“We should have confidence in the emperor!”

“Yes! If we all dont have confidence in the emperor, what else can we say about returning to the element continent!”


“We must firmly believe in the emperor!”


The emotions of many elves were ignited.


Fang Yu felt the change from the Spirit King Ring, and couldn’t help being taken aback.

What happened?

The super slaughter system has just poured the power of Thunder Punishment into it, right? There will be a reaction so quickly, is it effective?

No way!

“Is this a succe ?”

Fang Yu couldn’t help asking.

It is estimated that only the Super Slaughter System knows what happened.

“Ding! Elf Race people’s belief in the host improves Spirit King ring metamorphosis +50%!”

Super Slaughter System answered calmly.


Huh? Huh?

Huh? Huh? Huh?

Fang Yu is bewildered in many ways.

Isn’t it?

What happened to this?

What is the situation?

“Ding! The difference between the Spirit King and the Elf King is not only the level, but also the cohesion of the race, which cannot be achieved by power alone. Of course, if there is absolute power, the elves are still Will try hard to follow, after all, no matter where it is, strength is respected.”

Faced with the answer of the super slaughter system, Fang Yu looked thoughtful!

He never thought about these things.

Can these illusory things come true?

It is true that Fang Yu has helped Elf Race a lot these days, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is to save them from crisis.

However, their trust and belief in Fang Yu has reached this point, which is also unimaginable.

At the very least, Fang Yu himself feels incredible!


Fang Yu is still thinking, but the Ring of Spirit King has completed its transformation.

Now, it is the Ring of the Elf Emperor!

All of this fell on Fang Yu himself, and it seemed to be very slow.

Actually, in the eyes of others, it all flies quickly!

“This…are we okay?”

There are many martial artists who find that the thunderbolt is down, but are safe and sound.

They are ready to be destroyed.

After all, such a huge Thunder Punishment, just looking at it, is it scary enough?

But they are all right, which is really weird!

“What’s wrong?”

Lou Shuzhang asked.

They are definitely the ones closest to the center of Thunder Punishment this time.

They are also ready for Thunder Punishment.

Reluctantly, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Who would have thought that Thunder Punishment would be like this after landing!

“I don’t know, but it seems to be absorbed by Fang Yu?”

Bai Wuxie muttered to herself.

They are now facing Thunder Punishment!

However, the power of Thunder Punishment is not poured into them at all.

There is a reason for it, what power has blocked Thunder Punishment!

Although I can’t see it very clearly, I can roughly infer that it was Fang Yu who intercepted Thunder Punishment!

“The power of Thunder Punishment flowed to Fang Yu…what is he doing? Courting death?”

Everyone felt incredible!

However, the fact is that Fang Yu was Thunder Punishment strikes like this, but he was safe!

Although Fang Yu caused the trouble, there is nothing wrong with Fang Yu’s own responsibility, but when he witnessed this scene, he still felt incredible!

“Wrong…Where’s our Thunder Tribulation?”

Wang Zhong suddenly remembered something, and said: “Fang Yu has brought Thunder Punishment, but…our Thunder What about Tribulation?”

Everyone was shocked when he said this!

Yes, Fang Yu resisted Thunder Punishment. It was he who resisted Thunder Punishment, but a few of them are still fighting, what about Thunder Tribulation?

Where did it go!

At first, not many people realized this, but more and more people realized it later!

What about their Thunder Tribulation?

“Don’t be anxious! Your Thunder Tribulation has been covered by Fang Yu’s Thunder Punishment, and it won’t fall down temporarily!”

Deputy Dean Wang said solemnly.

When everyone heard this majestic voice, they couldn’t help but feel relieved.

In any case, they still believe in powerhouse more firmly.

Deputy Dean Wang is an out-and-out powerhouse!

“Thunder Tribulation is covered? What kind of operation is this?”

This time even the inspector was confused.

Yes, cover up Thunder Tribulation. This kind of thing is unheard-of and unprecedented!

“This is a situation that may have caused Thunder Punishment or your own spirit strength vortex is too large. Apart from this, routine operations are difficult to do.”

< p>Deputy Dean Wang indifferently said.

“Is this kind of thing recorded in our Academy?”

An inspector asked lately.

Because this kind of thing is the first time in their Azure Dragon Academy!

If this is not the case, they are impossible to know.

“No, I saw it in a wild history.”

Vice President Wang shook his head slightly, and then added: “A terrifying Martial Emperor The wild history of cro ing the robbery!”

“The wild history of cro ing the robbery!”

These words make people looked at each other in blank dismay.

The so-called wild history is something that does not have enough evidence to prove that it is genuine.

Can you believe this kind of thing?

“Well, it is the wild history of cro ing the robbery of the Azure Emperor… Actually, it is not correct to say that it is the wild history, because these descriptions are from the handwritten notes of the first dean.”

Chang continued.

“The Codex of the First Dean!”

The inspectors startled.

The first generation dean did leave a lot of notes and documents here in Azure Dragon Academy, but the level of confidentiality is very high, not what they want to see.

“You also know that the first generation dean liked to drink, and sometimes he drank too much, leaving some nonsense… Among them, some were true, and some were false! So, I dont know whether the handwriting written by the first deans scribbles is true or not.

Vice President Wang sighed.

hearing this, everyone knows it!

The first dean is so good, but a little bad!

The first dean was very addicted to wine, love wine as one’s life!

Although the first dean doesnt drink alcohol when doing serious things, but sometimes he gets bored and he will drink and then sing.

This makes the original dean left a lot more authentic!

The real, fake, imaginary, and real in it are hard to distinguish!

Therefore, Vice President Wangs explanation is also very reasonable.

“However, the first generation dean sometimes drank too much and would exaggerate it, but the overall pretty close, in my opinion, this probability is great!”

A supervisor The member took the initiative to say.

“Yes, anyway, we are an honorary graduate of Azure Dragon Academy, Azure Emperor!”

Another supervisor said with a smile.

“Why do you die, dare you say that, are you afraid that someone from the Azure Emperor family will come to you?”

Vice President Wang gave this person a white look.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid!”

The smiling inspector still smiles.

Azure Emperor has never been in a small sect in his whole life, singing all the way, Azure Dragon Academy says he is the only force he has studied for a long time, and he says he is an honorary graduate. Why not!

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