For a moment, Fang Yu has reached the end of the trial road, where there is a blue light curtain leading to another space.

“The seventeen Guardians obviously misunderstood something!”

Fang Yu stopped and moved towards. Looking behind him, he could still see the seventeen Guardians as high as ten Thousand zhangs martial God Realm ghost.

After that, there was no hesitation.

Fang Yu stepped into the blue light screen portal!


At this moment, the Heavenly Palace key floats up, blooming with a dazzling white light, and a dark silver imprint is engraved on Fang Yu’s forehead.

At the same time.

Heavenly Palace inherited memories are coming.

From the first palace lord to 100,000 years ago, the memories of the last lord of Heavenly Palace are all imprinted in Fang Yu’s heart.

Amidst this azure blue Shadow Sect, Fang Yu slowly opened his eyes, and sharp light burst into his eyes.

On his forehead, there is still this mark shining brightly.

This is the Heavenly Palace Seal, which contains the authority of Sect Master! With this mark, all cultivation Heavenly Palace cultivation technique and Heavenly Palace inheritance cultivator must obey Fang Yu’s orders.

At this moment, Fang Yu suddenly understood a little bit. 100,000 years ago, why the two most powerful Martial Gods were fighting so fiercely around the power of the Lord of Heavenly Palace!

One hundred 10,000 years ago, the original palace lord founded Heavenly Palace. At that time, Heavenly Palace was just an ordinary Martial God force!

What really changed Heavenly Palace was three 100,000 years ago, when God World has become a legend, and Heaven Realm is about to disappear from the world and will no longer walk in the lower realms.

Three 100,000 years ago, the master of Heavenly Palace of that generation, the peak Martial God Realm cultivation base, forcibly developed Heavenly Palace to the position of the first overlord Martial God power.

That’s the time.

Heavenly Palace is selected by Heaven Realm as the spokesperson in Human World!

This share of the sovereignty of Heavenly Palace is bestowed by Heaven Realm top powerhouse! With authority in hand, even if the strength of the Heavenly Palace cultivator is stronger than you, you must obey the palace lord’s instructions.

Heavenly Palace Xeon Martial God level, two were born 100,000 years ago, but Heavenly Palace has only one sovereignty.

They two supreme Martial Gods, how can one of them be willing to succumb to others and obey the orders of the other supreme Martial God?

Faction in-fighting, Heavenly Palace has no one to inherit!

So far, Fang Yu is cheaper.

“In other words, if I awaken these two supreme Martial Gods, with the authority of Heavenly Palace, can I also mobilize them?”

Fang Yu’s eyes flickered.

However, compared to the so-called Heavenly Palace authority, Fang Yu believes more in the Legendary card produced by system. He still wants to enslave the two strongest Martial Gods!

In this space where Fang Yu is located, two portals burst out. Fang Yu, who has completely inherited the authority of Heavenly Palace, naturally has no need to stay here!

The breath of the two portals in front of you, one is as hot as the sun, and the other is as cold as the moon! It represents the ancestral land of Heavenly Palace, the bright sun and cold moon above the sky.

“Enslave Heavenly Venerate Martial God first!”

“After all, he was 100,000 years ago, recognized as the first strongest Martial God, and his name surpa ed Xuantian. Martial God, above Martial God.”

Fang Yu walked into Hao Yang Sect’s house. As soon as he stepped into it, there was a rolling Scarlet Sun Divine Fire, burning Fang Yus within the body.


Heavenly Palace Seal remembers tremor.

In an instant.

These Scarlet Sun Divine Fire, scattered like running water.

This small space is the size of a country! There were all kinds of sacred fire everywhere inside, burning blazingly.

Fang Yu walked all the way, wherever he pa ed, Shenhuo retreated!

After walking like this for a few hours, Fang Yu finally found the sleeping Heavenly Venerate Martial God with the record of the Heavenly Palace Seal and the broken Haoyang Martial God mask in his hand.

The space here is Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom of Heavenly Venerate Martial God within the body!

In the very center of this world Divine Kingdom, in the distorted nothingne , there is a man wearing a red flame armor and holding a giant halberd.

His eyes are closed tightly, but even so, his body is still standing in the void, his spine is upright, full of terrifying oppre ion!

“The first of the three Xeon Martial Gods, Heavenly Venerate Martial God! Cultivation Xeon Law Power, the best at Fire Magical Powers, fighting War God!”

“Rumors , 100,000 years ago, the twelve overlord Martial God forces, 2/3 of which were swept by Heavenly Venerate Martial God alone!”

“Even Xuantian Martial God, fame is still Heavenly Venerate Martial Before God, his prestige and reputation were severely suppre ed by Heavenly Venerate Martial God!”

Fang Yu slowly said, with a broken mask in his hand and a card.

This mask is fragmented, with an ancient rune carved on the front of the forehead, and there is a sun-like thing shining on it.

Haoyang Martial God mask!

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, before becoming the Xeon Martial God, just stepped into the mask worn by Martial God Realm, which was stained with some Xeon Source Law fragments.

Once you stay on the face of Heavenly Venerate Martial God and sleep for 100,000 years, the true soul will be guided and return from the ghost!

There is no hesitation.

Fang Yu put the mask in his hand, together with the enslavement card of that party, on the face of the man wearing the Chiyan Battle Armor.


After putting on the mask, Heavenly Venerate Martial God’s body trembled violently.


Fang Yu seemed to have peeped into the towering nether world, where countless fallen souls wandered. There was a man in god armor, guided by the radiance of the little sun on the mask, and moved quickly. towards from here.

The true soul of Heavenly Venerate Martial God!


When Fang Yu saw the man in the divine armor, his face changed wildly in an instant, and he even took a breath of coldne , a little frightened.

“How is it po ible!”

“Why is this Heavenly Venerate Martial God’s true soul appearance, why is it so? I seem to have seen him in the final scene of the King of Slaughter… “

Fang Yu was horrified to the extreme.

Among the fragments of the God Slaughter Sword, the last one who is obse ed with the world, named the Queen of God Phoenix, came to the great hall of God Slaughter with nine gods whose divine brilliance is as dazzling as the sun. In addition, threatening this king of slaughter.

The king of slaughter, sneered.

While holding the Slayer Sword, one after another beheaded nine horrible gods, but there is still a fish that escaped the net! Among the nine gods, some souls escaped.

Among the souls of those gods who escaped, Fang Yu can guarantee that there is definitely the true soul of Heavenly Venerate Martial God!

In other words.

This Heavenly Venerate Martial God is not a who cultivator at all! It’s that millions years ago, God World, one of the nine extremely powerful gods!

A horrible god, or reincarnation, or body po e ion, just gave birth to this Heavenly Venerate Martial God!

In normal operation, the Legendary card should wait until Heavenly Venerate Martial Gods true soul returns and imprinted on its true soul before it can be considered as a succe ful slavery.


At this moment.

Legendary card, burning rapidly.

In the Netherworld, the true soul of Heavenly Venerate Martial God who is coming, releases a split soul.

With the operation of an inexplicable Rule Strength, the slave mark made by the Legendary card is actually imprinted on the split soul!

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