“They all come from some hidden Aristocratic Family.”

Bai Wuxie took a deep breath and said: “Do you understand what a hidden Aristocratic Family is? Huh?”

“Don’t understand.”

Fang Yu said frankly.

Although he has supplemented a lot of Myriad Spirits Continent’s knowledge, many things are still poorly understood.

The Martial Emperor family and the Saint family have been frequently mentioned recently, but the Aristocratic Family family has heard of it for the first time.

“Hidden Aristocratic Family, as far as the name is concerned, that’s it, but in fact, the so-called hidden Aristocratic Family, in fact, most of them are families that no longer have a Martial Emperor, so hidden Come out of the world.”

Bai Wuxie casually explained.

“This happened!”

Fang Yu was surprised.

“Well, its nothing strange, unless their Martial Emperor suddenly disappeared, otherwise before died during meditation, there will definitely be many ways to protect the family, but you have to know that from frugality to luxury Its easy, but its hard to go from luxury to frugality! When you get used to the Martial Emperor family and lose the protection of the Martial Emperor, many prestige and the like will no longer exist, and it may attract covetousne .”

Bai Wu Here are some secrets.

The main force of their Bai Family is the White-robed God General, the First Divine General under the command of Emperor Lie.

Now that the Lie Emperor is in his prime, he is not greedy for advancing, and even established the Divine Kingdom, which will not fall easily.

Therefore, the good days of Bai Family are still many years away.

However, some families who used their martial emperor while their Martial Emperor was alive, but eventually the Martial Emperor fell, are not so happy!

They have many enemies and are afraid of being revenge.

Just because the Martial Emperor family and the Martial Emperor family are not nece arily good friends.

For example, the three-eye Martial Emperor and Lie Emperor have a peaceful relationship.

One is that the Divine Kingdoms of the two are far apart, and the other is that their descendants often collide.

Although it is impossible to complain about this matter, it is absolutely deceptive to say how good looks are between each other.

However, many hidden Aristocratic Family families have had more than one Martial Emperor.

So they knew better that before the birth of the next Martial Emperor, they needed to conserve strength and store up energy, so they took the initiative to hide.

This time, together with Mei An, Liewei and others, are the children of the hidden Aristocratic Family.

“These people are direct descendants even if they are not the children of the Martial Emperor. They are very scary and very difficult to deal with.”

Bai Wuxie said solemnly.

“Compared with you?”

Fang Yu turned his eyes and said.

“I’m great!”

Bai Wuxie grinned.

“Oh, then it’s okay.”

Fang Yu said indifferently.

“Fang Yu, you…”

Bai Wuxie was very angry.

Does this treat him as a unit of measurement for battle strength?

I can’t bear it!

“However, this is not absolute. They should have hidden guys, the ruins of the saints, and Liehua personally dispatched them, saying that they are from the hidden Aristocratic Family only a few Hello, come, do you dare to believe it?”

Bai Wuxie continued.

“Well, it makes sense… Such an important thing must be done by yourself.”

Fang Yu was nodded again and again.

“They may become our opponents.”

Bai Wuxie reconfirmed: “And Slashing the Sky Alliance…Although the first battle returned in low spirits after failing, but after a few days The rectification, indeed has another record.”

“Before the night of the robbery, they defeated a lot of famous guys and grabbed a lot of points. You are not surprised why you came back. , Do you still have to sit in the front row? You thought they were shocked, so they gave you the position?”

Bai Wuxie looked towards Fang Yu, said.

“Ah…isnt it? I thought they were shocked by my domineering spirit, muddleheaded gave me the position!”

Fang Yu Jing said.

“You really dare to think about it!”

Bai Wuxie was a little speechle : “The guys in front of you have been harvested by them, so you are qualified to sit In the front row, otherwise you have been mi ing for several days, I said you still have the qualifications for the front row, do you believe it?”

“Believe it, why don’t you believe it!”

< p> Fang Yu looked shocked.

“Come le !”

Bai Wuxie took a sip of this man.

Said he was fat and panting!

In a word, the Sky Slashing Alliance was like an experiment before, and it was time to show the fangs in the trial!”

Bai Wuxie reminded.

“It’s just them, right?”

Fang Yu didn’t care, said.

This is just to make Bai Wuxie laugh!

What is called is just them, right?


These are not weak people, although they are not nece arily better than Bai Wuxie, but two fights one, two fists are hard to beat four hands. When life and death are not involved, it is not nece arily enough to eat they.

Just like Fang Yu is very strong, Zuo Mu injured badly with many teeth knocked out, but if Luo Lan and the others and Zuo Mu besiege Fang Yu, fierce and unafraid of death, I guess Fang Yu It’s also choking!

Therefore, dont trust it!

However, looking at Fang Yu’s current reaction, if he meets him, he will definitely suffer a lot!

“I know what you are thinking, but I’m not the only one, don’t I still have you? I, Fang Yu, fight ten each, and the wheel fight is okay. The siege is a bit hard to beat. Now I have a group of good teammates, why should I be besieged by them? There are nine of us, even if they come with twenty or thirty, I am not afraid!”

Fang Yu said generously.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone’s heart moved, and they were moved by Fang Yu’s words.

The time they spend together is not too long, but Fang Yu is really contagious.

Make them feel like each other is really a team.

Even if he is not in the retest, he is his own.

Fang Yu is like a natural leader!

“Is there really such a character?”

They are a little skeptical of life.

Fang Yu saw what they were thinking, and smiled without saying a word.

Of course it is impossible that someone is born a leader.

Even if you are born with the temperament of leading people, but in terms of ability, you still need thousands hammers, hundred refinements.

Just like innate talent.

If it cant be honored, its just innate talent!

When Fang Yu was in his previous life, he took a lot of brother sisters to blaze a trail, but it was a pity that there was no such thing as Fang Yu.

“Xuan Xuan world, I will definitely go back and take revenge!”

Fang Yu’s eyes were full of anger.


Tianxuan world.

A lithe and graceful silhouette looks at the mountains.

“Qiutong, what are you thinking about?”

Suddenly, a man approached, when he wanted to hold Feng Qiutong’s shoulders, she moved away without a trace Up.

This surprised the man slightly.

Feng Qiutong still refuses to let him touch after all!

How many years has Fang Yu died?

The four heaven gates of their alliance also defeated Fangmeng steadily and swallowed most of Fangmeng’s territory!

For example, Zou Shishi and others tried their best to resist, and in the end the younger half couldn’t eat it directly, unless they paid a terrible price, they would have broken up the party!

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