“Wrong? What’s wrong?”

Fang Yu asked.

“The main function of this medicine pill is to stimulate the residual potential of each stage, just like the upgrade of martial arts. In fact, at every Level 1, you can’t fully stimulate the potential within the body, and this medicine Pill is to help you stimulate the remaining potential!”

“It is true that your level may not increase, but battle strength will increase significantly, which is very important!”

< p>“I was too naive at the time. I wanted to extend this medicine pill to the entire Azure Dragon Academy, and even the whole world, so I created the tragedy at that time…”

< p>The drug lunatic fell into the memory and sighed.

Fang Yu tried his mouth, but did not speak.

There is no so-called empathy in the world!

He didn’t know what the drug lunatic went through and what tragedy caused, so Fang Yu would not persuade the drug lunatic to let go of the past, looked towards the future, looked towards the front.

“Okay, let’s not go ip. This Black Water Profound Snake has been chasing us, which is no way.”

The drug lunatic seems to suddenly wake up and get back to busine .

“Well. I have a martial arts, which can accelerate instantly, and probably get rid of Black Water Profound Snake.”

Fang Yu said.

He didn’t want to expose too much information about himself.

But at this step, if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers, Fang Yu also finds it difficult to stay out of the matter.

“No way.”

The medicinal maniac shook his head and said: “The Black Water Profound Snake is a native creature here. I know its situation too well, Black Water Profound Snake thought. Its not too easy to find you and chase you. Normally it follows closely to protect the king of blue Resurrection Lily. Now that we have taken it away, it must be pursued. When the time comes, We are refining medicine, but we cannot deal with it separately, it is even more dangerous.”

Fang Yu complexion sank.

Because the other party is right!

Snake Monster Beast has such a temperament.

I really got in, it’s irreconcilable ending!

So, Black Water Profound Snake has been offended to this point, maybe it really only has to kill this way to go!

“However, if we want to kill it, we have to make a long-term plan…”

The drug lunatic said seriously.

After that, he said a few ideas.

Although he is not a native of Beiming Cave, he has often traveled between Beiming Cave and Refining Chamber during the recent period.

Today is even more convenient to deal with the next improvement, and many of his things have been brought over.

After all, although the drug lunatic has been living in the Azure Dragon mirror for many years, I still remember that it is probably the time for the retest!

If you stay outside and you are met by some examinees, you will be in trouble!

As everyone knows, traces were still found.

Fortunately, finding Fang Yu as a helper is not a disadvantage!

Now he has made several adjustments according to their own circumstances, and carefully designed them.

When Fang Yu learned of the several plans of the drug lunatic, he was stunned.

A drug lunatic really dare to think about it!

You really deserve to be a man who claims to be a lunatic, dare to be a lunatic!

“Why? I can turn the medicine and you can turn the Black Water Profound Snake!”

The medicine maniac said seriously.

“Okay, okay, okay…what you said is right!”

Fang Yu didn’t argue with him too much, and said: “Then about what you planned Bait…”

“Of course it’s you!”

The drug lunatic said righteously: “It’s not you to go, can it be that I can’t?”

“Me? I…”

Fang Yu opened his mouth and wanted to refute.

The drug lunatic continued: “No need to say more, it’s settled!”

“It’s not you to go, but me. Of course it is safer Yes, but have you ever thought that if you come to prescribe Black Water Profound Snake, are you sure you can turn Black Water Profound Snake?”

“If you cant turn Black Water Profound Snake, we will inevitably have to fight in close quarters. Do you think its better to be a bait or close combat?”

“And its very fast. You havent seen my movements before. Before your friends are overturned, what can you do? Abnormal?”


The drug lunatic argued with the courage of one’s convictions, Fang Yu was speechle !

“I can’t tell you, I lost!”

Fang Yu sighed.

“I can’t tell me, isn’t this normal? My house is a house, but it was Azure Dragon Academy…that’s all!”

The drug lunatic sighed.

The past can’t bear to look back!

For this, Fang Yu is truly speechle !

He dare to say that if he had a choice, he would definitely hack these half-talking guys to death!

Because the drug lunatic is no longer the first offender, this man is definitely a repeat offender, okay?

“Okay! Stop your fooling, I promise you that!”

Fang Yu can do nothing.

Because the medicinal maniac probably used him as a bait to design when he was planning, otherwise how could he come so just right.

This fellow is deliberately cheating!

“Well, you will wait for my instructions later!”

The drug lunatic is very happy.

He is very confident in his medicine, but there is a premise that needs time to prepare.

Including his dealings with Fang Yu and the others, he had only prepared a little before going there.

Now that Fang Yu cooperates, dont you like a fish back in water this time?


Black Water Profound Snake is extremely fast, moving in the grieving cave, wherever it pa es, but everything that has life, it actively avoids .

Here in the Sorrow Cavern, who didn’t know that Black Water Profound Snake is a big evil star!

Now the big evil star ran out coldly, God knows what is going to happen!

So, it’s better to avoid it as soon as po ible, so as not to get into a commotion!

Black Water Profound Snake is now anxious and angry.

It is very anxious the king of blue Resurrection Lily.

In case of losing it, the path of cultivation of Black Water Profound Snake will undoubtedly become difficult.

To cut off the road of wealth is like killing a parent!

Not to mention cutting off the path of cultivation.

This is forcing Black Water Profound Snake to fight them!

“si si _”

Suddenly, Black Water Profound Snake found that Fang Yu and the others were not running away, so they stopped immediately, heaving Snake Xinzi, indifferently looking at all directions!

It thinks this place is weird!

These two people must be here.

They hid.

Hiding, what do you want to do?

However, Black Water Profound Snake is not worried about finding Fang Yu and the others.

Because snakes have a special ability.

They can sense changes in heat!

As long as you are still alive, you must have temperature and body temperature!

Then you want to find Fang Yu and the others, isn’t it with no difficulty?

It’s just this kind of ability. Normally, Black Water Profound Snake doesn’t use it often.

This ability can sense very nuanced things.

There are not many big living creatures here, but there are many small ones!

If you activate this ability all the time, you will be bored to death.

But now, in order to find the guy who snatched the king of blue Resurrection Lily, he had to use this ability.

However, Fang Yu appeared before it had time to unlock the power.

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