Beyond the mainland.

Mysterious wind domain, Northland, Great Cold Country.

The calm sky changed suddenly, and countless gusts rose up into the sky and turned into Azure Dragon, rushing everywhere!

At this moment, the sky has cracked a thousand-mile gap!

Just as the Great Cold Country, countless powerhouses were shaking, no one noticed that at the corner of this thousand-mile gap, a young silhouette fell from the sky.

“Who am I?”

“Where is this! Why am I here?”

Fang Yu has a splitting headache.

The Spiritual Qi here is a bit too rich, and is fundamentally different from his original world.

At this moment, Fang Yu was like a fish, forcibly washed up on the shore, either gradually adapting to it, or just asphyxiated to death.

For a while.

Fang Yu finally came back to his senses.

“I am Fang Yu! With Lin Tian Martial Emperor, and under the resistance of Gui Chou, I set foot in the ancient Domain Portal!”

“Such a rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, this is the continent of transcendence! In Xiao Gushengs mouth, can Martial God Realm be born, or even an ancient territory world on top of Martial God Realm?”

Fang Yu, looked around all around , Here is a boundless mountain range, originally there was the voice of Demonic beast roar everywhere.

Can follow his arrival.

Here, the Demonic beast of the mountain range gradually retreated, fearing his Martial Venerable Realm’s cultivation base, and fleeing in fear of moving towards the four directions.

“It seems that this area I am in, Martial Venerable Realm, should not be considered a weak one!”

“This is good, it can give me a few days of buffer time , Adapt to this worlds E ence Energy of Heaven and Earth!”

Fang Yu walked slowly toward the north, so that he would be able to pass through this endless mountain range sooner or later.

Furthermore, without taking a step, Fang Yu runs the cultivation base for a week, devouring the vitality of Heaven and Earth.


It is still a realm of one-star Martial Venerable, but with the influx of vitality, Fang Yu can clearly feel that his strength is improving!


The same realm, the cultivator of the ancient territory world, no matter how common the innate talent is, it can crush the stronger genius of their world.

The teenager who grows up eating meat every day is sure to be able to crush the teenager who grows up eating steamed buns every day!

“Heaven and Earth, like this, surpa es my original world, more than a thousand times! If this world can give birth to a powerhouse on Martial God Realm, I believe it.”



Fang Yu casually summoned the system.

As a result, it was the ash-gray panel. There was only a line of small characters to inform Fang Yu that the current super slaughter system is being maintained and upgraded.

Three days later.

Super Slaughter System, the upgrade is over!

In the system panel, after Fang Yu summon came out, he was absorbing the surrounding Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi frantically.

Compared with Fang Yu cultivation.

Fang Yu operates for a week, and the Spiritual Qi absorbed is like a stream. The system absorbs the Spiritual Qi of the ancient territory Heaven and Earth, which is a whale swallowing. The mouth is the amount of one lake per lake!

At this moment.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yu sincerely began to look forward to what it will look like with a brand-new upgrade and adaptation to the super slaughter system of ancient territory Heaven and Earth!


The night is drowsy.

Wearing a broken robe, Fang Yu walked in the boundless mountain range with his upper body naked. There was a huge grill in front of him, roasting a huge boar!

“Ten days have pa ed!”

“This should be just a corner of the ancient territory world that’s all, why this mountain range has not been completed yet, at least there are hundreds of thousands li Come on!”

The ancient territory world is so big that Fang Yu was amazed by it.

At this time.

In the distance, there was a sound of shouting to kill, and from far and near, the smell of blood-reeking qi continued to emerge.


“Ancient territory world, indigenous creatures!”

Fang Yu, his eyes brightened.

In the past ten days, he has been suppre ing his own cultivation base breath, fearing the terrifying Demonic beast of the mountain range, fearing that he will run away madly, brewing a terrifying beast wave, and impacting the surrounding mountain range town.

From now on.

Fang Yu only realized that this is what he thinks too much!

This mountain range is continuous hundreds of thousands li, brewing a tide of beasts, I am afraid that the impact will not be much distance, and it will gradually subside.

Where will the town be affected?

“Princess Muxue!”

“Hand over the ten-party slaughter order! I may wait for it to make your death more comfortable! Hehe!”

There was a rush of hoofs.

There was also a piercing laughter.

Fang Yu, walking through the jungle, finally saw the outskirts of the fighting battlefield, which is in a valley.

In the valley, corpses everywhere across the field, with blood on the ground, hundreds of black clothed and masked bandits, are rushing into a bright and dark silver carriage.

Above the carriage, there is Formation shining and struggling to sustain it, but under the siege of this endless stream of black clothed bandits.

The aura of Formation is getting dim.

Even if the next moment, the Formation burst into pieces, Fang Yu didn’t feel the slightest surprise. The Formation is not very strong, and it is pretty good that it can last for so long.

The carriage guards were killed and wounded. In the valley, around the carriage, there were only one or two people still struggling to support them.

“So well-trained, set up ambushes in the valley, and hand-held weapons are obviously standard military weapons!”

“This way I deliberately pretend to be a mountain bandit, which is more obvious. It’s not like it! However, the cultivation base of these people is weaker than I thought!”

Fang Yu frowned, stood on the tree canopy, and moved towards here, watching from a distance, watching closely. The two sides fighting each other.

The guys fighting between these two parties are the most powerhouse but equivalent to the pinnacle Martial Master Level. Dont! Many years ago, Fang Yu, the pinnacle Great Martial Master of this kind of goods, could squeeze a large piece to death with one hand.

“Don’t care!”

“Just save another person, and ask, what is the ancient territory world now! There is also the division of forces on this transcended continent. This kind of information…”

Fang Yu is very clear.

With Lin Tian’s Martial Emperor’s temperament, suppress and kill the four maddens first, and the chance to seize the ancient territory, Lin Tian Martial Emperor will definitely find ways to get back.

Even if the Lin Tian Martial Emperor does not descend from the deity’s body, but with the existence of the emperor soul, within a year, in this detached continent, there will be another Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse!

“We must grow up soon!”

“Three days later, everything depends on how the system is succe fully upgraded after three days!”

However, at this moment.


The huge blue palm print of Yifang Zhan suddenly blasted out of the thousands of black clothed bandits, and came to Fang Yu to suppress and kill.

“Where is the rat, peep in secret!”

“Get out of here!”

The roar resounded everywhere.

The speaker is the leader of the black clothed bandits, and the one who had heard the sound of lewd laughter in Fang Yu’s ears.


“I will come out now!”


Fang Yu takes one step forward and makes waves , Rising to the sky, rolling up and unknowing how many trees in the mountains and forests, spreading to an unknown number of miles.

In an instant.

The black clothed bandit that shot, his face changed wildly, his complexion was pale, there was no trace of blood, and his body trembled with fear, he almost fell to the ground on the spot.

“Hidden world…Hidden world powerhouse of powerhouse?”

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