Above the sky, there was a deathly silence.

No one thought that a Martial Venerable Realm ant could really come back against the wind and emerge from the trap!

Moreover, I succe fully set foot in ancient territory Heaven and Earth!

Many Martial Saint Realm old eccentric, their eyes are red with envy, and they want to become Fang Yu!


“You beast! Kill my four maddeners, and also seize the opportunity of the emperor to set foot in the ancient territory! The emperor and you are irreconcilable!!!”


“When the ancient territory meets, this emperor will never let you go! At that time, I will let you not have the will to live, you can’t die!”

Lin Yun Martial Emperor roared, his face flushed with anger, he only felt that the humiliation he had suffered throughout his life was not as much as today!


As soon as this remark came out, the Two Great Factions Martial Emperor, all complexion greatly changed.

Xuan Mingzun, carrying the Profound Nether clock, the legendary clock of extinction, specially restrains the soul body po e ion!

Even if it is as strong as the Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, few people are willing to risk taking the main soul to try body po e ion of Xuan Mingzun!

Xiao Gusheng is a very distinguished figure in ancient territory Heaven and Earth! If you dare body po e ion of Xiao Gusheng into the ancient territory, it will inevitably be contaminated with great cause and effect.

Be aware.

Ancient territory Heaven and Earth, but there are Martial God and even powerhouses on Martial God!

Xiao Gusheng must be born in a detached continent. There is an Ancient Sect Aristocratic Family with Martial God level!

Many Martial Emperors are powerful, but Heaven and Earth can only dominate that’s all! The real body po e ion of Xiao Gusheng, contaminated with this great cause and effect, I am afraid that when he is exposed, it will be dead.

Furthermore, Fang Yu got out of trouble and escaped into the ancient territory Heaven and Earth, unable to catch it again!

Calculate like this.

Shifang set foot in the ancient territory, and now there are only seven that’s all left.

Be aware.

The Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse is present, except for the ghost crying and decay that escaped, it is not counted, Two Great Factions together, but there are as many as ten.

A Martial Emperor, one party, so it cant be divided!

Listening to the meaning of the Lin Tian Martial Emperor, it turned out that he wanted to take another place, occupy a Fleshy body, descend on the ancient territory Heaven and Earth, and seek revenge on Fang Yu.

How can this be? !

Fang Yu!

The fleshy body selected by Lin Tian Martial Emperor! He was not optimistic, and let Fang Yu escape! I also want to take another place, what a big face!

“Lin Tian Martial Emperor, you can leave now!”

“Fang Yu escaped!”

“You have lost the selected fleshy body, You should leave here too! The remaining seven fleshy bodies have nothing to do with you.”

A Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, looking coldly at Lin Tian Martial Emperor, a pair of Lin Tian Martial The Emperor dared to move the seven Fleshy bodies, and he would encircle and kill them.

“Who said that the emperor would take advantage of the quota of the seven fleshy bodies? Isn’t there an eighth fleshy body here?!”

“The eighth fleshy body body, the emperor wants it!”


Lin Tian Martial Emperor, moved towards Xiao Gusheng on the sky, and Xuanmingzun.

At this moment.

The golden Zhongying in Xuan Mingzun’s eyes has long been disappeared.

Seeing Lin Tian Martial Emperor coming, Xuan Mingzun suddenly showed a humble expre ion of ingratiation, letting go, and letting out Xiao Gusheng behind him.

“Lin Tian Martial Emperor! Junior will erase the Withered Bone Demon and give you Xiao Gusheng’s fleshy body!”

Xuan Mingzun finished speaking.


Lin Tian Martial Emperor squeezed Xuan Mingzuns neck, his eyes were full of crazy cold light, saying every word.

“Who said that this emperor wants to contaminate this great cause and effect, offend the forces of the ancient territory Martial God, body po e ion of this Xiao Gusheng?”

“This emperor wants body po e ion is your Xuanming Honor!”

