The deep channel, no matter how deep, has an end!


Under the ble ing of the Throne of Sin, Fang Yu turned into a scarlet streamer and walked through this long pa age.

After a few breaths, I have already walked this pa age and come to the end!

Not far away, Fang Yu could already see a majestic great hall.

On this lofty great hall, which is deep underground, there is a plaque with four characters written on it!

Heavenly Palace treasure house!

Under this plaque, there is an illusory old soul with white hair and white robe, waiting here for a long time.

“The old man said it!”

“You little baby who steals the sovereignty of Heavenly Palace, if you don’t retreat, you will die here today!”


“Hehe! The old man clearly gave you a chance to survive, but unfortunately you little baby doesn’t know how to cherish it!”

In front of the majestic great hall, this one old spirit stared at Fang Yu for a while With a sneer, eyes full of sarcasm, looking at the authority of Heavenly Palace on Fang Yu’s brow, he has an undisguised desire.

This old spirit is not because Fang Yu steals the power of Heavenly Palace, and wants to eliminate Fang Yu! But he also tried to meddle in the power of Heavenly Palace!

In this place, although this one old spirit has no fleshy body, only the soul remains, the breath of a Heavenly Palace cultivator is still extremely obvious.

Even in the body of a soul, there is a chance to obtain the authority of Heavenly Palace!

“You old spirit, you were also a Heavenly Palace cultivator during your lifetime! If this is the case, the next thing will be much easier.”

Fang Yu flashed through his eyes. A touch of fine light.

Having the authority of Heavenly Palace, Fang Yu is the master of the genuine Heavenly Palace! Every word and deed are the rules of Heavenly Palace, and the rest of the Heavenly Palace cultivator must be implemented.

Now, face to face, this old spirit must obey the command of the Lord of Heavenly Palace!

“This Sect Master is right in front of you, how dare you come to meet you! According to the precepts of sect, you have no respect, do you know what the blame is?”

“Not yet! I roll over and kneel down!”

Fang Yu said sharply.

The strength of the cultivation base is also injected into the Heavenly Palace authority mark on the center of the eyebrows, and he wants to use authority to suppress the old spirit in front of him.


The breath pa ed.

ten breaths pa ed!

The scene is silent, without any waves!

In front of the majestic great hall, the old spirit always stood in place, with a sneer, staring at Fang Yu sternly!


“The delay is almost the same!”

“In the ground under your feet, the formation that lurks , Its almost time to activate! Want to use the authority of Heavenly Palace to suppress the old man and let the old man acknowledge allegiance?”

“You little baby is just fantastic! You dont even know that the old man was here in Heavenly before his death. In the Palace, what a noble identity is.”

The white robe old man, sneered endle ly, his face is full of arrogant expre ion.

If it is the Black Sage, Gui Xuan and other cultivators of the Heavenly Palace survivors, seeing this scene where the authority of the Heavenly Palace is invalidated, they will surely be able to guess the identity of this one old spirit!

Unfortunately, they are not here.

Fang Yu is just an Outsider, stealing the authority of Heavenly Palace that’s all! As for the Heavenly Palace cultivator system and various secrets, I dont know the least!


Aura is trembling!

Fang Yu’s feet are breaking apart!

As the voice of this white clothed old spirit fell, one after another Formation spirit pattern emerged, and the ground under Fang Yu’s feet was instantly replaced by a party Formation!

Holy rank big array!

Sealing Heaven Locking Earth!

Getting into this formation, the power of the cultivation base will be banned, the physical power will be suppre ed, and even the various treasures in your hand will be sealed and returned to the ordinary.

At this moment.

Fang Yu, who is deeply involved in this formation, has a deep understanding, his face is ugly! At the speed visible to naked eye, his cultivation base breath fell rapidly.

Be sealed!

The pinnacle of the Great Lord!

Martial Sect environment!

Martial Sovereign Realm!

Martial King Realm!


In an instant, Fang Yu in this big formation became an ordinary person without any cultivation base power!

Furthermore, he is still a very weak ordinary person with physical strength!

More than that!

Even Fang Yus red fire divine sword in his hand and the red flame armor he wore on his body, one after another divine light, was a lot dim.

Although it is still Divine Weapon grade, not at all, it is completely reduced to a mortal soldier, but it is still affected a lot!

When Fang Yu raised the Scarlet Fire Divine Sword in his hand and moved towards the big formation like a cage, he was shaken back by the huge counter shock.

Not only did the Sealing Heaven Locking Earth’s soul-suppre ing formation not hurt the slightest, but even the Scarlet Fire Sword in his hand almost broke out!

This kind of Formation is actually just a holy formation, it’s incredible!

“How is it po ible!”

“This kind of Formation can actually ban the cultivation base, seal the body, and even Divine Weapon can be affected by it…”

< p> Fang Yu has an incredible face.

Not far away.

In front of the majestic great hall, the white robe old man hands behind ones back, his face is even more arrogant, and he looks at Fang Yu mockingly!


“You Outsider, how can you know how terrifying the Heavenly Palace is? You think that by stealing the authority of Heavenly Palace, you can steal everything in Heavenly Palace Is it?”

“It’s impossible!”

“You little baby, can let the old man invite out Sealing Heaven Locking Earth, one of the three great treasures of Heavenly Palace. Array, this is also your honor!”

After speaking, the color of mockery in the white-robed old spiritual eyes is more intense, and looked towards the Heavenly Palace authority in Fang Yus brow, It’s getting hotter.

In this big formation, all of Fang Yu’s cultivation base has been sealed and reduced to an ordinary person! Even with the secret technique of breaking the formation, it can’t be used.

In a few days, Fang Yu should be trapped alive in this big formation, losing all his vitality!

After all, this legendary formation can only be a physique weapon of the cultivation base, but it needs to eat if it becomes an ordinary person.

Even in this big array, you can starve to death if you are hungry!

“Ten days later, the old man will collect the corpse for you!”


“I want to starve to death in the middle of the battle. , But they are all the Great Saints with great reputations and the existence of the emperor realm!”

“Speaking of which, you little baby, still died in this big formation, the only one big The cultivator of the venerable realm~!”

The white robe old spirit sneered and finished speaking, he turned and moved towards the great hall and walked deep, and then took away the Heavenly Palace from Fang Yus corpse ten days later authority.

Heavenly Palace has been standing in Human World for so many years! All those trapped in the Sealing Heaven Locking Earth Soul Suppre ion Array were all fallen, and none of them survived!

Yu in front of my eyes is absolutely impossible exception!

“Sir, wait a minute!”

“Why don’t you make a bet! If you can succe fully break the array and go out next, how about you tell me your identity? “

“What do you think?!”

Fang Yu didn’t panic after being crushed and sealed by the great array, and separated several ten zhang distances, slowly and the old white robe Ling Xu said.

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