“Hey, hello, hello… small insect, are you looking for me?”

Fang Yu asked with a smile.

“si si…”

Seeing Fang Yu’s appearance, Black Water Profound Snake suddenly became angry.

Because Fang Yu is playing with a bottle.

Storage bottle!

Special bottles for storing spirit flowers and gra es!

The king of blue Resurrection Lily, right there!

“Give it back to me!”

Black Water Profound Snake is already on the verge of a runaway.

Fang Yu is playing with fire now!


Next moment, the Black Water Profound Snake that was still ready to go, just like a cannonball!

Fang Yu squinted his eyes and withdrew quickly!

One of them advances, the other retreats, you chase me!

Fang Yu uses the Dragon Snake technique to deal with Black Water Profound Snake.

Black Water Profound Snake can’t see that Fang Yu is deliberately procrastinating, but it has calmed down a lot this time.

Because the king of blue Resurrection Lily is here, as long as this human being is solved, things will return to themselves.


Fang Yu’s body whistling.

While dealing with him, he occasionally releases thunder and lightning strikes, Black Water Profound Snake does not dodge or hide, and shakes Fang Yu hard.

Demonic beast has spirituality, and the powerful Demonic beast is actually no less than a powerful martial artist.

Black Water Profound Snake naturally saw Fang Yus profound mystery of this move!

Fang Yus move, if you dont charge up, the effect that can be exerted is very limited. It is very difficult to hurt yourself!

Therefore, there is no need to avoid it.

“Fang Yu, you really want to be crazy with this old lunatic!”

Long Celestial Immortal couldn’t help asking: “You should know that this drug lunatic has a problem. “

“Of course there is a problem. A grand Alchemist was exiled here. If it wasn’t for what happened, I wouldn’t believe it, OK?”

Fang Yu Answer calmly.

“In that case, you still…”

The dragon Celestial Immortal was a little confused.

“First of all, he may be from Azure Dragon Academy. I was bought by Vice President Wang several times. Within the body is already in the shape of Azure Dragon Academy. Its hard not to help me with this favor. Ah.”

“Furthermore, you dont know. The Screaming Cave looks small, but its surprisingly big. There are space turbulence and so on everywhere. Its hard to rely on us alone. If he can find it, he has clues, so he can only cooperate!”

“In the end, all my friends were brought down and I was alone. What can I do? I was also desperate OK?”


Fang Yu said helple ly: “So, cooperating with him is also a general trend?”

“This… _our boosting level is getting better and better!”

Long Celestial Immortal gave Fang Yu a blank look.

“Be careful, it’s here!”

Fang Yu’s eyes condensed, his fingertips lighted up, Thunder Strength skyrocketed!

“hong long!”

Before this strike is different, let Black Water Profound Snake turn it on its feet!

“si si ……you are courting death!”

Black Water Profound Snake hadn’t been the king of blue Resurrection Lily, he would have used all his strength to kill Fang Yu.

When a Monster King is unscrupulous, it is undoubtedly the scariest.

So Fang Yu has been playing with the storage bottle, just to make the other party jealous.

Unless Black Water Profound Snake doesn’t mind killing Fang Yu while ruining the king of blue Resurrection Lily by the way!

However, Black Water Profound Snake is just refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases!

If the king of blue Resurrection Lily falls into the hands of others, there is still one day to take it back.

However, if I accidentally ruined it by myself, then there is nothing left.

Therefore, no matter how angry, Black Water Profound Snake always exercises restraint.

I was afraid of destroying the king of blue Resurrection Lily together.

Fang Yu stared at Black Water Profound Snake playfully.

A Monster King clearly has the ability to suppress and kill itself, but because of fear of losing the king of blue Resurrection Lily, he dare not do it. It is really sad.

“Black Water Profound Snake, you rely too much on external forces! Like you, you still want to be a Monster Sovereign? Don’t laugh!”

Fang Yu burst into laughter.

“The King of Blue Resurrection Lily, give it back to me!”

Black Water Profound Snake, no matter what Fang Yu said, it has already discovered that Fang Yus Dragon Snake is in this terrain. There are big restrictions.

Its just that the dragon technique is always the martial arts of the first-class martial arts, and the speed of movement is still extremely fast, which can be called amazing speed.

However, the local tyrant of Black Water Profound Snake is not for nothing. It has been searching for Fang Yus weak spot.

One, two, three… Fang Yus weak spots are getting more and more in his eyes!


At this moment, Black Water Profound Snake moved.

It moved like thunder, and it approached Fang Yu in an instant.


Fang Yu’s face changed dramatically.

This scene is definitely not what he expected!

“Look, look down on Monster King, is it going to overturn this time? What a weak Monster King, they are all Monster King, their understanding of cultivation is different from ordinary creatures That’s right, otherwise, how can you call it a king?”

Long Celestial Immortal said as he helped Fang Yu forcibly avoid it.

This is the greatest benefit of enchanting with the dragon Celestial Immortal.

Fang Yu takes the lead, and Dragon Celestial Immortal is looking for leaks!

For example, now, in Fang Yu’s view, this is inevitable, but in Long Celestial Immortal’s view, she has at least three ways to resolve it!

“hong long long!”

Followingly, Fang Yu and Black Water Profound Snake pa ed by at the crucial moment!

“Huh, huh…”

Fang Yu panted and stared at Black Water Profound Snake.

This animal is too terrifying!

If it weren’t for the dragon Celestial Immortal, Fang Yu just estimated that most of his life is gone, and the next thing is to let the Black Water Profound Snake fish.

Monster King, really motherfucker terrifying!


Don’t say that Fang Yuxin is lingering, Black Water Profound Snake is also very surprised.

Just now, it concluded that Fang Yu was impossible to avoid.

However, Fang Yu still avoided extremely mysterious and abstruse. What the hell is that?

“Almost there!”

Suddenly, the drug lunatic walked out of the darkne .

“si si…”

Black Water Profound Snake stared at the drug lunatic in doubt.

Just now it thought that the drug lunatic had escaped, after all, it provoked it Black Water Profound Snake, and then it was irreconcilable ending.

Dont say its a martial artist, its Black Water Profound Snake like Demonic beast dont dare provoke.

Silent people are the most terrifying, and so is Demonic beast!

If Fang Yu hadn’t taken the initiative to show up just now, Black Water Profound Snake would activate its sensing ability and look for the two people hiding here.

As a result, Fang Yu was walking right into a trap, and he also took the king of blue Resurrection Lily, Black Water Profound Snake, of course, did not care about the drug lunatic.

It only needs to be the king of blue Resurrection Lily!

Now the unfathomable mystery of the medicine maniac has appeared again. I don’t know why, it has a sense of badne !

This is ridiculous!

Dignified Black Water Profound Snake, even afraid of a martial artist?

Even this martial artist is the Martial King among humans.

Black Water Profound Snake can see that it has been a long time since the medicine maniacs really take it seriously, relying on the Martial King cultivation base and past experience to support, otherwise Black Water Profound Snake within three moves, Must kill him!

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