“I agree.”

Fang Yu nodded, to confirm.

“Ding! Confirmed to take effect!”

Super Slaughter System responded.

“Hurry up, swallow the Nine Death Nirvana Pill, I will help you to achieve the Thunder Spirit Body!”

Fang Yu said quickly to the dragon Celestial Immortal.

“Ah, the body of the Thunder Spirit…Yes, it is difficult for me to produce blood out of thin air, and I must turn it into an egg! But the body of the Thunder Spirit can turn into a Thunder Dragon, too One of the ancient branches of Dragon Race, but can you still help me do this?”

Dragon Celestial Immortal stared wide-eyed.

She found out that she really couldn’t see Fang Yu!

Fang Yu is sometimes very weak, just like the silly Baitian who is not lethal.

However, sometimes Fang Yu is very difficult to deal with.

For example, now, he can even do this kind of thing?

No way!

“As long as you know, I won’t harm you!”

Fang Yu said seriously.

He has said it all, what else can Dragon Celestial Immortal say, I can only trust Fang Yu!

“Fang Yu!”

Just when everyone was shocked by the scene that Fang Yu made out, Vice President Wang appeared.

However, Thunder Punishment comes faster!

“hong long long!”

In the blink of an eye, Thunder Punishment landed, flooding the earth!


When everyone was in horror, Fang Yu was like a vortex, guilty of sucking Power of Heaven and Earth within the body!

“Dragon Celestial Immortal!”

Fang Yu urged!

Now is the best time for the dragon Celestial Immortal to swallow the Nine Death Nirvana Pill!

“Okay! Coming!”

Long Celestial Immortal responded.

She swallowed a small medicine pill, only to feel that her soul was completely burnt.

The Nine Death Nirvana Pill has a terrifying power of Nirvana. If it is said that after succe , how to produce blood and flesh depends on the Nirvana power of the Nine Death Nirvana Pill.

However, as the lowest quality Pill of Nine Deaths, Celestial Immortal is not enough to help the dragon Celestial Immortal return to the fleshy body of the past, so she will most likely become an egg!

It takes a long time for an egg to hatch and grow up.

However, the body of Thunder Spirit is different again.

To put it simply, the body of the Thunder Spirit is somewhat similar to an elf, but it is different from an elf.

As a Dragon Race, Celestial Immortal can completely transform into Thunder Dragon after becoming a Thunder Dragon incarnation!

Dragons also have myriad, and they control various powers!

If the dragon Celestial Immortal becomes the Thunder Dragon incarnation, it will not take much time to transfer to Thunder Dragon.

The rest, wait until it becomes Thunder Dragon, let’s talk about it!

In terms of time and other aspects, it is no less than the original choice.


In a moment, the dragon Celestial Immortal has been killed almost eight times!

“very powerful!”

Fang Yu’s eyelids jumped wildly.

Seriously, if he was here to do this, I am afraid that he would have killed him just now!

However, the dragon Celestial Immortal has survived!

How terrifying!

The process and so on, Fang Yu wants to take a good look, but it’s too fast!

It’s really too fast. He pa ed the first glance, and the dragon Celestial Immortal was hit, and at the second glance, he had died eight times!

Why Fang Yu is so clear about this matter is that the Super Slaughter System is reporting.

“The ninth death of the Nine Death Nirvana Pill is coming.”

The super slaughter system reports without emotion.

Next moment, the dragon Celestial Immortal has directly turned into a ball of blue rays of light.


The dragon Celestial Immortal flies directly into Fang Yu’s within the body, which is the handwriting of the super slaughter system.

“She still needs some time to recuperate, and the next step is to strengthen the Spirit King ring.”

The super slaughter system can’t help but Fang Yu said, I only feel that Thunder Punishment has considerable power Part of it poured into the Ring of Spirit King!


“Fa, what happened?”

In the Ring of Spirit King, everyone was anxious.

Because this scene falls on them, it is undoubtedly heaven falls and earth rends.

“Did the emperor encounter any danger?”

“No way! He is our emperor!”

“It’s hard to say, we It’s all a bunch of bad luck eggs!”


Klein, Leonard and the others panic.

Because of this sudden scene, it is really too terrifying.

“What the hell…”

Yue Shanshan, who worships the Soul Sect, is also shiver coldly.

There are no years in the mountains, and she doesn’t know how long she has been locked up.

Originally, these strange creatures would send them to eat and drink regularly. Although strange, she survived.

Later, her Fangyu’s attitude angered Klein and the others, so it turned out later that when they remembered, they sent some food and drink, but if they couldn’t remember, just ignore it.

So, when asked how long it was, she didnt know!

“Could it be that this is cro ing the catastrophe?”

Yue Shanshan couldn’t help thinking.

Yue Shanshan didn’t come here without making preparations.

Before she came, she seriously studied many things, including the core area, including the night of the robbery and so on.

In other words, is Fang Yu attacking Wuling now?

“No way!”

Yue Shanshan felt stunned.

She was surprised that it wasn’t that Fang Yu was able to overcome the martial spirit.

Fang Yu was originally well-known, and it is not surprising that he can survive the martial arts.

Even if many people think that Fang Yu’s first place has water, but Fang Yu’s top 100 strength is definitely there.

One hit ten!

Can a normal person beat ten?

Heaven’s Chosen Child can come. The abnormal characters in Heaven’s Chosen Child are not the geniuses among the geniuses?

What is surprising that such a person can attack Wuling.

Although not all of them have this qualification, 99% of them have this ability, which is really nothing unusual.

However, cro ing the robbery and so on, is Thunder Tribulation so scary?

It shouldn’t be.

Yue Shanshan is certainly a better choice compared to Fang Yu’s evildoers, but she can become one of the candidates Sainte , which shows her aptitude and potential!

Even if she has not yet reached the point of impacting the martial spirit, it does not prevent her from inferring the strength of the martial catastrophe.

How did Fang Yu survive the catastrophe!

“Even if Jiebao is used, it is impossible…wait!”

Yue Shanshan suddenly thought of an unlikely probability!


She said if, if Fang Yu drew the Thunder Punishment while cro ing the robbery, would it have such intensity?

“It shouldn’t be po ible…That’s Thunder Punishment!”

Yue Shanshan said to herself.

That’s what she thought in her heart. In fact, she was involuntarily determined, most likely this is the result!

Fang Yu, he attracted Thunder Punishment!


“We have to believe in the emperor!”

While Klein was frightened, said solemnly: “Since the emperor saves us, he will take us away from the water. Among them, follow the emperor, we can return to the element continent after all, we don’t need to be afraid!”

As soon as this statement came out, the panicked Elf Race people really calmed down a lot.

Yes, after following Fang Yu, their situation has improved a lot. It can be described as Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

This is only a few days later, and it has been so effective. If you follow the emperors footsteps, you cant return to the peak, who believes it!

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