However, their four-day gate that has risen rashly is also unstable.

If you really fight to such an extent, someone else will definitely try to annex them.

This is not interesting!

Therefore, for the remnants of Fangmeng, their Four Heavens Gate has nothing to do.

Helpless Fangmengs life force is very strong. If you dont take advantage of the current cut weeds and eliminate the roots, and wait until they conserve strength and store up energy, they will rise again, they will definitely not be able to stop it!

Because after Fang Yu’s fall, Fang Mengs Vice Alliance Lord, Zou Shishi, claimed to be Fang Yus widow, to succeed Fang Meng and fight against the Four Heavens Gate!

Zou Shishi, a very named Qinqi, calligraphy, and calligraphy, is actually a powerful woman who often breaks mountains and rocks.

She has always had a good impre ion of Fang Yu, sometimes acting close, hostile to Feng Qiutong.

To her, don’t say Feng Qiutong, Fang Yu can’t help but acquiesce in Zou Shishi’s closeness with herself.

After all, the relationship between Fang Yu and Zou Shishi is the most stable of Fang Mengs military spirit.

This kind of thing, no one believes it if you say it, OK?

However, such Fang Yu was still defeated!

Fang Yu, regardless of Zou Shishi, is infatuated with Feng Qiutong.

Finally, he was murdered at feast at hongmen. He drank the poisoned wine that Feng Qiutong shyly fed him to di olve his eight-nine power, and then the so-called brother brothers attacked him!

Fang Yu is very strong.

He is really strong, even if Fang Yu looked like a ghost at the time, he still forcibly killed two people and wounded one seriously. Xu Tianyu waited for an opportunity to take advantage of Fang Yu’s serious injury to one person and wanted to kill him. Before, kill Fang Yu!

In the end, the Four Heavens Gate was established by Xu Tianyu, the one who was seriously injured, one person who is good at poison preparation, and Feng Qiutong.

They had been prepared, especially when the two died, they divided the spoils, like a fish back in water.

The only thing I didn’t expect was that Zou Shishi claimed to be Fang Yu’s widow, and the strength control of the opponent’s alliance was so great.

Except for the previous two or three encounters, Fang Meng was not prepared enough and failed a few times. Later, Zou Shishi regained his strength and retreated, almost voluntarily giving up these cities, leaving them at nothing.

The vitality of Fangmeng is still there!

They are dormant, they are waiting!

“hmph…what can I wait? Can Fang Yu be resurrected?”

Xu Tianyu sneered.

“I’m thinking, is Fang Yu really dead.”

Feng Qiutong replied.

Her tone is neither happy nor sad, as if saying something insignificant.

Actually, to them, Fang Yu, the dead man, is indeed insignificant.

But is it po ible for Fang Yu to survive?

impossible now!

They are all dead like this!

The bodies were all destroyed by them.

Just like this, Zou Shishi was awe-inspiring to Feng Qiutong and other people’s killing intent.

If it were not to keep Fangmeng, she might have come to them to fight for her life.

Thinking of a saying back then, they were a little afraid.

Zou Shishis innate talent potential is no less than Fang Yus Number One Powerhouse!

You must know that Fang Yu at that time was about to become one of the ten most powerful people in the Profound Sky world!

Fortunately, it’s just about to become, not really.

Otherwise, they would absolutely be impossible to poison Fang Yu.

“Haha, how could Fang Yu be alive!”

Xu Tianyu haha smiled and said: “His body has been chopped into eighteen segments by us. Can this be po ible? Come alive? impossible!”

“impossible came alive, but I think there is a high probability that Fang Yu will be alive…He must not be dead yet!”

Feng Qiutong Living a serious life made Xu Tianyu’s heart very uncomfortable.

“Although our Celestial Profound World has samsara reincarnation, for the time being, this kind of ability is difficult to be manipulated. Even the supreme powerhouse is somewhat certain. I dare not say ten out. Of ten, Fang Yu tentatively touched the threshold of the supreme powerhouse, not a real supreme powerhouse, he is impossible to have a chance to survive!”

Xu Tianyu sneered.

Yes, Fang Yu was almost given to Dismemberment by Five Horses by them, and he was absolutely impossible to come alive.

As for samsara reincarnation…maybe it is po ible!

Because the matter of samsara reincarnation has always been true, and there are related opinions.

It’s just that the Profound Sky World is still immature in this regard, and hasn’t gone deep.

Therefore, even if Fang Yu is prepared, there is not much probability of succe .

In this case, what else is there to be afraid of?

I’m not afraid!

“I think we should attack Fangmeng.”

Feng Qiutong turned around and said.

“What? Attack on Fangmeng! This…not desirable!”

Xu Tianyu complexion changed, said.

Although he didn’t know why Feng Qiutong suddenly had this idea, it is absolutely undesirable to attack Fangmeng now!

It is true that Fangmeng seems to have retreated steadily.

But they all know that Fang Yu lost deliberately.

They clearly cannot beat them, so they retain their strength and want to make a comeback.

Although they are very clear, Fang Meng is like a giant sword after Fang Yu is gone!

The power is very powerful, but it is very cumbersome, not as sharp as Fang Yu’s time.

Such a Fangmeng can be solved as long as it is done slowly.

There is no need to work hard at all.

This is just a lo .

Feng Qiutong is impossible to understand this truth.

So what is she clinging to now?

“I’m afraid that it will change when it is too late. After all, Fang Yu is a person who has revenge and resentment.”

Feng Qiutong said frankly: “Such Fang Yu…very terrifying Yes, I like to cut weeds and eliminate the roots.”

These words make Xu Tianyu one head and two big ones!

Fang Yu has died so hard, he needs to be afraid?

Is Feng Qiutong mad?

“Qiutong, this matter… from a long-term perspective, after all, they are now retreating to the edge. They just want to accumulate strength. Even if our firepower is fully fired, there is no chance to eat the lower alliance, but, If we are more than half dead or injured, someone must come to our door. You should be aware that there are still many people and many forces coveting us, so we can’t be carele !”

Xu Tianyu said seriously.

He knows that Feng Qiutong is a persistent person. She said one is one, not two.

Therefore, Xu Tianyu held Feng Qiutong for the time being, and then discu ed the long-term plan.

Feng Qiutong had no words, and he didn’t know if he agreed or what.

Xu Tianyu is irritable, if Fang Yu’s body is not snatched by the people of Fang Meng desperately, he will have to whip the corpse once and vent one or two!



Fang Yu suddenly sneezed and said, “Could anyone say I’m handsome behind the scenes?”

“Captain, don’t make a fu …the grieving cave will be here soon.”

Lou Shuzhan reminded me seriously.

After the night of the Tribulation, it was three days in a blink of an eye.

Now is the tenth day of the retest!

They also arrived at this time’s destination, the grieving cave!

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