The relationship between Azure Dragon Academy and Sea Race is very bad, and they often fight.

However, most of the time, it is a small fight, and even human life will not be lost.

However, once a life is lost, it is often a major event. When the time comes, the elders of both sides will end.

This is exactly the case. In Azure Dragon Academy, as long as you are not an old student, you will pay special attention to the various matters of fighting with the sea clan.

As for the sea clan, they believe that powerhouse is respected even more, unless the bloodline noble sea clan is killed, otherwise the sea clan is dead, they don’t care much.

Powerhouse is born and the weak die. Isnt this as it should be by rights?

On the contrary, it is these Human Race martial artists who are so busy calling their teachers for revenge when they die, and they just feel disgusted!

However, it has to be said that the tempered body of the martial artist is indeed delicious in the eyes of the sea tribe or the Demonic beast, and has nourishing effects, just like the martial artist and the demonic beast are to the human martial artist.

Therefore, if a human martial artist is found during an action, the Sea Race will often choose to take action to see if they can have a full meal.

Now, Liu Qingting and the others, who are about to approach this area, have become the targeted target!

“Hehe, everyone, I did not expect that we were lucky enough to meet the heart of Longtan who fled…If we can get this thing, everyones credit is indispensable!”

Liu Qingting laughed Then, said to the friends around him.

Everyone has the same eyes!

The value of the Heart of Longtan can be imagined.

Even if it’s just a piece of the pie, the benefits are enough to make people eye-catching and exciting!

Be aware that soon it will be time for New Student Enrollment.

These people will soon change from freshmen to old ones, and the Hidden Dragon List will automatically change hands except for the top ten.

Without the benefits of Hidden Dragon List, it will undoubtedly be a bit difficult to cultivation quickly in the future.

I may not advance or retreat.

In short, prepare more, absolutely!

“ga ga, just you little boys?”

Suddenly, a faint smile sounded.

Everyone was heart shivered with cold, and after looking at it, it turned out that the sea clan one after another came out!

One, two, three… There are dozens of them!

Fang Yu observed in secret.

Except for the ten or so sea people who take the lead, the rest are little brothers.

However, they are better than the number!

In addition to Liu Qingtings entire group, except for Liu Qingting, most of the remaining are one-star or two-star martial arts, and its hard to say whether you can gain the upper hand in battle with these menacing sea races!

Although the addition of Mu Chengshuang’s team is a sure profit, but Mu Chengshuang is impossible to cooperate with Liu Qingting, Fang Yu is even more impossible, so sitting idly by and reaping the benefits of the fishermen is undoubtedly the best result Up.

“Sea Clan? I don’t know what level of bloodline you are.”

Liu Qingting asked calmly.

The sea people are mainly distinguished by bloodline.

The stronger the bloodline, the higher the achievement of the sea clan.

But unlike the Demonic beast, the sea clan is here in the ocean, and the cultivation speed is extremely fast!

It is several multiples of Demonic beast.

Because the sea itself contains a huge amount of Spiritual Qi, the sea people cultivation in the sea, naturally like a fish back in water.

However, the biggest weakness of the Sea Race is that they cannot do without water!

Once you leave the water for too long, you will dry up and die.

Demonic beast is not the case.

However, if the sea clans bloodline is noble, or the cultivation base is high, it can gradually make up for this weakness.

Cultivation is originally to walk the heavens-defying road.

While strengthening yourself, make up for your weakness step by step.

Sanctification has basically made up the weaknesses, extraordinary and refined, so it is called sanctification.

Of course, here is Martial Dao sanctification.

Among the many methods of sanctification, only Martial Dao sanctification is the most comprehensive.

If it is the sanctification of Blade Technique, Sword Technique, Boxing Technique, etc., it can only be a transformation in attack, an increase in formidable power, and although it is helpful to make up for its own shortcomings, it is of limited help.

If you achieve the Martial Emperor, then you can be called a perfect body, and your weaknesses are complemented.

However, there is no weakness. This is relatively speaking. If a high-order Martial Emperor is dealing with a low-order Martial Emperor, you can still see the opponent’s weak spot with no difficulty.

In short, the cultivation of World’s All Living Things, different routes to the same destination!

This point is quite different from the Profound Sky World.

“The cultivation system of the Profound Sky world is still a bit weak, focusing on the way of attack, so it seems that the cultivation system of Myriad Spirits Continent is still advanced in the world of Profound Sky for many years…”

Fang Yu thought secretly.

As he was meditating, Liu Qingting and the others were already in a position with the Sea Clan.

“Are you the sea people who sneaked into this place? You can hide from the teacher’s survey, you have some ability.”

Liu Qingting said calm and composed.

“Bah! Where are you from the wild boy? This Uncle is naturally a capable person, which is for you to say? On the contrary, you…hehe, there are many women! I like eating women the most The martial artist, soft skin and tender meat, is simply an item of great nourishment!”

The sea clan who took the lead snorted and looked at the female students of Azure Dragon Academy in a fanciful manner.

He has tasted the taste of martial artist.

I’m just a female student of Azure Dragon Academy, but I have never tried it.

Because Azure Dragon Academy protects the calf very much!

Once they kill their people, their commander will soon come. Although their sea clan is not weak, they still have to be slaughtered in the face of the powerhouse at the commander level of Azure Dragon Academy.

When I saw this, the disciplines of Azure Dragon Academy showed disgust and even a little fear, but no one retreated.

They are led by Liu Qingting, the top ten of the Hidden Dragon List, trifling the sea clan, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Liu Qingting secretly looked at the opposite sea clan, a e ing the opponent’s strength.

This is a huge sea prawn, the whole body is like iron armor, and the mottled lines show that it is definitely not a fledgling marine clan, but has experienced many battles.

It has experienced a lot of battles with the sea clan and the martial artist!

“Not good…”

Liu Qingting thought so, but he was not prepared to retreat.

The reason is very simple. Since it’s here, there is absolutely no saying that it is empty-handed.


The striped sea prawns didn’t give Liu Qingting and the others time to think, so they raised their arms and rushed forward!

It is too clear about the wisdom of the Human Race martial artist, and it gives them time to think about it, and may really figure out how to deal with it.

Therefore, it is better to start first, and then you suffer!

“Don’t be afraid, follow me!”

Liu Qingting took a deep breath and also led people to fight against each other.

If you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. In this case, if you dont advance, you will retreat. Naturally, you have to brave the enemy.

“Are it really okay for us to watch?”

Fang Yuchi questioned.

He just feels that if Liu Qingting and the others suffer too many deaths and injuries, their responsibility is also not small.

After all, they are some suspects of devouring tigers. They have been found out, but some are not clear.

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