The entire sky is spread by thunderbolt, making people shudder.

“What the hell is going on?”

Some people said to themselves, wondering what fate would be like next.

Is it not?

It was good at first, but Heaven and Earth suddenly changed color and became like this!

“This Thunder Tribulation is unusual…Fang Yu, what the hell is going on?”

Martial artist asked in a deep voice.

Actually, what kind of grudges Zuo Mu and Fang Yu have, they both eat melons and watch the show.

But now that the fire has spread to myself, then it won’t work!

I can’t watch this scene anymore!

“You ask me, then who shall I ask?”

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said angrily.


When Fang Yu said that, the face of the person who asked the question was very ugly.

It all started because of Fang Yu. Now, who does he ask?

“Inspector, we are in this situation now, it is very bad, very critical!”

Fang Yu asked loudly, well known.


An older inspector nodded.

He is a high-level Martial King.

Is a former graduate of Azure Dragon Academy.

He has presided over many retests, and has seen many times of the night of cro ing the catastrophe.

However, the spirit strength vortex is so huge, hiding the sky and covering the earth, but this is the first time I have seen you!

“Can you make a move?”

Fang Yu asked.

This is a very important question.

If the other party is willing to cover up, then Fang Yu is more at ease.

“This kind of thing…I don’t have the right to call the shots, but Vice President Wang is coming, but your time is running out!”

The inspector answered truthfully .

At this scale, Martial Sect is here, so you must stare.

He is just a high-level Martial King, how can he afford such a heavy responsibility?

“What should I do?”

Fang Yu asked the air.

At this moment, everyone felt that Fang Yu was frightened.

If you are not scared, how can you ask what to do in the air?

“Ding! How does the host want to solve this problem?”

Super Slaughter System remained silent for a while, or responded.

It knew that Fang Yu was asking himself.

I can also feel that Fang Yu deliberately did not rely on the super slaughter system these days.

Because Fang Yu, who was once a powerhouse, knows very well that if everything he has is given by the super slaughter system, then he will not have time to escape the super slaughter system in the future.

However, the super slaughter system does not panic at all!

Fang Yu is certainly a very good seedling, very good, out-of-the-box, otherwise he would not have the qualifications to be bound to the super slaughter system.

However, Fang Yu is not omniscient.

Even when Fang Yu was at his peak, didn’t he fall away?

So, it does not panic at all!

Fang Yu, cant escape from his Five Fingers Mountain!

Apart from this, this is Fang Yu who is qualified to be invested by himself.

If it’s the stuff of everyone, it still won’t be interesting.

“I devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, and then swallow the benefits?”

Fang Yu thought for a while and said.


This super slaughter system can’t be answered!

After all, this style is too Fang Yu!

“Ding! The super slaughter system now gives the following plan!”

“First, the host’s good wind uses its strength to attack the four-star Wuling in one breath.”

“Second, help the dragon Celestial Immortal refining the Nine Death Nirvana Pill, and condense the Thunder Spirit incarnation!”

“Third, strengthen the Ring of Spirit King. Now the Ring of Spirit King is distanced from spirits The ring of the emperor is still some distance away, but if you can use the Thunder Punishment of this time, you can get closer to half the distance.”

“Fourth, blend into the curse of thunder.”



Hearing this, Fang Yu is a bit confused.

He can also understand the first three choices.

The first one is nothing more than using the continuous spirit strength to make yourself a four-star martial artist in one breath.

Secondly, the dragon Celestial Immortal’s Nine Death Nirvana Pill is dangerous, but the dragon Celestial Immortal has always achieved the holy realm. Even if it used to be good, it is not comparable to ordinary creatures. Help it Turning into a body of thunder spirit, although it is not quite clear, it should be out of the soul state.

“This is more to help it transform in this direction…it is worth considering.”

Fang Yu secretly thought.

Third, strengthening the Spirit King ring, which is also on the agenda.

To be honest, the Ring of Spirit King is a bit rough!

Because it was forged to survive, it has many defects, which is expected.

If there is a chance, Fang Yu is also ready to strengthen it.

Its just that the structure of the Ring of Spirit King is somewhat different from the spiritual weapon and Spiritual Artifact of Myriad Spirits Continent. If you want to repair or re-forge, it is very difficult for Fang Yu!

Moreover, for now, the Ring of Spirit King is OK, it’s not on the schedule yet.

Now the super slaughter system can be directly strengthened, of course it is the best.

But what does the fourth point… mean?

Fang Yu really dont understand this!

“Ding! Curse of Thunder, in simple terms, is an ancient curse of Thunderbolt Great World. It can attract some punitive strength of Thunder, and then strengthen and bombard the enemy. The host can Incorporate part of the power of Thunder Punishment into it, and cast it at a critical time to force the enemy back.”

“Is it po ible to kill the enemy?”

“Ding! No! Because of this This approach is very dangerous. When the time comes, the host estimates that protecting himself is a big problem.”


Fang Yu reluctantly agreed.

It’s better to die than to live. It’s all a hole card, so you can keep it!

“I don’t know what price I will pay?”

Fang Yu asked.

This is where he pays most attention.

In his opinion, the super slaughter system is omnipotent, but there is no free lunch in the world.

In particular, I know that in addition to the existence of Element Continent, Myriad Spirits Continent, Sky Profound World, and Desolate Ancient World, there are also Hegemons like Thunderbolt Great World!

Then the super slaughter system, will it also come from a certain Hegemon world?

If there is such a powerful world, what is their purpose for doing this?

“Ding! If you have completed the host’s requirements, you need to complete a life and death mi ion when the host’s cultivation base is succe ful.”


Fang Yu was stunned.

What is the mi ion of life and death?

He has taken over many tasks so far, but the life and death task is definitely the first time!

“The types of life and death mi ions are not limited, and the content is not limited. It may be very simple… For example, killing a chicken by the river. It may be difficult. Kill ten Martial Emperors at the same time.”

For the explanation of the super slaughter system, Fang Yu was silent for a while: “It’s really difficult.”

Kill ten Martial Emperors at the same time…what the hell is that ?

“Now, does the host agree to the conditions? If you agree, the Super Slaughter system will resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind for you with the best solution.”

Super Slaughter system Let Fang Yu make the final confirmation!

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