“Tell me! Who are you?”

In the great hall, Fang Yu shouted loudly.

At the same time.


The Throne of Guilt rises up against the wind, and the power of suppress and kill is also rising!

hundred zhang!

three hundred zhang!

Seven hundred zhang!

30,000 feet!

In a short period of time, the Throne of Sin has skyrocketed to three thousand zhang high! That horrible suppress and kill power has also been elevated to a terrifying level.

After becoming the pinnacle Venerable Realm, Fang Yu’s first time to use the Throne of Sin to the extreme!

This incomparable suppress and kill power, even the white robe old spirit, has gone through tens of thousands of years, and the strength of the soul that has never decayed, can not stand it!



“You little baby! How can you be so vicious? If you don’t agree, you must suppress and kill old man! How could the original Sect Master recognize you?”

Under the Throne of Sin suppress and kill, the illusory body of the white-robed old spirit is constantly twisting, obviously suffering a great torture.

Fang Yu ignored this.

He pre ed one hand on this majestic great hall, and the Heavenly Palace authority imprint on his forehead flickered constantly, he was actually using authority to take control of this treasure house!


There are countless treasures in places like the Heavenly Palace treasure house, and only the Lord of Heavenly Palace can accept control!

However, Fang Yu became the lord of Heavenly Palace!

The control of the Heavenly Palace treasure house is actually still on this old spirit, which to Fang Yu, is simply incredible.

Just like, Heavenly Palace has the same authority as two Sect Masters!

“Is it still unsucce ful to plunder?”

“For some reason, I can’t hold the last trace of control of the Heavenly Palace treasure house…”

A haze appeared in Fang Yu’s eyes.

At this moment.

The white-robed old spirit who was constantly being suppre ed by the power of the sin throne finally couldn’t bear it, and began to cry miserably.


“Don’t suppress and kill the old man anymore!”

“If this continues, the old man will die! In that case, The incomplete Heavenly Palace authority on the old man will also be disappeared……”

“When the time comes, the imprint of your authority, the Lord of Heavenly Palace, always has a flaw that will not be complete !”

The old spirit in the white robe was howling miserably.


The Throne of Guilt trembles, and finally stops sending suppress and kill power.

“You mean that you are the lord of the previous generation of Heavenly Palace. I inherited the authority incomplete, because you still have a trace of authority?”

Fang Yu’s eyes sharpened, and he looked at the white robe old man, his face was full of expre ions of uncertainty.


The white-robed old spirit fell to the ground. After such torture, his illusory soul body became more and more transparent.

Obviously we are extremely weak!


“The old man is the lord of the previous generation Heavenly Palace! Xuantian Martial God, Heavenly Venerate Martial God, the two deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors , It was trained by the old man.”

“After the two of them aspired to the strongest Martial God, not only did they fail to bring Heavenly Palace to glory, but instead they fought and let Heavenly Palace die! “

“Hateful, they attacked and killed the old man, forcibly stripped the authority of the Heavenly Palace of the old man within the body! They also imprisoned the spirit of the old man in the treasure house of the Heavenly Palace for 100,000 years. man never seen the daylight……”

The old spirit said bitterly.

The unforgettable hatred in my eyes cannot be faked at all!

So and so, everything can be explained.

The old spirit in front of him is the lord of the previous generation of Heavenly Palace. Fang Yu inherited the authority of Heavenly Palace from him.

Moreover, this old spirit within the body still has a trace of authority that has not been stripped away!

So Fang Yu used the authority of Heavenly Palace to dispatch this old spirit. This old spirit refused to obey, there was nothing to do!

Heavenly Palace’s authority is beyond its control!

“No wonder you can disobey the authority of Heavenly Palace! It turns out that you are the lord of the previous generation of Heavenly Palace…”

Fang Yu frowned, waved slightly, and suddenly The Throne of Sin turned into a scarlet shadow and returned to his within the body.

Heavenly Palace treasure house. Normally, at the Heavenly Palace 100,000 years ago, only the Lord of Heavenly Palace can set foot in it!

No wonder this old spirit can guard the treasure house!

However, this made Fang Yu, the new Lord of Heavenly Palace, a bit embarra ed! The treasure house is held by the old spirit, and he has never been able to obtain the last trace of control.

The last trace of Heavenly Palace authority in this old spirit within the body, there is no doubt that Fang Yu must take it back!

Otherwise, what are the two Heavenly Palace Sect Masters?

Moreover, the authority of this old spirit within the body is not nece arily just a trace of what he said! Maybe, the authority of this old spirit within the body is much greater than Fang Yu’s. Otherwise, how could Fang Yu be unable to compete with him for control of this treasure house!

“What is the way to release the remains of Heavenly Palace and let Lingyun Heaven and Earth creatures get rid of the curse? It stands to reason that the only person here who may know the method to break the curse is you!”< /p>

After a few hesitations, Fang Yu still didn’t force the old spirit to surrender the authority within the body on the spot, but instead asked more important questions.

The law to crack the curse!

This is one of Fang Yu’s two major goals here!

Collecting mysterious crystals is not important, you can also collect them in Fangyu of the Nine Realms in the world! But after rectifying the power of Heavenly Palace and reborn, there will be no such shop after pa ing this village.

“What do you want to do?”

“An Outsider steals the authority of Heavenly Palace and wants to release the remnants of Heavenly Palace. It seems that you want to use the remaining heritage of Heavenly Palace. Nine realms in the world are fighting for hegemony and plundering resources for their own growth!”

Old Ling’s expre ion was full of warine , and in a few words, Fang Yu’s plot was revealed.

For this.

Fang Yu did not deny it at all.

After all, he and the survivors of Heavenly Palace are not relatives, if there is no plot, he can’t find a way to get rid of the curse for these survivors of Heavenly Palace, Lingyun Heaven and Earth!

“Hurry up!”

“Whether you are the soul flew away and scattered, it is in my mind!”

Fang Yudandan Speak out, but the coercion in the words is already extremely obvious.

See here.

Old Ling did not speak, but looked at Fang Yu, his eyes were full of inexplicable meaning, and a little mocking expre ion faintly!


“This method of cracking the curse, the old man is naturally aware of it! When the curse was born, the old man was in the treasure house of Heavenly Palace. What about…”

When talking about the “curse”, the old spirit looked at Fang Yu’s gaze, and the mockery became much deeper and richer.

Just like if Fang Yu was told the way to solve the curse, with Fang Yu’s strength, it is basically impossible to do it.


Fang Yu became a little impatient, and his eyes became cold.

If it wasn’t for this old spirit to be useful, I’m afraid at this time, he would have let the soul flew away and scattered.

“It is not difficult to crack the curse! But if you really crack the curse, then the disaster that follows will be the most terrifying!”

“Even Martial God Realm, it may not be able to bear it!”

Old Ling sneered.

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