of Heavenly Palace, maybe the old man can still leave a way out and pay attention to your fate!”

White robe old spirit, slowly said.


On this, Fang Yu has only one sentence.

“Should you gamble or not?”

“Your Excellency, the Heavenly Palace giant, still afraid that I, a small and big venerable realm, would know my identity? Heavenly Palace has been shattered for 100,000 years Ah!”

This kind of radical technique is the best!

Sure enough, the white robed old man flicked his sleeves and sneered, staying in front of the great hall, saying word by word.

“Bet! Why not bet!”

“Within three days, if you can break the array and go out, don’t say the identity of the old man! Even if the old man will Why don’t you give the entire Heavenly Palace treasure to you?”

In the white-robed old spiritual eyes, there is no suspense in this side of the game! There used to be a Samsung Emperor Peak Realm powerhouse, and it was also full of confidence, like Fang Yu’s rants, didn’t it still die?

hearing this.

Fang Yu shook his head for a while.

“Three days!”

“Where did it take three days!”

“This little Formation, in a moment, I can break the array and go out! You old spirit, keep your eyes open!”

After Fang Yu finished speaking in a deep voice, there was an extra palm-size blade fragment in his hand, which was moved straight. To cut away the great array of aura in front of you!

Shards of the Slaughter Sword!

This sword of Divine Slaughter, back then, was the sword of the Lord of Divine World, the sword of the King of Divine Slaughter, plus the authority of the Lord of Divine World.

The big formation in front of me, no matter how extraordinary, it’s just a holy formation that’s all, how can it be mentioned on equal terms with the fragments of the slaughter sword in Fang Yu’s hand?

The grade of the Divine Slaughter Sword is far above Divine Grade!

“How is it po ible!”

“Why is this thing in your hands! This is the foundation of my Heavenly Palace inheritance million years!”

“Reincarnation Realm! Have you been to the Inheritance Palace, the lord of the original Heavenly Palace, before? No, even if you have been there, you are not qualified to take this thing!”

The pieces come out!

The white-robed old spirit immediately changed his appearance, and as soon as he opened his mouth he called out the origin of the fragments of the slaughter sword, and recognized that this was the foundation for their Heavenly Palace to train the younger generation!

Reincarnation Realm!

Among the Heavenly Palace cultivator, few have seen Reincarnation Realm! Those who have seen the appearance of Reincarnation Realm are definitely very important figures in Heavenly Palace!

For this.

Fang Yu is becoming more and more curious about the identity of this old man!


“It seems that your lord has lost!”

Shards of the Slaughter Sword clear the way!

This Heavenly Palace Saint-level Kuibao array was instantly fragmented. Fang Yu strolled in the courtyard and walked out of the array very calmly.

The power of the cultivation base on his body was restored in an instant! There are also physical strength, and the Red Fire War God suit in hand!


“The original Lord of Heavenly Palace, how could it be po ible to admit you! Give this Reincarnation Realm fragment to you, the ant boy!”

“Absolutely impossible!”

“What is your background?”

“An Outsider, not only succe fully pa ed the trial, but also steals the authority of Heavenly Palace! It can also make the first generation Sect The Master approves and hands the Reincarnation Realm to your hands! This is incredible~!” This white robe old man is still in shock. Taking this opportunity, Fang Yu has already walked to the door of the great hall. The robe Laoling approached.

At such a close distance, even if the white robe old spirit makes another move, Fang Yu will have enough time to suppress the white robe old spirit!

Now, the overall situation is set!

No matter how noisy the white robe old spirit is in front of him, he can’t find the slightest storm! Because the life of the white robe old spirit was completely held in Fang Yu’s hand.

In an instant, Fang Yu can let him the soul flew away and scattered!

“Who said this was given to me by the Lord of the original Heavenly Palace? Couldn’t it be me who took it from the Lord of the original Heavenly Palace?”


“You still know that the celestial spirit in the Inheritance Palace is the owner of the original Heavenly Palace. It seems that the Heavenly Palace where you were 100,000 years ago is not ordinary! “

“So, do you know how to break the curse of Lingyun Heaven and Earth?”

When Fang Yu talked about the breakthrough curse, his eyes were subconsciously It burst out with an extremely hot glow.

After all, if the power of Lingyun Secret Realm can be integrated into Heavenly Palace, then he, the Lord of Heavenly Palace, will definitely benefit the most!

Whenever I think of these, Fang Yu can’t help but his blood boils!

Heavenly Palace is back!

One of Xeon Martial God, still alive in the ancestral land!

When the time comes, Heavenly Palace is not just in name only, but also in reality, the first overlord Martial God force! And his Fang Yu is the master of the first overlord Martial God force.


“Taking this Reincarnation Realm from the master of the original Heavenly Palace, don’t crack a joke! This Human World is simply impossible, someone can do this! “

“Because this requires breaking into the obse ion world left by the true master of Reincarnation Realm! Except for the original Sir Sect Master, no one can succeed.”

White robe old spirit Calmly opened the distance, and at the same time, Fang Yu said that he snort disdainfully did not believe in Anfen at all.

The Sealing Heaven Locking Earth, one of the three treasures of the Holy Land, was broken!

It’s okay.

He has guarded the treasure house of Heavenly Palace for many years. After refining, I dont know how many treasure house of Heavenly Palace. He has the means in his hand!

As long as he is given a chance to perform, even if the boy in front of him has Reincarnation Realm Cheng Wei, he will eventually fall.

When the time comes, he is still the new Lord of Heavenly Palace!


The Throne of Sin, scarlet as blood, burst out like a mountain, wrapped in the endless suppress and kill power, crushed against this white robe Old spirit’s body.

“I’ll say it again!”

“Tell me your identity. In this case, as a Heavenly Palace cultivator, you swear allegiance to me. I might still let you go!”

Fang Yu said coldly, what he thought in his heart was the power of Heavenly Palace between his eyebrows to dispatch the white robe old man in front of him to fail.

I dont understand this matter. This is a hidden danger for Fang Yus future layout and the future control of Heavenly Palace!

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