“Brother Yu Fang, its been a long time since you came to the Academy. Do you really think its a coincidence that you can become one of the half? They all have the means of pre ing the bottom of the box. These Far from being the elite of the Sea Clan, its no problem to deal with one or two.”

Zhu Yan grinned: “Besides, I really cant handle it. Can we really stand by?”


Fang Yu is slightly nodded, relax.

In this regard, Mu Chengshuang couldn’t help but look at Fang Yu more.

Although Fang Yus concerns are a bit ridiculous, from another perspective, Fang Yu is indeed value emotion, value friendship.

Will not disregard the life and death of companions for a little benefit.

Although they are not familiar with each other, they are also Azure Dragon Academy students. If you cant save you from death, then you are in danger. Who will save you? Who will save you?

For such a person, no matter how terrifying the innate talent, Mu Chengshuang despise him.

The biggest reason why Mu Chengshuang admires Han Yang is that Han Yang never abandons or gives up his companions.

For the sake of his companions, Han Yang can even sacrifice his huge interests.

This is what Mu Chengshuang admires most.


Martial artist and sea clan fight at close quarters.

For a time, it was the martial artist who had the upper hand!

Just as Mu Chengshuang team inferred, Liu Qingting’s poor character does not mean that his strength is not good, and the people present are Heaven’s Chosen Child who is more than half of Azure Dragon Academy.

It should be noted that even in the four major academies, more than half of the people still cannot cross the barrier of Spirit Sect.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that all those present are the elites of Azure Dragon Academy.

It’s weird to be able to negotiate with such a martial artist.

The brindle prawn frowned.

It absolutely didn’t expect the enemy to prick so hard, so difficult to deal with!

“Damn…to catch brigands, first catch their king! Take this kid first!”

After thinking about it, it directly killed Liu Qingting.


How can Liu Qingting not think of the other side’s thoughts, coldly snorted, with five fingers forming a fist, killing the mottled shrimp!

“hong long!”

Liu Qingting fisted away, and the mottled sea prawns directly resisted with the fleshy body, making a loud noise.

For Demonic beast, the ontology can be described as a killing move.

In fact, the same is true for the sea people.

Marine tribes such as sea prawns and crabs have their own hard shells. This shell will increase with their cultivation base and become stronger. It is called Divine Weapon.

It can be said that if the opponent breaks their defense easily, they also don’t need to play. The best way is to go home quickly.

However, after the roar, Liu Qingting stepped back again and again, showing an astonished expre ion!

He couldn’t even shake the opponent.

“Hey! I thought how much ability you have…Go to hell!”

I tried out Liu Qingting’s deep and shallow mottled sea prawns and killed them rashly.

It is coming so aggre ively, every move is a killer move, there is no meaning to show mercy at all!

Liu Qingting is embarra ed, and he will fight back!

The key to dealing with the Sea Clan is whether it can break the opponent’s defense.

If it cannot be broken, then this battle will be very difficult.

Therefore, he must fight back and retreat.

Of course, the Sea Race knows the martial artist’s routine.

Especially the experienced marine species like mottled sea prawns.

How can it be easy to be experienced without dying.

It sees that Liu Qingting has no way to do anything to himself for the time being, so he cannot give up!

As long as it catches up, it can kill Liu Qingting completely unprepared, and even put him to death!

“Although the taste of a male martial artist is so-so, but his cultivation base is acceptable, there should be a different taste!”

The mottled sea prawn licked the corners of his lips, and the impatient is about to Taste the taste of Liu Qingting.

Liu Qingting has been chased, and there is no chance to breathe.

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

If this continues, it is estimated that the top ten of the Hidden Dragon List will die here.

I have to say that the level of competition in Azure Dragon Academy is really fierce!

If Liu Qingting can kill this mottled sea prawn of Wu Spirit level, he is bound to become famous, and he will seize the heart of Longtan instead of taking the lead.

After all, if they choose to drive the wolf away, they are suspected of giving way.

They bet that Liu Qingting and the others can’t win these sea races, and then save these Academy friends before they are killed.

Another wave of popularity and annihilation of the sea clan, one move, two gains.

However, if Liu Qingting was killed when they couldn’t survive their rescue, the joke would be a big deal!

“Go and help Liu Qingting, we will chase after him!”

Mu Chengshuang said to Fang Yu.


Fang Yu was taken aback.

He didn’t expect Mu Chengshuang to call his name.

You must know that Fang Yu is not even Wu Ling. Mu Chengshuang chose to bring Shang Yu instead of her little friends. Is there really nothing wrong with this?

“Your martial arts is very fast, and if you cooperate with me, you can intercept the Heart of Longtan…Here, although it occupies the right time and place, people and people are on our side! This place is always Most of them are martial artists of Azure Dragon Academy. When the time comes, someone really came, and at the worst, its just a piece of the pie.”

Mu Chengshuang said generously.

Yes, she never thought about eating alone, otherwise she wouldn’t be recruited.

However, their team must occupy the bulk.

Otherwise, this trip won’t make much sense.

Currently, there are only a few people such as Liu Qingting and Liu Ling who are in competition with them. The rest is not a concern.

I really met, and I dismi ed some benefits.

Mu Chengshuang is also familiar with such things.

Fang Yu clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

Sure enough, few of these Azure Dragon Academy Hidden Dragon List members are simple characters. In comparison, Feng Yaoguang, Mo Ling, and the others’ beauty and innate talent are not inferior to them, but There is too much difference in experience.

It’s really up, and it will inevitably suffer a big lo .

“Catch up!”

Not long after, Mu Chengshuang’s eyes lit up and he signaled Fang Yu to pay attention.

The heart of Longtan is swaying slowly at the location of hundreds of meters ahead.

Obviously, it was aware of some nearby situations and deliberately let Fang Yu and the others beat them to death.


Suddenly, when Mu Chengshuang was preparing to act, Fang Yu stopped her.

Because the dragon soul has i ued a warning unpreparedly!

“Boy, something is coming…very powerful! It is definitely from Martial King Level!”

The Dragon Soul said quickly.

“Martial King Level? Didn’t it mean that someone managed the relationship and asked to be above the Martial King this time, to give way?”

Fang Yu was stunned.

“But it’s not Human Race, it’s not the martial artist of Azure Dragon Academy, but the sea clan!”

Dragon Soul said anxiously: “It looks like the bloodline is not weak. What about the Sea Clan… I am afraid it has something to do with the Dragon Race in the sea.”


Fang Yu’s expre ion became serious.

For Demonic beasts and sea clan, bloodline is undoubtedly equal to the upper limit and equal to battle strength.

A sea clan who may have Dragon Race bloodline, or Martial King cultivation base, is really not a simple character.

Maybe he and Mu Chengshuang together are not its opponents, it is better to be careful.

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