“What’s wrong?”

Although Mu Chengshuang was puzzled, he still didn’t move randomly.

She knows that Yu Fang has some special skills.

“A powerful creature is here, I am afraid it is the sea king.”

Fang Yu took a deep breath, said.

Martial King, referred to as Sea King, is the same for Monster King.

The difference is that the sea king’s bonus in the sea is far from comparable to ordinary Monster King.

“Sea King?”

Mu Chengshuang was also taken aback.

She is not a freshman in Azure Dragon Academy, she knows what a terrifying creature Aquaman is.

However, just the birth of the Heart of Longtan attracted the Sea King. Wouldnt it be too exaggerated?

Instructions Azure Dragon Academy has stricter surveillance for the sea clan with the higher the cultivation base.

Normally, impossible appears here without warning.

However, Fang Yu is impossible in this kind of thing…so what is the situation?

“This is the result of my ancestral law, you have to trust me, big sister!”

Fang Yu said seriously.

“I just believe you, no need to mention any ancestral methods.”

Mu Chengshuang rolled his eyes.

Does Fang Yu really treat her as a fool?

What ancestral law, Mu Chengshuang believes that he has a ghost!

What’s more, there are only two of them here, one mouthful and one ancestral method, do you look down on people too much?

“Cough cough…coming!”

Fang Yu was about to cough lightly to ease the atmosphere, and suddenly said solemnly.

next moment, a huge breath followed.

“very powerful!”

Mu Chengshuang only felt that his heartbeat was a bit slower!

This is definitely not an ordinary Martial King!

Immediately afterwards, a huge silhouette arrived.

This is a giant lobster. What is surprising is that half of it turned into a human form.

“Fuck, why is there a lobster on the top, and a human underneath… so strange!”

Fang Yu couldn’t help but complain.

“Speaking of which, the sea clans transformation is very different from Demonic beasts. Demonic beasts are able to transform all places of their overwhelming majority into human forms. Sea clan is different, and may become human forms. Sea kings are still inseparable from the sea. They are often only half turned into human forms, and the rest remain in the posture of the sea clan.”

Mu Chengshuang explained.

“so that’s how it is.”

Fang Yu was nodded, holding his breath.

Since the opponent is the Sea King, then the strength is definitely not bad, accidentally detected, but it is in trouble.

At the very least, Fang Yu doesn’t want to be in the sea with Sea King.

After all, it is not Han Yang, one of the three bests, but Mu Chengshuang, a guy who is not even Martial King.

“ji_ ji_…the heart of Longtan!”

The sea king seems to have used some secret technique, not to mention that Mu has become a double, even the heart of Longtan has not felt it much. It’s coming.

When it was sensed, Sea King had already blocked the way of Longtan Heart.

Although the Heart of Longtan does not have much wisdom, its spirituality is very high. It is clear that the sea king is not easy to provoke, and it will immediately escape.

“Want to go? Did I let you go!”

Sea King sneered.

If it is Wu Spirit level other sea clan, I am afraid I can really only chase me with the Heart of Longtan.

But Aquaman is different.

At the level of Sea King, he can already use some of the power of the sea.

Heart of Longtan wants to escape here, but it is not impossible, but the chance is really not big.

As long as Neptune stops it with all his strength, there will be no chance for Longtan Heart to escape.

“What should I do? Let this sea king take away the heart of Longtan?”

Fang Yu asked.

Of course he is reluctant, but Sea King is absolutely extraordinary. Compared with Fang Yu now, it is a great realm higher than that. How can this be played?

Therefore, I can only pin my hopes on Mu Chengshuang.

Mu Chengshuang said that he can fight, so he will fight!

She gave up without fighting, just give up, Fang Yu is impossible here to fight for the heart of Longtan.

Because of the tasks given by the Super Slaughter System, there is currently no time limit. As long as Fang Yu joins Azure Dragon Academy, there will always be times when he encounters the Heart of Dragon Pool.

When the time comes, just collect another one. It is not nece ary to be exhausted with Sea King.

“No! The heart of Longtan is very important to our people, and it is equally important to you, you can’t let it go!”

Mu Chengshuang hesitated a little, but made up his mind.


Fang Yu was stunned.

Have a great relationship with him?

No way!

He is a newcomer who joined today.

“Well, they want to attack Martial King, you want to attack Martial King… I think Yu Fang, your performance is good, when the mi ion at this time is over, you will officially join us!”


Mu Chengshuang said with a serious face.

This shocked Fang Yu!

He is just mixing up the team, and he never thought about joining Mu Chengshuang and the others.

Are people so pa ionate now?

“Big sister, I…”

Fang Yu was about to explain something for himself, but Mu Chengshuang prevented him from speaking.

“No need to say more, get ready to do it… The Heart of Longtan will not be obediently surrender. The stronger the Heart of Longtan, the more so. When it is ready to escape, we will take action. !”

Mu Chengshuang said word by word: “You go chase the Heart of Longtan, put it in your bag, and I will stop this Sea King.”

“It can Not an ordinary Sea King!”

Fang Yu was surprised.

According to the breath that this Sea King exudes, the conservativeness is all five-star level.

How about Mu Chengshuang’s Nine Spirits and Wuling, the gap between the two is too big.

“I have some means of pre ing the bottom of the box…In short, there are not many opportunities, you have to grasp it!”

After that, Mu Chengshuang is ready to go.

“Big sister, in my opinion, it’s better than…”

Fang Yu said after being forced to ponder a little.


After listening to Fang Yus suggestions, Mu Chengshuang was a little surprised: “Is this… OK?”

“We are one Hey, they are not… we have a certain chance!”

Fang Yu took a deep breath: “In short, compared to the big sister, you have a lot of opportunities to fight alone.”

The point is that they are forcibly obstructing a sea king like this. God knows if the other party will swallow Mu Cheng twins alive in anger.

In case it is finally revealed that Fang Yu is Yu Fang, I am afraid it is a big question whether he can enter Azure Dragon Academy…

“hehe, still want to go…huh? “

Sea King repeatedly blocked the path of Longtan’s Heart. When he felt that he was stable, his chuckled content suddenly stiffened!

Because Fang Yu and Mu Cheng blocked them one after the other.

The positions of the two are clever, no matter whether it is the Heart of Longtan or the Sea King, there is no room for direct escape.

Seeing this, Hai Wang was extremely angry and laughed back: “What’s wrong, what’s wrong, don’t the boys of Azure Dragon Academy know the immensity of heaven and earth so much? How dare to provoke me so… Arent you afraid of being torn alive by me? Remember the last time I killed more than a dozen of your students in one breath and retired. Your teachers were helple . This incident should be recorded?”

“You, you are Ao Ba?”

hearing this, Mu Chengshuang complexion changed.

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