In the Haoyang space, Fang Yu sat slumped on the ground and couldn’t help sighing.

“It’s a lo !”

“It’s a lo !”

“I didn’t get anything, on the contrary, I lost a Legendary slavery card! If I knew the origins of the Heavenly Venerate Martial God so terrifying, I would not pay his attention to anything!”

The true identity of the Heavenly Venerate Martial God, it was a hundred 10,000 years ago. World, one of the nine extremely powerful gods of pinnacle!

It can be said.

Except for the King of Slaughter, in the entire God World, these nine extremely powerful gods are the most terrifying and strongest.

Legendary card, enslavement failed, Fang Yu can still barely accept this kind of existence!

It’s just a pity, eventually all in vain!

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, it’s so difficult! That Xuantian Martial God, who is no weaker than Heavenly Venerate Martial God, must be even more so.

Now that he can survive the Heavenly Venerate Martial God’s true soul, Fang Yu has not dared to make the idea of Xuantian Martial God!

If the fragments of the Slaughter Sword didn’t appear too suddenly, I’m afraid that with the means of Heavenly Venerate Martial God, he could still fight Fang Yu.

When the time comes, there is a high probability that Fang Yu will fall, Heavenly Venerate Martial God will be in charge of the Sword Fragment, and return from the Netherworld Hell.

After all, after all, the realm difference between the two is 108,000!

“Let’s go!”

Just as Fang Yu felt at a loss and was about to leave, the endless space of the Scarlet Sun Divine Fire boiled.


Under Fang Yu’s horrified gaze, the Heavenly Venerate Martial God had eyes opened again, and the body moved and walked towards him.

“How is it po ible!”

“The Martial God mask, rule fragments, is the guiding light for Heavenly Venerate Martial God to return from the Netherworld Hell! The lights are all off, how is he? Can you return?”

“Why on earth this Heavenly Venerate Martial God can move! Has his true soul crawled out of the Netherworld Hell long ago!”

Fang Yu turn pale with fright, at this moment, the whole body is erected.

How horrible is between life and death!


Just as Fang Yu was horrified, the Heavenly Venerate Martial God body came to Fang Yu, knelt down straight, and said respectfully.

“Subordinates pay respects to Master!”

The whole space is silent.

Rolling Scarlet Sun Divine Fire, they are all caught in a short pause.

It’s been a while.

Fang Yu, who still had a panic expre ion on his face, gradually reacted, his eyes flickering, looking at the kneeling Heavenly Venerate Martial God, as if he understood something.

Previously, the true soul of Heavenly Venerate Martial God, in order to crack Fang Yu’s enslavement methods in the Netherworld Hell, a split soul deliberately split, sent over and actively integrated into the stigma of slavery!

After that, Heavenly Venerate Martial God used two worlds and used methods in the Netherworld Hell to fight against Fang Yu in the air to counter the power of the servitude brand.

At that time, this separation of souls represented the will of the true soul of Heavenly Venerate Martial God, even if there was a slavish imprint on Fang Yu, it could not affect half of the score.


The signpost is gone!

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, the connection with the nine realms of the world and the body of the deity here is also severed, and there is only one soul without will.

And this separation of souls has the stigma of slavery!

In other words.

As long as the true soul of Heavenly Venerate Martial God does not come out of the Netherworld Hell, then the Heavenly Venerate Martial God in front of you is Fang Yu’s servant!

Instead of the original Heavenly Venerate Martial God, he became Fang Yu’s servant!


Fang Yu got excited.

It’s not bad like this!

After all, what he wants to enslave from the very beginning is not the God World, one of the nine extremely powerful gods.

The only thing that Fang Yu wants to enslave is the Heavenly Palace battle strength of the strongest Martial God level!

“What’s your name?”

Fang Yu asked.

This one Heavenly Venerate Martial God divides the soul in front of me, frowning and thinking hard, I can’t think of my own name! After all, he is just a split soul that’s all that has no will at all.

“In the future, you will inherit the name of Heavenly Venerate Martial God! Call it Fang Seventeen! From now on, you will follow me to rebuild the Heavenly Palace and revive the glory of Heavenly Palace!”

Fang Yu said slowly.

Inherited the authority of Heavenly Palace, there is still a 100,000 years ago, to rebuke Heaven and Earth, the signature of Heavenly Palace’s supreme Martial God!

How could Fang Yu not use it!

He wants to reorganize Heavenly Palace, let Heavenly Palace reappear in the nine realms of the world, plunder resources for him, and protect him at the same time!

As for him, he hides behind the title of Heavenly Palace, and just keep the cultivation success long.

Presumably in this 100,000 years, Xeon Martial God has not born a new era. The name Heavenly Venerate Martial God is enough to crush everything.

“Obviously! Master!”

Heavenly Venerate Martial God took the command, standing behind Fang Yu, with a violent wave, the entire space was filled with Scarlet Sun Divine Fire, They all flooded into his body.

Scarlet Sun Divine Fire, below Martial God Realm, even the slightest contamination will melt into ashes!

And then again.

Fang Yu, together with Heavenly Venerate Martial God, left this place, Haoyang Heaven and Earth.

With the departure of Heavenly Venerate Martial God, on the sky above the ancestral land of Heavenly Palace, and among the lingyun Heaven and Earth, the Haoyang side by side with the cold moon also disappeared.


Lingyun Heaven and Earth is boiling.

The entire Heavenly Palace ancestral land is also boiling!

“How is it po ible!”

“What the hell is happening!”

“Above the sky above the head, that one represents Heavenly Venerate Martial God Inheritance, why did the hidden Haoyang disappear? Could it be that Heavenly Venerate Martial God inheritance was taken away?”

“Who is it! How long will it take to set foot in Lingyun Heaven and Earth! I’ll wait! The portal to explore the secret hasnt been found yet, but someone has taken the inheritance…”

Among Lingyun Heaven and Earth, there is a native Great Saint, and even some rare Great Saints. Cried out in horror.

At the same time.

Heavenly Palace ancestral land, in the small trial Secret Realm, competing for a number of silhouettes of Divine Grade legacy, all of them stopped in amazement.

“Did I wait for the inheritance of the Heavenly Palace Martial God ancestor to be taken away?”


“This is impossible! Why is it here? Just a moment ago, the old man noticed the Source Aura of the ancestors of Heavenly Venerate Martial God, and… the Heavenly Palace Seal, which represents the supreme authority of my Heavenly Palace?”

Here, there are several silhouettes. It is the three saints of the Kuxuan tribe, as well as Old Ghost Xuan, the black saint, and the Demon Emperor!

They all stared dullly at the disappearing Haoyang and the Heavenly Palace ancestral sky with only a cold moon.

In particular, Old Ghost Xuan was the most shocked.

Because he knows very well that Fang Yu came to the ancestral land of Heavenly Palace and was completely led by him to the Land of Trial that inherited the palaces sovereignty!

The breathtaking Heavenly Palace authority imprint just now made Gui Xuan think of Fang Yu! Could it be that this kid pa ed the trial path and succe fully inherited the authority of Heavenly Palace Supreme?

But how is this po ible!

No one knows better than Gui Xuan, the horrible difficulty that Outsiders will have to endure when they set foot on the trial road of Heavenly Palace!

That’s Hell Level and something else!

Seventeen Martial God Realm souls, Guardian of Heavenly Palace ancestor land, kill Outsider together! Even if Martial God Realm powerhouse comes, it may not be able to pass the trial road.

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