“There are many Yang Mountain Range ominous beasts. In the extreme depths, more are Monster King-level ominous beasts from the Spirit Realm powerhouse of Xiantianwu Spirit Realm powerhouse!”

“This person seems to be a powerhouse that came out of the extreme depths of the mountain range! It must be a powerhouse of the hidden world powerhouse!”

“Otherwise, how can there be such a huge one in every gesture Prestige!”

Looking at the surging weather waves surging violently as Fang Yu took one step forward, hundreds of black clothed bandits in the valley here were in an uproar, all panicked. Took a step back.

Hidden World Great Expert!

This is not something they can provoke!

“What the hell did I do just now! Actually let a hidden Great Expert get out…”

The black clothed bandit leader was even more frightened at this moment Kneeling on the ground, I didn’t know what to do.


“Didn’t you let me get out?”

“At this moment, I got out, you are actually scared There is no need to be so scared of me. After all, I killed people and left the whole body.”

Fang Yu, with a light voice, walked out slowly.

At this moment, their eyes are as sharp as a sword. Although their robes are broken, the terrifying wind surrounding him clearly informs everyone present that Fang Yu’s strength is extremely terrifying.

“Senior, please spare your life!”

“Look at Senior Haihan!”

“The small one will take away the person who is going to be arrested, and promise not to Affect your senior’s clean repair! You are busy with your…”

The black clothed bandit, the Great Martial Master Realm cultivation base, is now humbled and apologized constantly.

Unfortunately, this sincerity is not very sufficient, and he would not even kneel once.

“Senior, please help!”

“Junior is Great Cold Country, the daughter of Prince Mu, Mu Xue! Junior father, Prince Mu, is also a powerful cultivator, Senior If it is shot, Mu Palace will be very grateful……”

In the carriage, an urgent female voice sounded.

“Shut up!”

The black clothed bandit was furious, and a knife slashed on the carriage.

In an instant.

Above the carriage, Formation burst into pieces, and there is no more protection!

The black clothed bandit leader is overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, the carriage Formation of this attack for a long time without any succe , disappeared under his attack.

Without Formation, he can capture this Mu Xue, and then take his troops back to the mi ion.

At that time, the military will give him a great achievement!

“What are you doing? Dont arrest people!”

The black clothed bandit screamed, completely treating Fang Yu who walked out of the mountains and forest not far away. air.

There is no strength or weakness!

Could it be that the black clothed bandit leader in front of you can’t see that the person in charge of all life and death is Fang Yu?

To make Fang Yu unhappy, everyone present, within a single thought, he can kill them all thoroughly!

“I have tolerated you for a long time!”

“Let the deity get out, in a few sentences, I intend to let the deity go back again? You little ant, so big Face!”

“You dare to treat me as air! What kind of thing are you!”

Fang Yu shouted angrily.

In front of Lin Tian Martial Emperor and many Martial Saint Realm powerhouses, he is just a little Martial Venerable, he can only forbear, look for that thin line of vitality.


Whenever a peak Great Martial Master can climb on his peak Martial Venerable battle strength and give orders.

Are the creatures of the ancient territory beyond the continent look like this?

Anyway, at the end, there is only a living person present for him to inquire about the news is enough! Killing a thousand people has no effect at all.


At this moment, Fang Yu stretched out his palm, revealing his murderous intention.

“Senior! Actually, I am waiting for Junhou in Zhenbei! I hope Senior will make it easy for you, then Mr. Junhou in Zhenbei will be very grateful!”

black clothed Seeing Fang Yu’s anger, the bandit suddenly panicked and took out a dark token made by a party of steel e ence from his arms!

The token palm-size, on which the one after another line is condensed, finally converges into a square character-Zhenbei Junhou!

These square characters are extremely cold, and if ordinary cultivator stares for a long time, they will inevitably be hurt by the true meaning engraved on it!

“Martial Apprentice, Martial Master, Great Martial Master, Innate Martial Spirit! Above these four lower realms are the Three Realms of Great Power, Martial King, Martial King, Martial Sect!”

“We are the Da Neng Second Stage, Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse! I hope you can make it easy for you…”

Hold the token of the Bei Junhou in the town, said slowly After that, the black clothed bandit leader gradually became more confident and his waist straightened a lot.

After all, he is a member of the army of Zhenbei!

In Great Cold Country, the signboard of Zhenbei Junhou is so loud that almost no one dares not sell the face of Zhenbei Junhou.

Those who don’t sell face are almost dead!

You know, Zhenbei Junhou, but Da Neng Second Stage, Martial Sovereign Realm late! Seven-star Martial Emperor, even the Great Cold King who is as strong as the cloud is considered rare.

Da Neng Second Stage, Wu Huang?

Zhenbei Junhou?

Fang Yu smiled angrily.

Whenever, a little martial emperor can threaten a peak Martial Venerable! Using the so-called Zhenbei Junhou to suppress Fang Yu was extremely ridiculous.

The words of the black clothed bandit leader are no different from adding fuel to the fire!

“Go to your uncle’s Zhenbei Junhou!”

Fang Yu scolded.

At this moment, the raised palm pre ed down hard.

In an instant.

The situation has changed.

The entire mountain range seemed to tremble in front of Fang Yu’s palm.


Somewhere there was a thunderous explosion.

Suddenly, the scene was boiling.

The atmosphere is full of panic.



“Look, everyone!”

“Heaven! It’s so big The palm print of one party! What kind of terror is this, even Master Junhou of Zhenbei, may not be able to have such a divine might!”

The valley was full of panic shouts.

Hundreds of black clothed sergeants disguised as bandits, fled frantically, only hating their parents for giving them two fewer legs.

So divine might, even the entire valley can raze to the ground, even more how, these ant-like sergeants!

“What a big palm print!”

The black clothed bandit leader looked up at the sky, and he saw the endless clouds boiling endle ly and rapidly forming the Spiritual Qi giant palm.

Under this palm, the entire valley is trembling, and they in the valley are no different from the ants.

At this moment, the black clothed bandit finally understood.

He finally understood how ridiculous it was that he moved out of the name of Junhou in Zhenbei to press down on the youngster with the temperament out of the ordinary!

Peak Wuhuang?


I’m afraid there is more to the peak Wuhuang.

The mysterious youngster who walked out from the deepest part of Yang Mountain Range in front of him, even if he is a Martial Sect who was born in the Great Cold Country in a thousand years, he believes.


The black clothed bandit leader still didn’t gue ! He might not be able to guess until he died, Fang Yu is actually a Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse.

Martial Venerable Realm, almost equivalent to detached from the mainland, the realm of the Great Venerable in the cultivation system!

Great Cold Country, in the northern border of the country for thousands of years, no powerhouse of this level has been born.

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