“Yes, yes, if the king achieves the position of Monster Sovereign, he still needs to be afraid of Azure Dragon Academy? We will definitely be able to occupy ten and eight islands!”

Another voice flattering said with a smile.

“Yes, if it wasn’t for the great king who was seriously injured and could not recover after many years, where would it be Azure Dragon Academy’s little ghosts to show off one’s military strength!”

“Kill, kill, kill ! Both men and women are killed and stewed!”

“Steamed and delicious! Braised is also good!”

After a round of dialogue, Fang You and the others just feel have one’s hair stand on end!

“It’s the sea clan…”

Mu Chengshuang said softly.

Then I felt a little headache again: “Isn’t there a high-level survey? Why did the sea clan come in!”

“Sea clan?”

Although Fang Yu knew about the existence of the Sea Clan and other related things, he still couldn’t help being shocked and shocked when he said that the Sea Clan had appeared and was still by his side!

“Well…the seabed is connected here, don’t you know?”

Mu Chengshuang asked.

“I really dont know… Senior Sister, as I said, Im a little transparent. If its not for pa ing by today and making a lot of noise, Im not a martial artist. The guy who is not covered by anyone, do you think you are qualified to chase the heart of Longtan?”

Fang Yu helple ly said with a smile.

Mu Chengshuang is slightly nodded.

It is true, even if it is not written in black and white, as long as you are not a fool, you know that the heart of Longtan born this time is not bad in grade, and almost all attracted are above the martial arts.

Even guys who don’t even have a Wuling cultivation base are here. Not only may they get nothing, but there is also a chance to go back with an injury, which is not worth it.

Fang Yu is really a strange thing.

After all, other people have at least relatives and friends with them. Fang Yu’s one man one blade is here, and he is not so courageous!

“Longtan is like a huge lotus root. The bottom of it is directly connected to the sea. It can only be said that the land of Longtan is more like a huge Spiritual Artifact, but it is naturally cultivated and forged by nature. Its not from the Artifact Refining Grandmaster.”

“This kind of thing, this kind of place, for the Sea Clan, is a battleground for soldiers! But back then, the first dean of Azure Dragon Academy, The power is no different at the moment. Not only did it defeat the invading sea race, but also negotiated with the dominating Dragon Race, and succe fully included this item in the property category of our Azure Dragon Academy.”

“But, just like What I just said is the same, such a natural Supreme Treasure is impossible and closed, so occasionally there will be daring sea races to commit, but we all regard it as the object of practice, kill it as seafood and eat it! “

Mu Chengshuang said.

“Eat it as seafood? So cruel!”

Fang Yu was surprised.

When he was in the Profound Sky world, he lived inland, quite far away from the sea.

Although Skydome City is not far away from the sea, Fang Yu’s predece or, the owner of this body, is bullied in daily life, so why do you even talk about traveling far away?

“Well, its nothing strange. The main body of the Sea Race is refined seafood, such as giant crabs and lobsters. They are all edible, and they are very nourishing. Demonic beasts are similar, because the Sea Clan and Sea Beast are actually close to Demonic beasts. Similarly, for them, the flesh and blood of our martial artist is also a tonic. Some of them like to eat men and think mens. The blood energy is strong. After eating it, it has many benefits for the body. Some people like to eat women and feel that the flesh and blood of women are more tender and delicious.”

Mu Chengshuang said calmly: ” All in all, if you really meet the Sea Clan, dont have any psychological burdens and just fight for a fight. If you show mercy, I dare say that you are unhappy, bring about one’s own destruction, which is very nothing. Nece ary things.”

“so that’s how it is!”

Fang Yu slightly nodded: “Then we are going to fight them now?”


Mu Chengshuang refused: “Although the Sea Clan is arrogant, they are not stupid! They invade here with such a big fanfare, they must have great confidence. We met force with them. with force, there will be no benefit…”

“Liu Qingting and the others are right here, we will gorge the tiger and let them fight first!”

Mu Cheng Both sneered.

“In case of life…”

Fang Yu hesitated.

He has no feelings for Liu Qingting, but he is also a student of Azure Dragon Academy, so its not good to deliberately cheat them.

In case the teacher of Azure Dragon Academy knows, even characters like Mu Chengshuang can’t eat it.

“Don’t worry.”

Mu Chengshuang shook the head and said: “Lets not say that Liu Qingting is not weak in strength, and he is good at calculating carefully. Xiao Boda, it is impossible to get yourself into real danger. The danger will definitely be some danger, but absolute death can’t.”

“As for the people who follow Liu Qingting, Liu Qingting just wins over others with one mouth. For his own use, if he cant save his followers, he would have a huge impact on his reputation. This is the practice of cutting off his own arm. He will not just watch things develop to this point, but The heart of Longtan is right in front of you. You tell Liu Qingting to do nothing. Is it po ible? impossible!”

Mu Chengshuang knows several of his opponents clearly and talks freely. Below, Fang Yu was nodded again and again.

“Since your big sister has an idea, just do what you said the big sister.”

Fang Yu said.

“hmph… How to follow your tone, it seems that if my ideas are not in line with yours, or cannot convince you, then I can’t do it? Are you the bo , or am I the bo ? “

Mu Chengshuang’s reaction to Fang Yu was a little uncomfortable, he couldn’t help but say.

“Of course it is the big sister, you are the bo .”

Fang Yu said with a smile.

Anyway, say good things and dont need money. As long as you can finally get the heart of Longtan, Fang Yu doesnt care to say more.

Because Fang Yu actually lacks a chance to approach the Heart of Longtan, once he can forcefully succeed, the rest is the matter of the super slaughter system.

He has seen the ability of the super slaughter system.

Even if this is the Heart of Longtan, or even the special Heart of Longtan, I guess it will not be an exception.

The Sea Clan continues to pursue the heart of Longtan.

The breath of the sea race is close to the sea and is located in the water. If you are not sensitive people, you might just treat them as flowing sea water without any doubt.

“Huh? Be careful, there is the smell of martial artist in front of me. I guess it is a kid of Azure Dragon Academy! Haha, it’s really only to return and find it easily, this time has a good fortune!”

Suddenly, a huge sea clan walking in front of him showed a frenetic expre ion while he stopped.

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