“Okay, I see.”

Fang Yu was also serious.

After all, he has heard a lot about the weirdness of the Grieving Cave.

In short, it is a place where many people are unwilling to go.

At the same time, they also found someone following.

“Aristocratic Family or Aristocratic Family?”

As if stroking his chin, talking to himself.

This question is actually very important.

Although Mei An reminded them to pay attention to them, in Fang Yu’s view, among the two, the hidden Aristocratic Family is more worthy of attention.

Somehow it was from the Martial Emperor.

Background and so on, it must be stronger.

The Slashing Sky Alliance speaks majesticly, but the exact details are unknown.

Fang Yu even thinks that the Zhantian League is probably three or two that’s all kittens and puppies. The real power is the person behind the scenes.

“The so-called person behind the scenes is not nece arily one person, it may be several people!”

Fang Yu secretly thought.

This idea of him is not unreasonable.

It’s like some customary rules, Four Great Heavenly Kings… generally there are five!

So, the black hand behind the scenes is not nece arily just one hand. Several people are very likely.

“Have you encountered the so-called behind-the-scenes hand?”

Fang Yu asked.

“The black hand behind the scenes? No! Even the Slashing Sky Alliance did not provoke us afterwards.”

Lou Shuzhang shook his head.

“That’s it…”

If Fang Yu has some enlightenment.

“The mourning cave is in front.”

Feng Yaoguang spoke suddenly.

“What did you sense?”

Fang Yu asked in confusion.

Feng Yaoguang is almost always changing these days.

It’s not that the cultivation base is changing, but the temperament and the imposing manner!

In other words, she is transforming from the root!

He can’t understand Feng Yaoguang anymore.

Long Celestial Immortal woke up accidentally and said that Feng Yaoguang’s previous life was mostly not Human Race, but something like Holy Spirit.

Otherwise, impossible is like this.

Fang Yu asked again, what is the temperament of Holy Spirit.

Long Celestial Immortal just answered. Holy Spirit lineage thinks that he is expert first, aloof and remote. This is their biggest feature. Moreover, they are all extremely powerful. As for the good or the bad, each People are different!

Just like the rich.

There is a saying, being rich and unkind, and virtue is not coordinated.

Some people also say that they are poor and rich in conscience!

Therefore, many things cannot be generalized. There are good and evil, Human Race is the same, Dragon Race is the same, not to mention Holy Spirit lineage.

“There have been more and more things waking up in the Grieving Cave recently…”

Feng Yaoguang frowned: “There is a very difficult to deal with, I am afraid it is Monster King!”

“Monster King!”

Everyone pupil shrink.

Monster King is equivalent to Human Race Martial King, but in terms of strength, it surpa es Martial King.

The reason is very simple. The body of Demonic beast is much stronger than Human Race, it is the natural Divine Weapon.

Can you have good fruit when confronting such a character?

Not to mention, they are not Martial Kings anymore.

So, encountering Monster King, this is a great danger!

Fang Yu is not afraid.

His contract, Demonic beast, is the Void Rat!

In other words, the Void Mouse King!

In some places where space is chaotic, it is the home of Void Mouse King. I am not afraid of it at all!

However, the other party’s ability to survive in such a chaotic place is also not to be underestimated.

Perhaps it also has similar abilities. If you underestimate the enemy, you may suffer a big lo .

In short, fear is to be feared, but there is no need to be too nervous.

Everyone looked at Fang Yu’s confident appearance, and they were also quite calm.

After all, in their eyes, Fang Yu has always been an unfathomable person. Fang Yu said that its okay, maybe its really okay.

“Aren’t they going to show up?”

When he was approaching the Grim Cavern, Fang Yu said curiously.

People from the Heaven Slashing Alliance and the Hidden Aristocratic Family have been with them for a long time, dont they show up?

They are ready to enter the Screaming Cave!

“They are not attacking us now, there is a high probability that they will not attack.”

Bai Wuxie thought for a while and said: “Because we can’t handle us, force It makes no sense to shoot. It’s better to hibernate and hide your strength. Although we didn’t confront them head-on, the previous ones have already made them jealous. They don’t have the full confidence to defeat us for the time being, so they avoid their edge…”

“It makes sense.”

Fang Yu nodded: “If they don’t come out, that’s all. Anyway, the cave of grief is right in front of me. I also don’t plan to waste too much energy here.”< /p>

Yes, if there was a conflict before entering the Screaming Cave, Fang Yu might really fight it out, Quandang would be a warm-up exercise.

However, they didn’t dare to take their heads when the Weiming Cave was near. They had to wait for their entire group to enter and then enter it. It was completely evasive, so what else is there to say?

Fang Yu looked up, and saw the Weiming Cave, which is really an incomparable gigantic cave.

The entrance is like a screaming creature with an open mouth.

The shape does not show that it is a human or a beast, but unlike humans, it is most likely to be a beast!


Suddenly, He Ping stopped and went to observe the entrance of the Screaming Cave and said: “Someone has been here!”

“Someone is here Ever?”

Everyone slightly startled.

They should be the fastest to come, right?

Because of their strong strength, even if they hurry a little faster, they are not afraid of being worried by Demonic beast.

Demonic beasts who have been able to live in the core area for many years are not good people and can sense some danger.

They smelled a fatal threat on Fang Yu entire group!

So, they are obediently invisible, giving way to Fang Yu and the others.

There is also an impossible to tell good from bad, but the result is that they are all killed!

Speaking of which, these days there are fewer people who are obse ed with fighting against martial artists or killing Demonic beasts.

It all depends on a new rule released by Azure Dragon Mirror!

As long as the core area relics are good fortune, the reward points will be doubled!

In this way, it is undoubtedly more fragrant to snatch good luck.

One move, two gains, one move, two gains.

However, He Ping now says that someone has reached the Sorrowing Cave first… Is this po ible?

Dont think so?

“We should be the fastest to come.”

Lou Shuzhang frowned and asked: “It should be impossible that someone arrives sooner than us!”

“No, it should not be us candidates.”

He Ping shook the head and said: “These traces are somewhat repetitive, which means that people have come these days, and more than once, repeatedly. Enter the Screaming Cave.”

“Is it po ible that is the person in the Azure Dragon mirror?”

Lou Shuzhan startled.

“I remember the people in the Azure Dragon mirror are called sinners or descendants of sinners?”

Fang Yu touched his chin and said.

“Well…Whether they are descendants of martial artists who once invaded Azure Dragon Academy or Azure Dragon Academy made a big mistake, they are collectively referred to as the offspring of sinners, nothing wrong at all.”

Feng Yaoguang nodded and said: “But no one has met them for many years. They also dare not come forward and avoid us.”

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