In such a weird scene, even if Fang Yu is a fool, he can see that something is wrong!

There is a problem with this slavery!

“What the hell is going on!”

“This is a Legendary card!”

“Is it as I thought, Heavenly Venerate Martial God, is actually one of the nine extremely powerful gods in the God World?”

Fang Yu complexion greatly changed, looking at the body of Heavenly Venerate Martial God in front of me, it seems to be peeping into the nether world, that Martial God The true soul was stalking him, and his eyes were full of mockery.

With just one soul split, the slavery of Legendary card was broken!

As far as Fang Yu is concerned, it is extremely incredible.

But this scene actually happened!


“It’s almost an interception of a slavery rule!”

“This rare treasure is actually in the hands of a ant boy like you , It’s incredible!”

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, eyes opened, looking straight at Fang Yu.

At this moment.

His true soul is still in the nether world and has not rushed back.

But just the sentiment of this separation is enough for him to talk to Fang Yu!

Even the brand of slavery created by the Legendary card has already been engraved on this soul! But there is still a power that confronts Fang Yu in the dark, making Fang Yu unable to control the body of this Heavenly Venerate Martial God.

“Wait for me to return to the world from Netherworld Hell!”

“The first one to kill you brat blood sacrifice!”

“Trifling ants, even hope Xiang enslaves the deity! You know, at the time of pinnacle, the deity was one of the nine peak gods in charge of the God World!”

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, still grinning grimly.

At this moment, Fang Yu moved something.

Never let Heavenly Venerate Martial God return!

Otherwise, Heaven know’s what can happen!

Not only Heavenly Venerate Martial God, but Fang Yu cannot be enslaved! 100,000 years ago, Fang Yu might not be able to enslave the Xuantian Martial God who could fight Heavenly Venerate Martial God without falling into the wind.

Xuantian Martial God, I am afraid that the God World was shattered in the past, one of the nine extremely powerful gods!

Otherwise, how can you compete with Heavenly Venerate Martial God!

“I want to come back!”

“There is no door!”

“Without the fragments of the sun rule on the mask, I will show you the way! I see you How to return?”

Fang Yu rushed forward, holding the broken Martial God mask, the power of the cultivation base burst out, and he wanted to take this aspect off.


The mask is completely motionle !

With the cultivation base of Venerable Fang Yuda, even the mountains can be erased, but the mask cannot be taken out!

See here.

Heavenly Venerate Martial God Remnant Soul, the ridicule in the eyes is even greater.

“ha ha ha!”

“Kid Ant, you probably dont know what the rules are!”

“Martial God Realm, you can touch The threshold of the rules! Only above the Martial God Realm can you control the rules! The extremely strong deity that level is almost the incarnation of the rules.”

“The fragments of the strong rules on this mask are the deity back then. The one left behind when I broke the Martial God was one with me! Now that the mask is on my face, the rules are almost one with me, how can you move!”

“How can you Pry it!”

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, smiling wildly.

The return of his true soul is a foregone conclusion!

speaking of which.

This is all the credit of Fang Yu!

If it weren’t for Fang Yu, even if his true soul is Undying and Inextinguishable, he can only wander in the Netherworld Hell for the rest of his life, unable to find a way to Human World.

“Rule Strength?”

“If you want to remove the mask, do you have to be able to move Rule Strength?”

Fang Yu took a step back, His eyes flickered, and he looked at Heavenly Venerate Martial God with a smile.

Move the rules!

Fang Yu is actually po ible.

Seeing this, Heavenly Venerate Martial God, instinctively feels a bit bad.

But think about it later.

Suddenly laughed again!

A little ant, the distance rule is realm, and it is far away from vast distance.

How can he do it!

“The bluff, it’s ridiculous!”

Heavenly Venerate Martial God sneered.


Next moment, when he saw a fragment of the sword blade that Fang Yu took out of his arms, he couldn’t calm down anymore, his face changed wildly, and his panic was extremely frightened.

If it weren’t for the slavish imprint on his body, I am afraid Heavenly Venerate Martial God would have jumped up and moved towards Fang Yu and killed it!

“How is it po ible!”

“Shards of the Slaughter Sword!”

“Lord of Divine World, the power of 1/4 fight!”


“I have been searching for this thing for so long, and finally found out why it is in the Heavenly Palace, but why it is in the hands of you ants!!”

“Could it be you Is it the Inheritor of the King of Slaughter?!”

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, looking at Fang Yu deeply, there is even more terror hidden deep in his eyes.

The King of Slaughter!

Ancient territory world, God World, the strongest Divine King ever!

Even if you are severely injured in a fierce battle with the powerful Divine King of the other world, you can forcibly kill the entire God World with strength of oneself!

When this fragment of the God Slaughter Sword awakened Heavenly Venerate Martial Gods fear of the God Slaughter King! Fang Yu held the fragments of the slaughter sword and slowly moved towards him.

“Who said I can’t move the rules!”

“I think, with the grade of this sword of slaughter, not to mention this little Martial God mask, even yours The body of Martial God can also be easily penetrated and erase all vitality!”

Fang Yu sneered coldly.

The fragments of the God Slaughter Sword in his hand, moved towards The mask was pierced deeply. He wanted to dig this aspect out from the face of Heavenly Venerate Martial God on the spot.


“What do you want to do?”

“Stop the ants! Stop me!”

“Is there any conditions, you and I can talk! When my true soul returns, the deity will not kill you, why did it come to this?”

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, he was finally afraid, he was terrified roar.

If he mi es this opportunity, if he really wants to return to the world from Netherworld Hell, he will continue to wait for those extremely long years!

Fang Yu, who is holding the fragments of the God Slaughter Sword, is not to say that the rules are to be used. Even if his body is destroyed, he is qualified.

Fang Yu doesn’t care how to lure Heavenly Venerate Martial God, how to tempt him, how to intimidate him, and with no difficulty, he will peel off the entire mask.

drenched with blood!


The terrifying force that fought against the stigma of slavery suddenly disappeared! The Martial God mask was broken in his hand, and the moment he took it off, it was also completely broken.

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, fell silent!

His true soul is still in the Netherworld Hell! Without the guide light, he could not find the way to the world.


“At the crucial moment!”

Without perceiving the terrifying breath, Fang Yu sat slumped on the ground, all over his body The clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

Fang Yu never thought.

There are still two thunders buried in the ancestral land of Heavenly Palace! He almost got caught! The original Lord of Heavenly Palace who told him the place where the Heavenly Palace ancestral land was, did not have any good intentions.

At the same time.


“little bastard!”

“If I return, I will kill you millions of times!”

The distant Netherworld Hell, a silhouette blooming with incomparably dazzling divine brilliance, roared with rage, shaking the entire Netherworld Hell!

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