Of course, they will spare no effort to support what Mu Chengshuang wants to do.

Who made Mu Chengshuang their bo ?

Of course Im attacking Martial King, the problem is not big, but what about you?

Mu Chengshuang directly gave them a cold eye: You attacked Martial King, do you have the same confidence? Exactly, solemnly vowed?”

“Ah, this…”

Bai Dandan, Bai Yun, Zhu Yan, and Hou Tao all have some not knowing what to do.

Dare Mu Chengshuang do this for them?

“Otherwise, what do you think? Yes, whether it is my own strength or background, Martial King is no problem for me, Mu Chengshuang, but you are not from my family, but I belong to Mu Chengshuang. Companion, I will naturally seek benefits for you in my own way.”

Mu Chengshuang said in an angry tone.

“Bo …”

Bai Yun and Bai Dandan were moved.

Although they are said to be Mu Chengshuang’s bestie sisters, they are actually mainly Mu Chengshuang.

She is the big sister.

Now Mu Chengshuang reveals the true feelings, and they say it is fake if they are not moved.

It’s not just them, but also Zhu Yan and Hou Tao.

Mu Chengshuang is impulsive, but he is righteous. There is really nothing to say about this.

Fang Yu also clicked one’s tongue in wonder.

Mu Chengshuang is also not without merit.

“Okay, okay, these sensational words can be saved, now the important thing is to find the heart of Longtan… I don’t believe that this thing really has an owner!”

< p> Mu Chengshuang said seriously.

“What is the heart of Longtan actually? Can several Senior Senior Sisters tell me?”

Fang Yu asked.

“Oh? You don’t even know what the heart of Longtan is?”

Mu Chengshuang looked up at Xiaoyu, a little curious.

Longtan is one of the most famous things in Azure Dragon Academy. It can be said that the discipline of Azure Dragon Academy is impossible to know about Longtan.

At the same time, if you know Longtan, it is impossible to know the heart of Longtan!

In that case, what happened to Fang Yu?

“cough cough…this is the way it is! After I enrolled in school, I was sick for a period of time, and I have been taking leave to recuperate. This is how my cultivation base has fallen!”

Fang Yuqing Cough a few times, said with a wry smile.

“so that’s how it is!”

Everyone didn’t doubt Fang Yu.

Because every selection has a discipline. In order to increase the success rate, some forbidden technique or ban is used!

Of course this kind of thing is not allowed on the surface.

But I cant stand someone and take risks!

Over the years, some people have even developed some methods that will never show their feet in a short period of time.

However, not showing up in a short period of time does not mean that everything has been fine.

It is often after enrolling in school before it gradually surfaced.

Is this kind of practice good or bad?

Just because some people turned out to be good, some people turned out to be bad.

So how to judge good or bad?

Especially Fang Yu looks pretty good now, it can only be said that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

“No wonder you dont know the Heart of Longtan…Although the Heart of Longtan has a level divided into high and low, but in the past year, there have been no less than one hand, that is, the previous grade is not high , There is not much value.”

When Mu Chengshuang suddenly realized, what is the heart of Longtan by Yu Kepu!

Although he has a vague concept about the heart of Longtan, Mu Chengshuang has obviously done his homework with this thing, and he explained it clearly in a few words.

“In short, you can regard the heart of Longtan as a derivative of Longtan spirituality, but it is extremely dependent on Longtan. If you leave Longtan for a long time, it will collapse and return to between Heaven and Earth.”

“Of course, there is also a saying that if the heart of Longtan survives the test of between Heaven and Earth, it can be transformed into a Holy Spirit.”

“Actually, the Holy Spirit said , There are in many spiritual objects. However, there are very few that can be transformed into Holy Spirit. Anyway, you dont need to care much.”


Mu Chengshuang introduced as he walked, he just opened Fang Yu’s vision!

“Unexpectedly, Mu Chengshuang knew so much about Azure Dragon Academy. No wonder Han Yu Senior Sister asked us to have a good relationship with Mu Chengshuang if po ible!”

Fang Yuruo Something.

“According to the clues we have, Longtan mostly wandered between No.169 and No.288 Longtan.”

Mu Cheng returned to the subject.

“No. 169 to No. 288?”

Fang Yu was shocked.

“Well…Don’t tell me, you know very little about Long Tan, right?”

Mu Chengshuang asked suspiciously.

“Of course not, but its true that there is not much to do. I am not even a martial arts spirit. It is not easy to live a good life in the Academy. A good Longtan is completely out of reach. Me.”

Fang Yu spread his hands and said.

Although Fang Yu has limited knowledge of Longtan, according to Han Yuan’s statement and normal inference, the place where the heart of Longtan can be born is definitely the place where Spiritual Qi is extremely rich.

This kind of place is definitely a must-see for Academy powerhouse, how can it be the turn of ordinary students to enjoy it.

“This is also the truth…Huh?”

Mu Chengshuang just finished speaking, his expre ion suddenly stagnated!

Because there is a bright rays of light dangling in front.

“You guys, did you see…”

Mu Chengshuang quickly turned his head and asked.

“Yes, yes, yes!”

Everyone was nodded again and again.

They are not blind, how could they have not seen such a big rays of light just now!

“It is the heart of Longtan…chasing!”

Mu Chengshuang rushed up!

Everyone is not long-winded, catching up.

Fang Yu didn’t dare to neglect, so he ran after him.


Mu Chengshuang glanced at Fang Yu nearby, revealing an unexpected expre ion.

Among them, Mu Chengshuang has the highest cultivation base and the fastest speed. Normally, Hou Tao is next, Bai Dandan, Baiyun sisters, and Zhu Yan last.

Zhu Yan is not really slow, but he is accustomed to breaking the team, so he tends to converge.

However, it is not Hou Tao, Baiyun Baidandan, or even Zhu Yan who is following Mu Chengshuang now, but Fang Yu!

Fang Yu who is not even Wu Ling!


At this time, Baiyun Baidandan and the others also realized that the situation was wrong.

If Fang Yu’s innate talent for swordsmanship is outstanding, no less than the swordsman Zhu Yan, then his speed is so fast now… how to explain?

“This can be explained by me. My ancestors pa ed on a method of body and magic…”

Fang Yu is not a fool, and naturally understands where the problem is. Round field.

In fact, this is Fang Yu’s misconsideration.

Fang Yu instinctively used the Dragon Surgery.

He absolutely didn’t expect the speed of the Dragon Rising Technique so fast, even though there was a distance from him during the sudden enlightenment, but he placed it on Mu Chengshuang and other newcomers of Azure Dragon Academy, he still hung casually, unconsciously Just pretended to be a force and slapped these Senior Senior Sisters in the face.

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