At the end of the trial road, the seventeen Martial God Realm true souls shot together, and the terrifying divine might burst out. The stone gate as tall as a mountain burst into pieces, revealing a deep pa age. .

This deep pa age is a void portal, leading to an unknown place!

Seeing this, Fang Yu’s eyes flickered.

Then, involuntarily, Fang Yu moved towards the Martial God Realm who was full of enthusiasm to please the expre ion.

“Everyone, why don’t you join me in the treasure house of Heavenly Palace! I, the new owner of Heavenly Palace, might as well take something from it to reward you?”

“I don’t know, what do you think?”

Fang Yu slowly said, his expre ion full of gratitude.

But actually.

What Fang Yu thought in his heart is not that he said so nicely!

Since the destruction of Heavenly Palace, the treasure vault of Heavenly Palace has been 100,000 years, and no one has set foot in it. Only the ghosts know if there is any danger in it!

You Martial God Realm true souls, this group of Guardians on the road of trial, are powerful, speak nicely, and help him blast the door open!

No need for nothing, Fang Yu will naturally use them to explore the way!

It’s a pity.

These Martial God Realm true souls are full of awkward look.

“Take the things in the treasure house of Heavenly Palace to reward me? Unfortunately, due to the rules, I can’t leave the trial road for half a step.”

“Why, I wait Just wait here, after you take it out, give it to us?”

That old Martial God Realm true soul, said slowly.

Fang Yu stared at him for a long time and found this Martial God Realm true soul, not at all lying! What he said is true.

There is Rule Strength on the trial road, which prevents Heavenly Venerate Martial God from setting foot here! And this Heavenly Palace treasure house also has Rule Strength, so that Martial God Realm souls cannot step into it.

“It’s a pity.”

“There are so many Martial God true souls that explore the way, there is no way to use it! In the end, I still have to go alone…”

Fang Yu couldn’t help shaking his head for a while, then put on the flame-burning red flame armor, holding the red fire sword, and stepped into the void portal.

One step forward, the world revolves.

Fang Yu only felt that one after another dark power seemed to erode into his within the body, but it was all resisted by the Red Fire War God suit.

After that, after the perception gradually recovered, Fang Yu realized that he was in a dark and wide pa age at the moment.

On both sides of the pa age, ancient lamps are burning with deep azure flame!

“I have a not-so-good premonition!”

Fang Yu’s eyebrows, that represents the mark of Heavenly Palace’s authority, flashed flickering and dimming, and then this The ground of the pa age trembled.

Sure enough!

This treasure house of Heavenly Palace, it is not so easy to set foot in it.

Fang Yu cursed secretly in his heart.


next moment.

In the distant pa age, surrounded by pitch-black mist, the hideous and terrifying hunted zhang giant Stoneman rushed towards Fang Yu in an endless stream.

Each of these giant Stoneman has the power of Body-Refining Cultivator comparable to that of Saint Realm!

“Heavenly Palace treasure house, outsiders are not allowed to set foot!”

“Outsider, you don’t have the slightest breath of the Heavenly Palace cultivator’s inheritance, but you steal the Supreme authority of the Lord of Heavenly Palace! “

“You will die here today!”

The dull and cold old voice sounded in this dark pa age.

After that, the terrifying giant Stoneman swung out the giant sword in his hand and moved towards Fang Yu’s forehead fiercely.

Where the giant stone sword pa ed, the void trembled, and there were even signs of cracking.

You can imagine.

The power contained in this sword slashed on Fang Yu’s body, what would happen!

“That old spirit who guards the treasure house!”

“Damn! The power of the Lord of Heavenly Palace has all come to me, and he hasn’t even recognized me as being in Heavenly Palace. The identity of the Lord…”

“At this moment, you still want to purge me?”

Fang Yu was bitter.


Behind Fang Yu, a scarlet, bloody sin throne rose up, and in this dim pa age, a strange blood light shined.

“It’s just a group of stones without spiritual wisdom. Even if the strength is comparable to the Body-Refining Cultivator of the Great Saint, what can you do?”

“You can’t stop me at all!”

Fang Yu knows what the old spirit guarding the treasure house thinks of him. Naturally, he doesn’t mean to keep his hands at all at this moment.

Broken in!

If you can beat that old spirit, then there is no need for this old spirit to exist! Do not recognize his identity as the lord of the Heavenly Palace, and what are they doing?

In the dark pa age, the Scarlet Throne of Sin, wrapped in Fang Yu’s figure, rushed.

Wherever he went, the giant Stoneman made of some material was knocked out one after another.

Previously, in the original world.

In the face of Xiao Gushengs this one genuine Great Saint Body-Refining Cultivator, he failed to smash the Throne of Sin.

even more how, this group of giant Stoneman is far inferior to Xiao Gusheng!

This group of giant Stoneman is indeed very powerful! If you try hard, even the Seven-Star Great Saint like Heisheng and Guixuan will feel extremely tricky.

But Fang Yu didn’t plan to fight these guys hard at all!

It didn’t take long.

Fang Yu forcibly rushed out of the encirclement of dozens of horror giant Stoneman, and went straight along this pa age to the treasure house of Heavenly Palace.

The deeper you get, the closer you get to the treasure house of Heavenly Palace. The mark of authority in Fang Yu’s eyebrows will bloom even more!

The Lord of Heavenly Palace, is in charge of Supreme authority! It is the absolute master of many Heavenly Palace cultivators and the entire Heavenly Palace sect!

At this moment.

Fang Yu has the authority of Heavenly Palace in the heart of his brows, blooming with brilliance, and he is vying for control of the treasure house with that old spirit hidden in the treasure house at the end of the pa age!

That old spirit, hidden behind the scenes, was able to control the group of giant Stoneman to encircle Fang Yu because it has control of the Heavenly Palace treasure house!


Just when the Heavenly Palace treasure house is about to change ownership.

A faintly flustered and exasperated old voice, like thunder, floats in this dark pa age.

“Stop it!”

“Boy, you continue to seize control! Don’t blame the old man for being rude!”

“Finally advise you In a word, where is the best thing for you little baby to come from and where to go back! Otherwise, you will fall here!”

The voice is like thunder, but it still cant hide the stubbornne . the taste of!

“I want to see how you let me fall here!”

Fang Yu sneered.

The person who came up to shout and scream, and wanted to purge him, is this Old Feng spirit! Nowadays, it’s really rare that the words begging for mercy are so hard.

The previous giant Stoneman who can compete with the Great Saint level is obviously one of the treasures in this Heavenly Palace treasure house!

There are indeed many good things in this treasure house!

No loss on this trip!

This also strengthened Fang Yu. Must completely gain control of the Heavenly Palace treasury, so that he could take over all the treasures here!

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