“Well, if you come, you will be safe. We are here. Even if there is something here, we can’t turn around and leave now, right?”

Fang Yu comforted everyone.

Everyone is slightly nodded.

This is the truth!

They have all come, so they can’t feel that this place is dangerous, and then just retreat?

This is too boring!

Even more how, according to Fang Yu, the ruins of the saints have a lot to do with the cave of the mourning!

The relics of the saints are so valuable and self-evident!

For this, they took a risk, why not.

“Let’s go, go in!”

Fang Yu said.


Under the leadership of Fang Yu, everyone went straight inside.

Watching Fang Yu and the others walk away, some silhouettes just walked out slowly.

This is the martial artist who has been secretly following Fang Yu before.

“My lord, do we want to…”

Someone wiped the neck of a girl in luxurious clothes.

It is unwise to kill in the Azure Dragon mirror!

Because the Azure Dragon mirror can monitor the entire retest site.

However, nothing is absolute.

Azure Dragon mirror is also not a panacea.

Places such as the Screaming Cave are an exception.

The composition of the Screaming Cave is too complicated.

It is so complicated that the powerhouse of Azure Dragon Academy can’t explain it clearly.

In this way, it is difficult for Azure Dragon Mirror to monitor the dynamics here at any time.

Killing is a kind of thing, only if the evidence is conclusive, it is killing, otherwise some fools are accidentally suppre ed and killed by the power of the grieving cave. Can anyone blame this?

No way!

They are holding this thought.

Although Fang Yu performed very well on the night of the Tribulation, and even shocked everyone, they are not afraid!

They were not shocked to the point that they dare not act!

If you say why, it is their master, the grown-up in their mouth, even more powerful!

Fang Yu is not nece arily better than an adult, there is an adult, what’s to be afraid of.

“Our main purpose this time, or the ruins of the saints, originally selected the cave of sorrow. It was just a try one’s luck, but Fang Yu is here…we may gain.”

The luxuriously dre ed girl shook the head, said.


Her subordinates are a little confused.

Is Fang Yu let go for this reason?

Will it be a bit far-fetched!

“Why? I think what I said…wrong? Or what I said is not good?”

The luxuriously dre ed girl looked at her subordinates.

“Don’t dare!”

They didn’t even dare to say.

“As long as you perform well, when the re-examination is over, those who are admitted will continue to follow me. If you fail, you can report to my family and work for my family.”

The luxuriously dre ed girl said with a smile: “Although my Martial Emperor ancestor has already fallen, our family’s heritage is still very strong, and we are in need of some loyal and promising people to help.”

“Yes, my lord!”

This remark gave them a booster, and their morale immediately rose.

You must know that they are ordinary members of the Sky Slashing Alliance, but after the first failure, I dont know how the people behind the Sky Slashing Alliance did it. They actually joined some Aristocratic Family members. The members are involved!

Whats even more amazing is that members of the hidden Aristocratic Family are all dre ed lightly this time, without any servants.

It is unrealistic for them to fight directly with the powerhouse. Just like a trump card, this card is used every time, so this card can not be called a trump card. Said to be unlicensed.

Therefore, since we have cooperated, we have divided some people into them, and each will lead them.

They dont know the origin of this beating, they just know that she is surname Jiang!

Although her style of doing things is completely different from ordinary people, it is a bit weird, but she is very talkative, and she promised the conditions when she met. There are not too many vain things that immediately convinced them.

What’s more scary is that the adults have no plans to spare!

She said that one is one, and the impossible appears two!

Such a method is simply absolute!

How can they not bow their heads to court?

Although they feel that they mi ed this opportunity, they may not be able to clean up Fang Yu later, but if the adults said that, then they must be right!

Because this is what an adult said!


“wu wu _”


“ahhhh _”


The sorrowful cave is full of all kinds of sorrows, which makes the heart palpitating.

“There are a lot of minerals here, and many of them are not very common outside…you can refine tools and use them as medicine!”

Wang Zhong experienced and knowledgeable said.

“Are you in the Saint family, did you also learn these things?”

Fang Yu asked curiously.

Although Bai Wuxie is strictly speaking, it is also from the Saint family, but as the grandson of the white robe god general, Bai Wuxie must have been treated generously since he was little. !

If you want to know more details, you have to ask Wang Zhong!

After all, as a branch of the Saint family, Wang Zhong, what he knows, is just more grounded and more real.

“The Saint family also depends on each other. Just like a saying, the Martial Saint family is not nece arily the Saint family. The Saint family must be the Martial Saint family. The Martial Saint family is powerful enough. The military force is different, but Saint…requires high morals, which is different.”

Wang Zhong said proudly.

“But these things, in the face of life and death, is there any difference?”

Kegul was a little confused.

In the Barbarian Race land, powerhouse is respected!

Although after getting rid of the domination of wild beasts, it has gradually moved away from devour raw meat and fowl, and what’s less is the resources of cultivation that’s all.

The rest is not enough!

Even, Barbarian Race blindly believes that only power is Supreme!

Power is everything!

Therefore, what Wang Zhong said is so complicated, it is really unpalatable!

“What do you know about the Barbarian Race? The Martial Emperor of the Barbarian Race is called the Barbarian Emperor, and the Martial Saint of the Barbarian Race is called the Barbarian Saint! Although you and Mei An are special cases, they are relative Say, there are not many people like you!”

“However, in the Saint family, like my Wang Zhong, who are as diligent and studious as mine, there are not a few, so I, Wang Zhong, must be more diligent. Its easier to learn! Otherwise you will be stepped on and left behind!”

“This is different from Barbarian Race, it’s very different!”


Wang Zhong said solemnly vowed, making Kegur feel dumb for a while.

“They are all different ways, only looking at the results, not the proce , although sometimes the process is very important.”

Fang Yu said before Keguer spoke, Kegul had nothing to say.

Because Fang Yu is making a round.

Captain is to make a round, this face is still to be given.

“Shhh…wait, something is coming!”

Fang Yu suddenly stopped them.

His Spiritual Consciousness is the strongest, and he vaguely sensed something.

“Sinner, I am a sinner…”

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