In the small trial of Heaven and Earth, surrounded by a long spear shining with divine light, the sages of the three tribes of the survivors of Heavenly Palace oppose the Demon Emperor.

If Fang Yu were here, he would definitely be able to tell at a glance that this 30 feet long spear full of divine light was the shocking Dragon Spear he encountered in the second obse ion world!

“What do you do with these!”

“Even if someone takes away the power of Heavenly Palace, when the time comes, I will wait as a survivor of Heavenly Palace, just go and meet!”< /p>

“The most important thing at the moment is that I definitely cannot wait for one of the Heavenly Palace’s seven Divine Grade treasures to fall into the hands of outsiders!”

“Withered! Turtle! Xuan! Quickly join me to kill this damn immortal outsider from the lower realm! Also avenge the Heavenly Palace clansman who suffered blood sacrifice!”

A furious roar sounded.

I saw the black sage wearing a pitch-black armor, taking the lead, behind a long halberd tiger, full of horrible cold glow that smashed the sky, and moved towards the body of the Demon Emperor. go with.

The power of this halberd is extremely deadly!

But even so, after so long, there are helpers who are also not weaker than the black saint, but they still failed to take the life of the soul-refining Demon Emperor.

There are three Seven-Star Great Saints and two Three-Star Great Saints in the Heavenly Palace survivor camp present! This shows how powerful the Demon Emperor’s methods are!

When he first set foot in Lingyun Heaven and Earth, the soul-refining Demon Emperor was nothing but the Great Supreme Venerable. It didn’t take long for Path to Heaven to appear and became the Great Saint Realm.


In just a few days.

The Demon Emperor, the cultivation realm has climbed to the five-star Great Saint level, and they are almost equal to the leaders of these three tribes!


“Just because you want to kill the emperor, it’s a joke! Don’t look at the Martial Emperor in the lower realm as improper powerhouse!”

< p>“Even though this emperor is a small emperor in the lower realm, it is still a powerhouse in the emperor realm! If you try your best, it will not be difficult to kill you!”

The Demon Emperor, who is refining the soul, smiles and is dre ed in a robe Has long been soaked in blood and turned into a dark red look.

Behind his body, a black mist of evil intentions rose.

Inside, a hideous evil spirit is roaring the Heaven and Earth mountains and rivers. This is the soul of the Demon Emperor!

Faced with the five Great Saints of the remains of Heavenly Palace, the soul-refining demon Imperial Capital took out all the emperor souls, but the battle still did not end.

It can be seen how powerful the methods of this group of Heavenly Palace remains!

In Lingyun Heaven and Earth, if Fang Yu had the Heavenly Palace key ble ed by him, I am afraid that 10,000 Fang Yu would not be enough for the survivors of Heavenly Palace!


When the authorities face a stalemate.

A lazy mans voice was inserted abruptly.

“It’s so lively here!”

“You guys are fighting for a broken spear. Why don’t you give this startled Dragon Spear to me for safekeeping! What do you think? “

“In this case, you don’t have to fight to death! What a good ending!”

Such words made both parties present suddenly furious.

In order to surprise Dragon Spear, they refuse to yield an inch!

This newcomer is really brave enough to think that they have so many Great Saint powerhouses as nothing, and want to take away the shocked Dragon Spear directly!

It’s so crazy!


“Lingyun Heaven and Earth, the strongest cultivation realm carried, that’s all of the Seven-Star Great Saint level!”

” Your Excellency, its such a big tone that you dont put me in your eyes! Dont you think you are a great emperor?”

Heavenly Palaces tribe powerhouse, along with the Demon Emperor, moved together Looking towards the direction of speaking, they were shocked.

I saw a huge portal shattered in the distance and mid-air, with two slender silhouettes slowly walking out of it!

“Open up a portal?”

“Open up a portal in the ancestral land of Heavenly Palace, and come across a distance! How is this po ible! No one can do it except the Lord of Heavenly Palace “

“Even Martial God Realm won’t work! Because this Heavenly Palace ancestral land is extremely special, the space is solid, and the void is like a layer of heavy lock, it can’t be opened!”

Facing everyone’s uncertain eyes, Fang Yu, together with the silhouette of Heavenly Venerate Martial God, slowly appeared in front of everyone present.

“Fang Yu!”

“It turned out to be you!”

“You turned out to be alive!”

Turtle Old Ghost Xuan , Turn pale with fright, even jumped up in fright, instinctively wanted to turn around and leave here.


He can’t move at all!

“Did I let you go?”

Fang Yu faded out.


On the center of his eyebrows, the Heavenly Palace Seal is shining brightly, shining with dazzling brilliance.

In an instant.

Turtle Old Ghost Xuan, the leader of this one tribe, the Seven-Star Great Saint, is like a mountain on his body, not only unable to move half a minute, but also forced to kneel down towards Fang Yu.

“Sect Master authority!”

“How is it po ible?”

“You Fang Yu, is just a foreign cultivator, a lowly cultivator of the lower realm that’s all! How could it be po ible to inherit the Supreme authority of my Heavenly Palace!”

“This is absolutely impossible! That road of trial is extremely dangerous! Even if you have the battle strength to fight the Emperor, it is fundamentally impossible. I walked out of there alive.”

Ku Xuan, Chu He, Chu Lie, and the Three Great Saints who once imprisoned Fang Yu and wanted to kill Fang Yu, all have incredible expre ions. .

In speech.

They show no respect for Fang Yu!

One bite of a humble cultivator! One outsider one bite! He didn’t mean to put Fang Yu in his eyes at all.

“Heavenly Palace sect rules! Do you speak insultingly, do you have no respect and inferiority? What about the following crimes and offend the Lord of Heavenly Palace?”

Fang Yu asked slowly.


An inexplicable Rule Strength operation.

Hei Sage, Ku Xuan, Gui Xuan, Chu He, Chu Lie, and the five Heavenly Palace Great Saints all knelt down towards Fang Yu and raised their voices uncontrollably.

“Follow the sect rules!”

“When cut!”

The five Heavenly Palace Great Saints present all changed their faces and turned pale. Incomparable, there is no trace of blood.

The absolute suppre ion of such a person is definitely the authority of the Heavenly Palace of genuine! Supreme Sect Master authority!

This Fang Yu, this little nether cultivator, actually did something that no one has ever done before!

As a humble cultivation base, as an Outsider, survived the terrifying road of trials, and inherited the power of Heavenly Palace Supreme!

“Be cut!”

“In that case!”

“Then I will fulfill you!”

“Withered Old monster Xuan, when you imprisoned me earlier, you set up a plan to trick me into voluntarily surrendering the Heavenly Palace key. When you wanted me to be slaughtered, did you ever think that I would end up today?”

< p>Fang Yu moved towards Old Monster Ku Xuan step by step. In his eyes, including Ku Xuan, Chu He Chu Lie, these are three silver treasure chests!

If it werent for the need to use these Heavenly Palace survivors to form the Heavenly Palace in the Nine Realms of the World, Im afraid Fang Yu will not find a reason, and kill the three saints of the Kuxuan tribe on the spot.

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