“Sinner? Am I a sinner?”

Fang Yu was stunned.

What is this person talking about?

“Have you really met the sinner who was exiled here?”

Fang Yu’s heart moved!

If so, maybe some major events are not good!

Because he was exiled here, he must have committed a heinous crime.

Being able to commit a heinous crime in Azure Dragon Academy is definitely not an ordinary person.

As for why it is said that it is the sinner himself, rather than the offspring of the sinner, it is related to the crazy tone of the other party.

“We may have to meet the sinners living here.”

Fang Yu said softly.


Everyone was surprised.

Now they are all martial spirits, they are all people with Spiritual Consciousne , impossible Fang Yu can sense, they can’t sense it.

However, the fact now is that Fang Yu has sensed it, and they have not sensed it yet.

They just finished thinking about it, Spiritual Consciousness really feels something.

“Sinner…I am a sinner, ah, I am a sinner!”

The person who speaks becomes more and more mad, and people have one’s hair stand on end!

“Who is this? Why is it so weird!”

Everyone was shocked.

What is this and why does it seem crazy?

It’s really weird!

“Hide first…”

Fang Yu suggested.

Yes, no matter who it is, whether it is a person, a ghost or another creature, it is not a good way to encounter it head-on.

Avoid one or two, see what happens, and then make a decision.

Everyone recognized Fang Yu’s approach and immediately went into hiding.

After a while, one silhouette appeared.

This is an old man carrying a medicine basket.

He is dirty all over, his steps are unstable, and he trembles, as if he will fall down at any time, but when you really think he will fall, he will not fall. inverted.

Forcibly stood up straight again.

It’s a god!

“This is who? It’s weird!”

Lou Shu frowned.

One of the reasons she thinks this person is particularly weird is that the person’s breath is very powerful.

The weakest is a Martial King!

Besides, I can live in this kind of place for many years, I’m afraid it is not a general Martial King!

“en? What smell is this…”

Mo Ling first noticed something wrong: “Smell? No, it’s not right…”

Mo Ling Before he finished speaking, it turned into a whirlwind.





Ling, Lou Shuzhan, Keguer, and the others fell one after another.


Fang Yu complexion changed.

When he discovered that something might be wrong, he had already blocked his five senses and stayed away from this lunatic!

“Be careful, he doesn’t know when he will administer the medicine…this medicine is weird and wonderful. It usually appears more in the Western Regions!”

Feng Yaoguang Said hurriedly.


Feng Yaoguang’s words caught the attention of this lunatic: “I didn’t expect little girl to know a lot about the film… This is the magic fragrance of the Western Regions. , Can be burned, can be taken orally, burning can bring down the enemy with the smell, oral administration is a short-term soothing, although the taste is not very good.”

“Fang Yu, go!”

< p>Feng Yaoguang is also a little shaky.

Even though she has a lot of shedding body and exchanging bones these days, the time is still too short. The real shedding body, exchanging bones is impossible.

When Feng Yaoguang was about to fall, Fang Yu caught her, took a look, and found that regardless of Feng Yaoguang or Mo Ling, they really fainted and did not endanger their lives. , Fang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

“Senior did this for what?”

Fang Yu asked directly.

Although sometimes it is too direct, which is not a good thing.

But sometimes, it’s not a bad thing to be more direct!

“I’m looking for materials, my medicine pill, I just finished it in one step…”

The old man said slowly.

When he spoke, his expre ion changed a lot.

It looks awake and confused, making people wonder whether he is awake or confused.

“But is there any connection with your friend who turned me over?”

Fang Yu answered with a headache.

The reason why he only has a headache is that he is basically sure that the other party is not malicious.

If the other party’s purpose is to hurt Mo Ling and the others, what Fang Yu said will not let him go.

However, the other person didn’t feel like he came here with malicious intent… even though it was indeed a person who turned the medicine out of him.

“The materials I want, I am alone and cannot get it. I want a helper…you come and help me.”

The old man said: “As long as you help me, I Just let you go, and you can get paid.”

“Let go? Pay?”

Fang Yu felt funny, he was about to reply, and his eyes rolled again:” Yes, Senior, you’ve always been here, so have you noticed the difference here?”

“What’s the difference?”

The old man asked.

“Just these days, is there any change here?”

Fang Yu tried to ask.

According to He Ping’s previous statement, the weird old man in front of him should have been in and out of the Screaming Cave frequently recently.

Moreover, this person has Martial King cultivation base… Then, does he know the secret here?

“Change? What do you want to ask?”

The old man seems to be awake, as if he is still confused, but he can barely answer Fang Yu’s question.

“Are there any spaces that suddenly appeared?”

Fang Yu pondered a little before choosing a questioning method that he thought was relatively close.

Since the ruins of the saints have appeared here, needless to say, they must appear in the form of space.

The opponent is looking for materials here, and most of them have some understanding of the route of the Screaming Cave.

In other words, there is a great chance that he knows the ruins of the saint!

“This…is there.”

“It appeared suddenly, occupying a very confusing position.”

“But there is nothing in this position. I didnt pay much attention to the growth of herbs. In fact, one such space appeared and disappeared from time to time. It was very dangerous, and most of them did not have herbs. I dont care.”


The old man’s answer made Fang Yu’s eyes bright!

The ruins of the saints are really here!

“Then can you take me there?”

Fang Yu asked again.

“Yes, but there is a premise to help me complete the improvement of medicine pill. I am now short of a kind of medicine pill. As long as I get this medicine pill, I can further improve my medicine pill , And alleviate my… sins.”

Speaking of sin, the old man showed a painful expre ion.

“How much time will it take…”

Fang Yuchi questioned.

Said the other side has stayed here for several decades.

I have not been able to complete the improvement of medicine pill in several decades. The difficulty can be imagined.

What if the other partys remaining this step will take several years?

For several years, Fang Yu has worked hard to graduate from Azure Dragon Academy!

Therefore, this kind of condition seemed attractive, but Fang Yu didn’t dare to agree to it at will, so as not to cause trouble.

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