It is more cautiously nece ary to take medicine, especially to take medicine at the level of medicine king.

Fang Yu can feel that the king of blue Resurrection Lily is a bit reluctant.

However, the king of blue Resurrection Lily is just the king of quasi-drugs, and has no right to resist.

It’s okay no matter how reluctant it is, it is still served by Fang Yu.

Fang Yu cautiously, full of joy!

It seems that the king of blue Resurrection Lily is about to fall into his own hands!

However, just when Fang Yu installed the king of blue Resurrection Lily halfway, something happened!


Some subtle movements sounded from a distance!

“Black Water Profound Snake is back?”

Fang Yu’s heart sank!

How can this tell him not to be afraid.

Now that the king of blue Resurrection Lily has shoveled halfway, it is not realistic to take it away or plant it back. The only thing he can do is to continue to transfer the king of blue Resurrection Lily.

“It can speed up…the reason why it cannot be transferred too roughly is because it is afraid of hurting the rhizome, but now that the rhizome is completely exposed, there is no need to be afraid of hurting it.”

< p>The dragon Celestial Immortal reminded.


Fang Yu speeded up immediately.

After all, he still doesn’t want to face a monster and Monster King.


When Black Water Profound Snake really came, Fang Yu just put away the king of blue Resurrection Lily!

“Let it down!”

Black Water Profound Snake uttered something.

It was really irritated!

Do these humans treat them as weak and deceive?

The king of blue Resurrection Lily who dared to steal it!

“Dragon Celestial Immortal!”

Fang Yu hair stands on end: “What method did you say before?”

“You are now urging troops It’s Spirit Fusion Technique!”

Long Celestial Immortal said hurriedly.


Fang Yu agreed, and immediately displayed it.


Immediately afterwards, Fang Yu only felt that a power was attached to his within the body.

“This, this is…”

Fang Yu feels that he has an extra lightning power!

“haha, it is true…I am still a Thunder Spirit, and I have not completely transformed into Thunder Dragon. I was wondering, if it is spirit-like nature, can I use Spirit Fusion Technique to fuse together with you , I will lend you the power. I didnt expect I bet right!”

Long Celestial Immortal haha smiled and said: “en? This is…Fang Yu, be careful!”

I saw the Black Water Profound Snake pounce fast.

The speed of Black Water Profound Snake is too fast, like a pitch-black as ink thunderbolt falling.

“Thunderbolt? Taste my strength of Thunder!”

Fang Yu advances instead of retreating, punched out!

“hong long!”

Fang Yu’s fist was bursting with thunder, and it was the power of Thunder Spirit.

The dragon Celestial Immortal has not recovered much power until now, but Fang Yu, as a martial spirit, plus a dragon Celestial Immortal, definitely one plus one is greater than two!

What’s more, Spirit Fusion Technique is not as simple as one plus one, its formidable power has increased by a percentage!

Fang Yu’s this fist directly knocked the Black Water Profound Snake into the air.

Although it is different from the usual one shot flying a hundred zhang distance, but being able to fly a Martial King is also out of the ordinary.

You know, Fang Yu is not a Martial King!

He became a martial spirit in only a few days.


The drug lunatic who rushed back was stunned.

The speed of Black Water Profound Snake is too fast. Just now, after the drug lunatic knew that Black Water Profound Snake was probably aware, he would take action. Unfortunately, the Black Water Profound Snake disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When he rushed back, he happened to see Fang Yu punched flying the Black Water Profound Snake.

“So sharp?”

Now drug lunatics don’t look crazy anymore.

“Hurry up and help!”

Fang Yu shouted.

Is it not?

Do you really think he can fight Monster King alone?

Even if it is really po ible, it is only when the cards are all out.

Fang Yu didn’t want to come to pick a medicine and showed his trump card.


The drug lunatic stepped forward and entangled Black Water Profound Snake before the opponent Yu launched his second wave offensive.





Dont The drug lunatic seems to be chattering, in fact, his battle strength is extraordinary, and Black Water Profound Snake shaking its head and wagging its tail with a few punches.

“A lot of strength!”

Black Water Profound Snake spoke again.

Is it not?

The drug maniac looks like a crazy old man.

However, as soon as the drug lunatic took action, he was extremely cruel, which made Black Water Profound Snake feel jealous.

However, Black Water Profound Snake is impossible to give up.

This king of blue Resurrection Lily has been guarding for many years.

It can be said that it can cultivation to this point, completely relying on the king of blue Resurrection Lily.

It also hopes that the king of blue Resurrection Lily will become the real king of medicine in the future, swallow it thoroughly, and become Monster Sovereign!

As everyone knows, Fang Yu and the others came to pick peaches!

This kind of thing can be tolerated!

Can’t bear it!

“Come on! It knows here far beyond us, maybe there is something to follow!”

The medicine maniac urged.

“Hi , hi …”

Black Water Profound Snake spit out snake letter, it is impossible to let medicine maniac and Fang Yu take away its king of blue Resurrection Lily.

Although this time is really carele .

For many years, no creatures dare to come here for ideas.

Occasionally, one or two stunned people who don’t understand the complete truth are all killed by it.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Black Water Profound Snake often clears nearby Demonic beasts and does not give them the slightest chance to step in here.

This is the case. The creatures in the Grieving Cave know that there is a evil star here, and they also understand what the evil stars bottom line is. If not nece ary, they will not provoke the opponent, so as not to get it. it is good.

Now that the drug lunatic and Fang Yu have touched its reverse scale grandiosely, there is only one ending… death!

“It’s not a way to run like this…you should have a medicine room here, right?”

Fang Yu asked the medicine maniac as he ran.


The medicine maniac admitted directly: “But it is not safe to take it there. It will be Monster King after all. If I ruin my medicine room, even more The gain is not worth the lo .”

“Kill it?”

Fang Yu asked again.


The drug lunatic directly said a difficult word: “You don’t know how terrifying the Monster King here is, and I haven’t moved my muscles for many years. ……”


Fang Yu wants to complain, but there are too many complaints, and I dont know where to complain!

As for the inactive muscles and bones that the other party said,

“But Black Water Profound Snake is very vengeful, you have taken the king of blue Resurrection Lily, how can it give up… it must be You die!”

Fang Yu said silently: “I said the drug maniac Senior, you have not thought about this problem.”

“Over the years, I have studied The subject and the direction of improvement are very different from this time…”

The drug lunatic hesitated a little, and sighed.

“What’s the difference?”

Fang Yu asked.

“My initial direction was to make this medicine pill affordable for everyone, so the direction was for the public, but I found that I was wrong.”

The medicine maniac sighed. .

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