“Mysterious look…If you cant figure it out when the time comes, Ill throw you out to smash the Black Water Profound Snake.”

Fang Yu is a little di atisfied with Dragon Celestial Immortal’s practice of fooling Profound Void.

“Aiya, look what you said, did I do this on purpose? I just want to verify a method that’s all.”

Long Celestial Immortal is not in a hurry.

She somewhat understands Fang Yu’s temper.

Fang Yu, he values the results, for the proce …Although he doesn’t care less about the proce , he doesn’t care that much.

As long as the result is good, Fang Yu won’t say much.

“It’s not Dragon’s Might, right? This move is not new.”

Fang Yu suddenly asked.

“No, it’s not…Dragon’s Might, this is a second move. In fact, I don’t recommend that you use this move too often.”

Dragon Celestial Immortal explained.


Fang Yu suddenly became interested.

He wants to know why Dragon Celestial Immortal does not recommend using this move.

“Why do you still ask? Dragon’s Might, it was originally a trick that Dragon Race has. Are you Dragon Race? You are not Dragon Race! But where did your Dragon’s Might come from? Your Dragon’s Might, It was cast by Dragon Sect!”

“Then the problem comes again, the Supreme Treasure of Dragon Sect is a great temptation for the creatures in the world, dont you Forget, what you said to Azure Dragon Academy was that Dragon Sect flew away and went to find the first dean. They were only dubious!”

“If they knew it, Dragon Sect was actually hidden by you Oh…hmph! What is the result? I dont need to say more!”

The triumphant look of Dragon Celestial Immortal made Fang Yu look at it and want to fight. people.

“Boy, don’t be in a daze, get ready!”

The drug lunatic reminded Fang Yu with some di atisfaction.

What did this kid do?

It seemed that he was very clever before, so I thought of letting Fang Yu help with the medicine.

Its good now, and Im in a daze from time to time. What if something goes wrong while taking the medicine?

Be aware that the more precious Heaven and Earth spiritual medicine is, the more cautiously it is needed, not carele .

For example, the king of blue Resurrection Lily is a very delicate thing. When you take it down, you have to be more careful than ordinary blue Resurrection Lily.

Fang Yu is in this state, can he really operate it?

The drug lunatic is suspicious.

“I’m ready, Senior will start anytime!”

Fang Yu said seriously.


The drug lunatic nodded, signaled Fang Yu to hide temporarily, and then threw him a medicine pill.

“Swallow it, and cooperate with it. It can’t detect you.”

After that, the medicine lunatic retreated.

Fang Yu swallowed this thing without saying a word.

Soon, this scent wafted from a distance, making the sleepy Black Water Profound Snake instantly awake!

This is a fragrance of spiritual flowers.

The taste is sweet and the aftertaste is endle . Many Demonic beasts can be swallowed.

And this spirit flower is divided into levels.

Now that the drug lunatics use them as bait, at least it is the upper-middle level goods, a rare treasure!

“It’s really a waste!”

Fang Yu sighed.

“Medicine Refining Master is like this… Or, these so-called masters usually look crazy and abnormal. In fact, once they touch their domain, they will immediately refreshed. They are crazy, so they are masters.”

Long Celestial Immortal said.

“Is that so.”

Fang Yu said to himself.

He has let the super slaughter system integrate all the medicine knowledge he currently has.

If the integration is completed and you become a drug lunatic, wouldnt it be miserable?

There is also floor stretch.

She is a half-step master, right?

In case such a good-looking person turns into a drug lunatic, it is also a pity!


Sure enough, this scent has a fatal temptation for Demonic beast!

They want to resist.

But instinct does not allow it.

Black Water Profound Snake hesitated for a while, and left the blue Resurrection Lily.

It was not until Black Water Profound Snake left the blue Resurrection Lily and went to track the fragrance that Fang Yu could see its true colors.

A giant snake that is more than ten feet long!

The whole body is pitch black, and the scales are attached to the body, like a set of impervious to sword and spear armor!

“It’s not an ordinary Monster King anymore!”

Fang Yu was frightened.

If such an existence confronts head-on…the consequences are hard to imagine!

At the very least, Fang Yu does not have much confidence to contend with Black Water Profound Snake.

Unle …the cards are all out, or open and hang!

After a while, Black Water Profound Snake has left the scope of Spiritual Consciousne , Fang Yu just cautiously approached blue Resurrection Lily, ready to take the medicine!

“This is blue Resurrection Lily, the king of Resurrection Lily?”

Fang Yu clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

When I saw blue Resurrection Lily close up, it gave people a greater visual impact, and it was full of vitality. Just by the side, I felt my flesh and blood became stronger bit by bit. Fantastic!

“It is about to become the King of Medicine.”

Long Celestial Immortal observed for a while, and said: “In this state, it is more accurate to call it the King of Medicine. !”

“Pharmaceutical King? Quasi-Pharmaceutical King?”

“Well…Martial King in martial artist, Monster King in Demonic beast, then spiritual medicine has Medicine King and also What’s so strange? Even medicine pill has a Pill King! Its just medicine pills Pill King, which is higher in level than Monster King and Medicine King.”

“So amazing!”

The Tianxuan world where Fang Yu once lived has not as rich resources as Myriad Spirits Continent, and the cultivation system is not as peak as Myriad Spirits Continent. Naturally, I have never heard of Pill King or Medicine King.

Even if there is, it is not acce ible to Fang Yu at the time, because looking at the look of the dragon Celestial Immortal, Pill King is very impre ive in Myriad Spirits Continent.

“Above the Level 9 medicine pill, it is the Pill King! The calculation method of the medicine pill system is different from usual, and it is not easy to divide. In short, the so-called Legendary is unlikely to be refined. Pill King, I can only say that there is a certain chance, but it is very small!”

Dragon Celestial Immortal gushed: “We used to have a Legendary in Dragon Race, who became Pill King! Now! Pill King is still living in our treasure house!”

“It’s amazing. If I have the opportunity, I would like to make a Pill King too!”

Fang Yu flies his hands, Looking forward to it.

“Youre thinking of eating a fart! Pill King, I guess some Martial Emperor families dont nece arily have it. Some Legendary wont be able to make a Pill King in their entire life. You still want to make a Pill King… Fuck? Is it po ible that our Dragon Race’s Pill King will send you? It’s really fun.”

Dragon Celestial Immortal disdains Fang Yu’s whimsical imagination very much.

“People have to have dreams, otherwise, what is the difference with salted fish? Don’t go ip, get the medicine quickly, otherwise Black Water Profound Snake will come back, I don’t want to try it how scary it is!”

Fang Yu put away his smile, took out the shovel and storage bottle solemnly, ready to take the medicine.

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