For Fang Yu’s casual explanation, Mu Chengshuang and the others definitely don’t believe it.

Do they look so foolish?

Do they really believe what Fang Yu said casually?

If this is the case, they are absolutely impossible to get to where they are today.

However, now that Fang Yu says they are all their temporary members, many things are seen through but not said. If Fang Yu does not want to say, they will also not force Fang Yu.





Mu The twin teams broke through the wind, following the escaped Longtan Heart far away.

Not long after, Fang Yu discovered that something was wrong.

No matter how they chase them, it is always difficult to get closer to the heart of Longtan, as if there is something preventing them from approaching!

“The heart of Longtan is born by nature, ble ed by heaven, in the land of Longtan, like in the arms of mother, it is difficult for us to deal with it… so I feel there is some faintly discernable power It is very normal to stop us.”

Mu Chengshuang saw Fang Yu’s doubts and said.

“Then it is almost impossible to obtain the Heart of Longtan here?”

Fang Yu asked in surprise.

“The truth is so…but, the truth is the truth, the reality is the reality!”

Mu Chengshuang slightly smiled: “But I said before, the heart of Longtan. Heaven and Earth Spirit Object, if it can survive the test of time, it is very likely to become an independent individual…Do you understand the meaning of these words?”

Fang Yu suddenly realized: “Independent individual , Then it has little to do with the land of Longtan, even if it was born here, but what is an elegant and graceful land is not real living things, living people! They have spirituality, but they are not things of wisdom!”

“Yes, so we just need to hang it. Sooner or later, it will lose the shelter of Longtan. When the time comes, we will take it in one fell swoop.”

Mu Chengshuang Said confidently.

Although the deduction of the great character of Azure Dragon list, people care about it.

After all, doing things like wedding clothes for others, if anyone listens to it, they will not feel comfortable in their heart, and they will hesitate.

However, Mu Chengshuang does not believe in this evil!

“Everything is dictated by strength! If the three masters came, would you still make wedding clothes for others?”

Mu Chengshuang secretly thought.

Fang Yu observed Mu Chengshuang and stroked his chin.

Unexpectedly, Mu Chengshuang, in front of Han Yuan and behind Han Yuan, showed completely different Mu Chengshuang!

Mu Chengshuang in front of Han Li, unearthly, a full-fledged little girl.

Behind the scenes, there is a big sister who dares to behave. It is so different from imagination.

“No wonder Han Li Senior Sister gave her such a high evaluation…”

Fang Yu somewhat understood Han Lis attitude towards Mu Chengshuang.

Actually, at that time, when you think about it carefully, you can know that if Mu Chengshuang really looked so spoiled and domineering, Han Li would impossible to give her too much good face and care.

Han Yangzun is one of the three great masters, and the Emperor Wu can expect to live without paying too much attention to the eyes of others.

For example, the forces behind Mu Chengshuang, most people should be afraid of them.

But does Han Yang need it?

As long as she is willing to sign an agreement to stay in Azure Dragon Academy in advance, then the entire Azure Dragon Academy will be her backer, and when she grows up, she will be another leader of Azure Dragon Academy.

Therefore, Han Yans attitude towards Mu Chengshuang can only be due to the fact that there is a reason, or that Mu Chengshuang has a shining point that makes Han Yan admire.

“Yu Fang, why are you staring at me like this?”

Mu Chengshuang felt Fang Yu’s gaze and asked vigilantly.

Can she say that she has always had an inexplicable weirdness to Fang Yu?

It feels like I should beat Fang Yu first regardless of the actual situation before talking about other things.

But she only met Fang Yu on the first day!

Before this, she had nothing to do with Fang Yu and was not involved in any way, so why beat Fang Yu?

It’s weird!

“Big sister, you look good.”

Fang Yu smiled: “Men always like to look at beautiful women, don’t they?”

” Hey! Foolish words! If you think about climbing the big sister’s head like this, you are wrong! With this kind of guy approaching the big sister’s head, we have killed more than ten or eight in a year!”

Bai Yun smacked his lips and said.

She this remark is mostly a joke.

To be honest, people who really have good innate talents in cultivation dont have much time to think about the personal relationships between men and women.

Normally, the sooner the cultivation of martial artist, the better!

When I was young, perception had various aspects, which can be described as flourishing and full-blown.

If they dont seize the opportunity well, then why do they come to Azure Dragon Academy?

Isn’t it elated to go home and inherit the family busine ?

Just working hard in Azure Dragon Academy, the future achievements may be even higher.

This is what Duobao Martial King means to let Feng Yaoguang come here.

Always staying in the Treasure Building, Feng Yaoguang should also be able to become a Martial King, but Emperor Wu… is difficult!

If you were tempering in Azure Dragon Academy, Feng Yaoguang would be Martial King when Feng Yaoguang left a few years later.

The Emperor Wu can expect!


Thinking about it, Fang Yu’s expre ion suddenly moved.

“Fang Yu, there is a hidden path ahead, it is a shortcut…Go here, you can go around and catch up with the heart of Longtan!”

Dragon Soul said hurriedly.

“Oh? There are shortcuts you can find? Why is the Heart of Longtan not aware of it?”

Fang Yu asked.

“It has a huge spirituality, but it lacks wisdom. When its wisdom gradually solidifies, the land of Longtan will not have too much care for it. This is what this little girl said. The same…”

The Dragon Soul said slowly.

“Big sister, there is a small road ahead, we go straight through, we can go around to the front of the heart of Longtan!”

Fang Yu reminded.

“Oh? You can find it all?”

Mu Chengshuang startled.

Then they checked carefully and found a path entrance.

Fang Yu was unperturbed, and directly replied: “I have an ancestral…”

“Is there an ancestral induction method?”

Mu Cheng has strange eyes Pick up.

“Oh? I didn’t expect you to know the big sister…”

Fang Yu was taken aback for a moment, as if it was so.

Mu Chengshuang gave Fang Yu a big eye, ignored this weird kid, and directly led the team around the path to intercept the heart of Longtan.

However, before they came out of the trail, Mu Chengshuang took the lead to stop Fang Yu and the others, asking them to wait quietly.

Soon, a strange voice melodiously came: “Hehe, I didnt expect the Heart of Longtan to be born. According to rumors, this Heart of Longtan is not simple and po e es Great Destiny. It came into being, and has a certain chance to become a Holy Spirit…but unfortunately, it has no such opportunity. It is destined to become the birthday gift of our king and help us to restore the peak!”

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