“Ao Ba?”

Fang Yu was taken aback.

“Why? You don’t even know the wanted list of the fourth house?”

Mu Chengshuang was a little speechle .

Does Fang Yu know that he is so stunned and disrupts the atmosphere, okay?

“I said, I have been recuperating for many days…”

Fang Yu answered calmly.

This excuse that can be called a panacea should not be used in vain.

“You…well! The Four Houses Wanted List is a list jointly organized by the four major academies. Among them, it is divided into Azure Dragon Wanted List, Vermilion Bird Wanted List, White Tiger Wanted List There is also the Black Tortoise Wanted List!”

“If the four small wanted lists capture the criminals above, you can get the remuneration marked. However, if the target is the most wanted list of the Fourth House Guy, he is wanted by the four major academies at the same time, so he will get four rewards!”

“Ao Ba, after he became the Sea King, he often attacked martial artists on the sea and coastal areas. Among them There is no shortage of our Azure Dragon Academy, as well as other Academy’s, so it is barely the hanger of the Fourth Academy’s Most Wanted List!”


Mu Chengshuang deliberately Contempt opponents.

“so that’s how it is … its real value is quite a lot!”

Fang Yu couldn’t help but look at Ao Ba more: “I don’t know how to catch it or How many Spirit Stones can you get if you kill them?”

“Spirit Stone? This kind of thing, for a powerful martial artist, is a stone! The Fourth House Wanted List is good, the Academy Wanted List is nothing but theirs The settlement method is all contribution points!”

Speaking of this, Mu Chengshuangs eyes are also bright: “Some things that are not available on the market, as long as you have enough contribution points. , The four major academies will try their best to help you find… Remember, it is the four major academies! The power of one of the four major academies cannot be underestimated. If the four major academies are dispatched together, this is extremely remarkable!”

Fang Yu agreed.

The big four academies can be called huge monsters. If the big four academies work together to do something, it is hard to imagine that they will not be able to do or how.

“hmph… Having said so much, it seems like you can really treat me Ao Ba!”

Ao Ba coldly snorted, said unhappy.

Is it not?

When they say this, it seems like they have been obediently surrender.

“As for the heart of Longtan, mine! Your heart, I want to eat too!”

Ao Ba said viciously.

He is not so greedy of the flesh and blood of Human Race martial artist, but he likes to eat the hearts of powerful creatures!

Demonic beast, martial artist, sea clan!

Therefore, Ao Ba can be described as a fierce reputation.

After all, one criterion of the wanted list of the four houses is the existence of a major threat to the four major academies.

At this point, Ao Ba barely pa ed.


Mu Chengshuang snorted, and immediately started with Fang Yu!

Ao Ba is very strong, she or Fang Yu alone is absolutely impossible to beat Ao Ba.

But if they join forces… there is a certain chance to seize the heart of Longtan, and then escape!


Ao Ba is also somewhat intolerable to this couple.

I don’t even dare to interfere with myself if I don’t have much strength. This is not to put myself in the eyes at all.

When was it so weak that Ao Ba dared to despise himself?

“Spirit martial arts, heavenly serpent nine revolves!”

Mu Chengshuang did not and Ao Ba Beep Lai Lai, he used martial arts as soon as he went up.

This is the most powerful martial arts she has mastered.

Not only is the formidable power amazing, but also continuous. Even people with strength higher than her will inevitably be entangled for a while.

Sure enough, as soon as Mu Chengshuang shot, Ao Ba was embarra ed.

It did not expect that the other party was not even Martial King. The martial arts from the cultivation were so difficult to entangle. They turned into snakes one after another, constantly surrounding and entangled. Ao Ba killed one. Another one, unfortunately its speed is not fast enough, it is one of its few shortcomings, forcibly entangled its footsteps here.

Fang Yu also clicking one’s tongue in wonder!

He saw the horror of the top three in the Hidden Dragon List!

Mu Chengshuang’s battle strength is not at all inferior to the general Martial King. It is estimated that the Martial King and his like are the black demon, who can fight against each other!

“The innate talent of this little girl is really…horrible!”

Fang Yu pondered a little, and summed up Mu with a phrase that I didnt know where he had read it. In pairs.


The heart of Longtan doesn’t matter so much, it’s rare for someone to do it. Doesn’t it take the opportunity to run away, and will it stay and wait to be caught?

It’s not so stupid!

“Want to go?”

Fang Yu also did not give Longtan Heart a chance to go.

He is bound to get this thing.

Although I am a little sorry for Mu Chengshuang and the others, he is in urgent need of strength now and owes Mu Chengshuang and them. When he enters Azure Dragon Academy, he will compensate one by one!


The heart of Longtan felt the fear of unfathomable mystery!

It is different from the general Longtan Heart, it can clearly feel the threat from Fang Yu!


Fang Yu felt that he smiled like a strange scorpion.

Actually, as long as he is close enough to the Heart of Longtan, he can directly hand in the task.

When the task is handed in, the super slaughter system will directly take away the Heart of Longtan with an incredible power. When the time comes, there is nothing to do with Fang Yu.

As Fang Yu approaches, the danger of Longtan Heart becomes stronger.

Suddenly, the Heart of Longtan burst out rays of light without warning.

After that, it flashed away like a meteor!


All the people present were dumbfounded.

Whether it is Fang Yu, Mu Chengshuang, or Ao Ba, I never expected that Longtan Heart could escape like this.

“Yu Fang, go after him! I will stop him!”

Mu Chengshuang said hurriedly.

If the heart of Longtan escapes, the fun will be great!

“fuck off!”

Ao Ba is also on fire.

It took Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers to sneak in here, if it comes back empty-handed, it will be embarra ing!

This kind of thing, it is not allowed to happen!

“Don’t think about it!”

Mu Chengshuang struggled to support him.

If a Five Star Sea King resists with all his might, even if Mu Cheng Shuang Tian Zong genius, it will be very difficult to get good.

With the helpless current situation, Mu Chengshuang is also in a dilemma.

You can only rely on Fang Yu!

Fang Yu also had a cold sweat.

Who would have thought that the Heart of Longtan was so cunning, and had a hand!

If things are allowed to go on, the consequences may be disastrous!

“Leave it to me!”

Fang Yu tried his best to urge Long Tengshu.

There is a mist lingering under his feet, as if walking forward with flying dragons.

The Heart of Longtan has been running away, Fang Yu has been chasing, you chased me, the distance between the two sides has gradually narrowed.

“Oh? It’s the shelter of Longtan’s heart here that has gradually weakened…”

Fang Yu looking thoughtful.

On this point, Mu Chengshuang has said that it is one of the conditions they can use.

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