“The Profound Nether clock recognizes you, what can you do? This ancient Domain Portal user can survive for at least ten days. These ten Japanese emperors have ways to avoid the Profound Nether clock, body po e ion of you The body…”

Xuan Mingzun’s face was incredibly full.

He never thought.

To the end.

He actually became a fish!

“Master Martial Emperor, you have promised Junior! Junior can set foot in the ancient territory Heaven and Earth!”

“How can this be regretted!”

< p>“Masters, please help me! Lin Yun, Martial Emperor, wants to refining my soul. If the Profound Nether bell is angered, will you not be afraid of the bell coming on the spot?”

Xuanming Frightened and desperate, the statue looked over the sky, the nine Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses, constantly struggling, and constantly asking for help.

Two Great Factions, nine Martial Emperors, sneered and watched from the wall, without any intention of making a move.

As long as Lin Tian Martial Emperor doesn’t lose heart and madly encroaches on the seven fleshy bodies, then they won’t be able to stop them at all!

Xuan Mingzun?

Neither relatives nor reasons, what do they care about Xuanmingzun? !



They dont recognize it now!


Lin Tian Martial Emperor left here with Xuan Mingzun, he wants to rush back to Traceless Sect, with the help of the sect array, refining Xuan Mingzuns Divine Soul, and suppress the Profound Nether clock by the way!

Seven Fleshy bodies, it didn’t take long for them to be divided thoroughly by the seven Martial Emperors who got the result of the game.

Seven Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses, familiar with the body of this young Martial Venerable Realm, were overwhelmed with excitement and stepped into the ancient Domain Portal households.

Here, only Xiao Gusheng’s fleshy body is left in a daze.


“Beyond the mainland, it seems that I have no chance to wait for it!”

The last two Martial Emperors, sighed, but did not see Glancing at Xiao Gusheng’s fleshy body, looking nostalgic at the ancient Domain Portal users, and then left one after another.

Above the sky.

Here, there are only Two Great Factions and hundreds of Martial Saint Realm powerhouses.

There are hundreds of Martial Saint Realm powerhouses. Naturally, there are many daring fanatics. They are not afraid of being contaminated with cause and effect. Their red eyes are looking at Xiao Gushengs fleshy body.

The final round of fighting has begun!

However, all this has nothing to do with Fang Yu who entered the ancient territory Heaven and Earth.

Nine members, including Xuan Mingzun who has planned for decades, and Xiao Gusheng, who has been searching for nine statues for 5,000 years!

The ten candidates who can enter the ancient territory Heaven and Earth, in the end, only Fang Yu has truly entered the ancient territory.

Xiao Gusheng, Xuanmingzun nine people, either fell, or suffered a body po e ion! The end was miserable.

This ending is really fortune plays with people!


The tenth day.

Just when the majestic formation di ipated, the billowing natural phenomenon disappeared, above the sky, and the detachment of the continent was about to be related.

The tenth person who set foot on the detached continent finally arrived!

“Fang Yu!”

“You little bastard hurt me so miserably!”

“If it wasn’t your last moment, break free from the dead and enter the ancient Territory! How can my Xuanmingzun be caught by Lin Tian Martial Emperor!”

“I must let you die!”

Come here, look and look like Xuanmingzun But it is as hideous as a ghost, and its expre ion is constantly changing, extremely weird.

Moreover, there are two voices, as if Xuan Mingzun himself and Lin Tian Martial Emperor were speaking the same words at the same time.

“Fang Yu!”

“My Lin Tian Martial Emperor wants you to die!”

Xuanmingzun’s expre ion suddenly changed again, as if it became After Lin Tian Martial Emperor, with fierce light in his eyes, he immediately stepped into the ancient Domain Portal that was about to disappear.


The billowing dark clouds disappeared, and what disappeared with it is the sky of this place, the gateway to detachment from the continent!

Here, peace is finally restored!

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